Chapter 130 Betrayed

Taking one last deep breathe, I drew my sword from the sheathe and narrowed my gaze at the fierce looking guards that surrounded me.

They didn't look like they weren't in their right state of mind, so I guessed that they willingly served Dakuma.

"How dare you trespass into this territory!?" One of them who I concluded was the leader thundered. The coldness of his voice and the glares they had directed at me together with their sharp looking swords could have made anyone cower in fear but not me.

"Take me to Dakuma." 

I spoke firmly. They shared a swift questioning looks amongst themselves and I guessed they didn't know that their queen's name was Dakuma. 

"Who do you speak of?" One asked. One more thing to confirm my suspicion; only those who Dakuma confirmed trustworthy knew her name.

"Your queen." 

"If you really want to meet her, then you'll have to go unharmed, drop your weapon."