Chapter 116 Cruel

Sitting alone in the garden, I pondered over Adrian's words. They gave me a relief. I mean, knowing what I was up against, at least to a certain extent was relieving.

"May I join you?" 

I snapped out of my thoughts at once and my gaze landed on Rufus who was standing before me, and staring expectantly.

"You may." I nodded at him.

He sat down beside me, making sure to leave a responsible distance between us, and that I appreciated.

An uncomfortable silence enveloped us for sometime before he broke it.

"My lady," he started, and out of instinct, an eyebrow of mine lifted in surprise. I couldn't remember the last time he called me that, it was Seraphina all the time.

"Why so formal?" I asked playfully.

"Your husband will be in a better position to answer that. By the way, you look rather well today." He commented.

"Thank you."