Chapter 118 Safe & Complete


He pushed my dress further up my body untill it could go no more, then he released the nipple he had in his mouth, and let his tongue trail down my stomach and along my navel. He only stopped his movement when I tensed up, seeing as he was just a few inches from my vagina.

I stared down at him with wide eyes. When he looked up to meet my gaze, he smirked, and without looking away, he continued his movement, running his tongue slowly down my slit. My breathe hitched, and on instinct, I tried to close me legs, but his hands held my thighs to keep my legs apart.

"What are you doing?" I asked alarmed.

"Relax Sera," he said and smiled reassuringly at me. I almost moaned out at the feeling of his breathe fanning again my vagina as he spoke. I knew what he was about to do, because I read about it in some romance books, and if there was one other thing I knew, it was the fact that the pleasure was going to play with my senses.