Chapter 119 Black Powder

I flung the sword effortlessly, dodging and attacking my opponent. I gave them no breathing space, and I only stopped attacking when they succeeded in getting in a cut. Their sword sliced through my arm, cutting it open. 

The look in the eyes of the vampires changed at once to one of blood thirst once they got a whiff of my blood, and a vampire man even went as far as moving towards me.

"If you come any closer, I'll kill you no joke." I warned with my eyes narrowed at him in a glare, and he halted on his steps. I could see in his eyes the inner battle he was fighting with himself, but I didn't care. As a warrior, he was supposed to have great self control.

I turned to my opponent with a glare on my face.

"Did you have to cut me?" 

"You were distracted Phina," Cinthia shrugged, swinging her sword in her hand expertly.

"I wasn't distracted." 

I defended.