Chapter 125 Ama

I blinked at her blankly, and she took that as her queue to start talking.

"Can you let go of me first?" 

"With pleasure." I lifted her higher up until she touched the ceiling and slammed her down on the floor. She landed with a thud and then let out a loud cry in pain. 

My movement had been so swift that she hadn't had enough time to react and save herself. My dark side that wanted to hurt people was slowly surfacing.

I almost felt pity for her. Almost. 

She pulled herself up to her feet with a pained groan.

"Shape shifters aren't as strong as werewolves or vampires and the likes, that could have killed me." 

"You must be very fortunate then, you're still alive." I stated dryly.

She rolled her eyes at me as she limped to the bed and sat slowly on it with great difficulty.

"Plus, we don't heal quickly. I hope you're satisfied now."