Chapter 131 Mountain Keepers

"I know all your plans and I already have disclosed them silly! Or did you forget?" 

Lala taunted.

"Are you sure?" I grinned widely at her and the look on her face turned to one of unease.

"You see, I never really trusted you." I started.

"I started suspecting you when you mentioned that Zina's real name was Dakuma, no one knows that and you shouldn't have expect she told you, which she did, and that only means one thing; she trusts you, and for her to trust you, you have to swear an oath to forever be loyal to her or lose your life. Telling us her real name was your number one slip up. The second mistake you made was lying about Kane."

Her brows furrowed.

My words were true. I didn't know the whole story behind how Adrian knew her real name, and I wanted do know.

"The presence that followed me back at King Nicholas' castle was not Kane's as you said. Want to know how I know?" 

Not waiting for a reply, I continued.