Chapter 114 The Doll And The Coward

"Are you okay?" 

I sat up immediately with his assistance and I proceeded to look around frantically.

"Look at me." He held my jaw firmly but not enough to hurt, and made me look at him. I stared straight into his black eyes with my frantic ones and only then did I begin to calm down. It was just him after all. I was safe. I was not at some old creepy house with an even more creepy lady with strange feet.

"You're okay and you're safe." He assured me. 

I opened my mouth to talk, but not a word came out, so I just nodded. 

"You're safe with me. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." He assured, caressing my cheek with his thumb, and I nodded once again. 

"I'm guessing it was a dream." 

"It was a nightmare." I swallowed.