Chapter 124 Imprisoned

I frowned at her.

Swiftly, I moved closer to her and caught a fist full of her hair while my eyes burned hotly into hers as I glared.

"How dare you take on Adrian's look and play with me so?" I gritted out. The top of my stick pressed threateningly underneath her jaw.

Her oddly pink eyes stared at me innocently.

"He asked me to." 

"How do I know that you're not lying?" I pressed the stick harder as my glare turned meaner.

"He knew that you'd be sceptic and feel threatened, so he told me to tell you that sometimes we don't need strength to win a fight, all we need is love." 

My frown deepened.

"He had no time to tell me more, he was in too much pain. He just said that you'd understand." She rushed out.

I did understand. He said that once before, on the night Zina appeared in my dreams. 

I slowly released her, but my stare remained weary. I saw her visibly inhale in relief.

"I don't trust you." 

I spoke.