Chapter 115 Tsamikans

For me, everything was different. It had been just five days since Zina manipulated my dreams, and I knew that I wasn't the same. I was different. 

Sometimes it felt like my mind wasn't mine, like there was a foreign presence in it. 

I usually wondered if this was Sapphire's punishment. 

"Seraphina?" My head snapped up from my barely touched plate of food, and I looked up to be met with everyone staring strangely at me.

"What?" My question was directed at Tara who called me.

"I asked if you're alright." She said.

"Oh. I am." I forced a smile at her, and looked down back at my food, but not before sparing a glance at Adrian who had his gaze on me.

I got asked that question more frequently than ever every day. I was either getting lost in my thoughts or losing focus on things. 

Adrian tried to get me to talk and feel better, but it wasn't working, and I knew that it greatly upset him to see me like that.