Chapter 126 The Witch Commander


Cinthia called once I pushed the door to her bedroom open and stepped in. She stood immediately from her bed at the sight of Lala.

Her brows furrowed into a frown and Lala who was too busy staring in awe at the interior of the room didn't seem to notice.

"You're back early." She stated walking up to me.

"Where is Ian, and who is she?" Cinthia turned her stone cold gaze on Lala once again, and this time, Lala acknowledged her with a small awkward smile on her face.

"I am Lala." Lala stretched her hand out for an handshake, it was a bold move on her path. 

Cinthia stared down at her hand with a frown on her face and refusing to take it, while she turned to look at me. Lala brought her hand back down to her side, and from the corner of my eye, I saw her rub her palm which were probably perspirated from the nerves over the side of her skirt.

"What is she doing here?" 

"She got Adrian imprisoned." 

I blurted.