Chapter 127 Sarét

"okay, I've watched enough for today, I'll get going now." I took quick steps forward, brushing past Cinthia, but then the witch commander stood in front of me to block my way yet again. 

"You are not welcome here, you can't go in there." She remained adamant.

"I'm going in. I'd love to see anyone try to stop me though, I promise to give them the most painful and slow death that anyone can get for wasting my time," 

I paused.

"Time," I sucked my teeth.

"A luxury I do not have." I continued, and before she could say anything else, I willed her out of my way, sending her tumbling to the ground somewhere on the far side. I didn't care of course, all I cared about was getting to Cat and Nicholas, so I could tell them how much of a danger we were in.

"Cat!" I called loudly once I stepped into the meeting room where not only she and Nicholas, but every other king and queen was.