The five

Staring at the young champion, Ignosi had not been expecting much and he had been right to, his little test had been unfruitful, further proving a theory he had.

"So, does the great hall thinks I'l worthy now?" asked the young champion, in truth there was no such things as the great hall refusing anyone, it was just a room, it had been Ignosi who had been barring the access to it until now.

"You have indeed been found worthy, so let me welcome you among us all, this the great hall, an area made to help the champions by providing all that could be necessary" explained The Ever-Seeking.

"As a fellow champion you may ask me information concerning the five that need to be vanquished or anything else, I am Ignosi, The Ever-Seeking, it is a pleasure" spoke Ignosi in a reassuring tone.

"What might be your name, fresh champion?" he then asked.

"My name is Luc, I don't have any title though" spoke the young man.

"So, what do you mean by the 'five that need to be vanquished'?" asked Luc, curious about these five that sounded very much like the main bosses.

"Five beings, who just like the rest were warped very long ago, granted life without interruption, they have since long gone made but they are still powerful, they spread destruction even further, defeating them shall award one to receive the grace of the will and be found worthy to become its consort" explained Ignosi, not slowing down despite the obvious look of confusion on the idiot he was talking to.

"Mismp, The Brilliant is wasting away in a deep underground cave, at the very bottom of it where no light shines, he was sealed away before our arrival and has been unseen ever since, however I know from reliable source that he is indeed inside of it and very much alive, the cave can easily be found as one of its entrance is wide enough to fit a castle, you probably have already noticed it" he went on about the first one of the five.

"Yiorlt, The Crossbred, an abomination that was born due to the corruption of the world, born from a mass grave where the corpses of various being had been thrown, he is an amalgamation of limbs and flesh that are in a constant state of rot despite Yiorlt still living, he wanders endlessly the black desert, you can not miss him" he then revealed the location of the second of the five.

"Iolidt, Queen Of Scales reside in the palace on the floating island that is at all times stationary in the sky, afflicted by a curse after indulging in an heretical relation with a dragon, she forever and endlessly births scaled creatures, be careful however, as she is not the only one you'll have to face, Varantiz, the snake dragon she indulged with guards her" Ignosi went over the third of the five.

"Qhoui-e, Lady Of The Risen a necromancer who failed to become a lich and is now stuck between life and undeath, the failed attempt severely weakened her but her endless undead army still follows her command, beware for many beings have already fallen before her and subsequently risen again, she can be found in the great temple to the east" he then talked about the fourth of the five.

"And lastly, Moloto, The King Of the Basilisk Flame, nothing but a frail old man result of many generations of incest, he has since lost the last of his sanity, he barely qualifies when compared with the other four, his strength only comes from his sword without it he is nothing but a common man on death's door but you already know that, don't you?" he finished his explanations with a rhetorical question.

Luc was bit taken back by the amount of information he had just been dumped in the face, especially when considering the speed at which Ignosi had spoken, the young champion found himself struggling to understand everything.

"You will certainly want to defeat each of them for the attention of the will, choose well in which order you shall do so and if you should truly attempt them as of now" spoke The Ever-Seeking before turning around and sitting back at his usual seat.

"Would you have any recomendations?" asked Luc, this guy seemed to know just about everything for some reason and he certainly hit him as the wise kind.

"One must find their own answers" once again said the masked man, as he picked a book from the stack that had formed on the table, things he had gathered.

Ever since Luc had arrived here, he had felt like he had been doing quests as if he was in a game despite this place being an actual world, he had ended facing against this crazy old dude, that was apparently called Moloto, simply because someone had approached him and started telling him all about the terrible deeds of this guy.

'So I need to defeat the five main boss and then it's all done? Then I'm allowed to leave?' he wondered, living in a fantasy world certainly sounded good but this place was on the verge of collapse for unknown reason, this world had litteraly stopped funtioning and champions needed to become the consort of the world will to fix it, none of it made sense.

He had been dragged here, given a mission, a few explanations and that was it, he needed to fight against fucking bosses for some reason, he wasn't even certain to be able to go back to his actual world.

And apparently he needed to do that by himself, as if he was an npc, this Ignosi seemed to never move from this place despite being a champion, was he really supposed to fight a snake dragon or whatever by himself?


A long time passed, the young champion attempted to defeat Yiorlt but had failed and was forced to flee the battle, he spent some time growing stronger or grinding as he would have called it and he was soon to attempt again.

He stepped on the black sand and entered The Crossbred's boss arena, the whole desert an everything around it if you couldn't outrun him.

This time instead of his stone club, he had brought a greatsword, Yiorlt skin was soft, thick and bloated, despite the rot he suffered from he was still capable of resisting hits from the stone club as if it was nothing, however, his tissues here easy to slash, his soft bones too would have difficulties resisting this kind of damage.

Luc and Yiorlt, noticed one another when the young champion stepped up on a hill, letting out a piercing, sharp scream that sent a chill throughtout all that heard it, The Crossbred lunged forward, moving his slime-like body using his various crooked limbs.