The crossbred

Yiorlt screamed in a way strangely reminiscent of that of a newborn as he approached Luc at high speed, leaving bits of rotten flesh with each of his movement, every of his many limbs he moved cracked loudly but never truly broke.

Jumping up in the air toward Luc, The Crossbred puke a green viscous liquid in multiple directions, Luc avoided it by running forward, making Yiorlt land behind him, he then slashed at him and was happy to see his sword cutting through his body with relative ease.

Avoiding the swipe of a clawed limb, Yiorlt contorted seemingly burrowing into the sand for a moment before spinning around while getting out of it, propulsing sand all around him while screaming.

"Aah" The Crossbred let out a sound that seemed devoid of madness for a moment before going back to its unending howls, using the opportunity of the sand he had sent flying all around to run at Luc, attempting to ram into him.

Luc, how had been unfortunate enough the receive sand in his eyes barely had time to block the hoove aiming for his chest with his sword, he was launched away and his sword bended and cracked from the direct hit.

Yiorlt once again charge at him however this time Luc was not distracted and demonstrated something else he had learned since last time, in his left hand a flame flickered and soon a fireball was casted at The Crossbred, burning him and making him scream even louder.

'For one that lives in a desert, he is quite susceptible to heat' thought Luc as he watched Yiorlt flail around for a moment before falling into silence for a short period but once more he yelled and jumped up, much higher than the first time.

From the mass that was his body wings emerged and started flapping, he wouldn't stay in the air very long but enough time to start spraying the area in his acidic puke, making a green rain fall from the sky.

Forcing the champion to run away from the area, sustaining burns from drops of acid.

The Crossbred then crashed to the ground, raising a high amount of sand all around him and when the sand settled down, Yiorlt was nowhere to be seen, Luc went on high alert, looking at the ground all around him, it seemed obvious to him that he had dug himself into the sand.

He focused intensely on the sand all around him, not moving a centimeter from his position and from the side, he saw sand move but not in a way he would have expected, instead of being raised as if something was beneath, it was pushed down as if something was stepping on it.

He slashed at seemingly nothing, revealing Yiorlt as one of his many limbs fell to the ground, the moment his form appeared the screams resumed, Luc backed away.

He certainly hadn't expected this thing to be able to turn invisible, The Crossbred started jumping around circling around Luc, sometime turning invisible in mid air, the invisibily seemed to also cover the sound made by him as everytime he did so, his screams would suddenly stop.

Exhaling to calm himself, Luc stopped trying to follow him by sight and instead stayed immobile, this situation were Yiorlt seemed to do nothing but jump around seemed to last for an eternity but only lasted for a few seconds before The Crossbred jumped at Luc from behind.

Simply bending his back backwards, Luc let gravity do its job as he let Yiorlt jump through the blade of the sword, nearly slicing himself in half before crashing to the ground.

As the champion was about to go in and finish the job for good, The Crossbred let a desperate cry, crying at the sky so loudly that Luc lost his balance as his ears ringed, the scream overpowered all sound in a wide area and when he stopped everything was silent, nothing dared to make a sound.

The sky darkened as dark clouds formed blocking out the sun and rain started to fall, a powerful red lightning struck the body of Yiorlt and he seemed to go limp for a moment before, something started to move from within its large, slime like body.

A tall humanoid figure emerged from the body, piercing his way out, the body was thin and pale, pieces of Yiorlt's body formed a cloak attached to his body.

Luc who was still struggling with standing witnessed as the figure seemed to cry, before plunging his hand into the lifeless body it had emerged from, pulling out a bone shaped perfectly like a sword.

Luc regained his hearing confirming that the figure was indeed crying but it then laid eyes on him and all the sadness was overpowered with hate, screaming just like Yiorlt had been before the figure took a step toward him.

And then lunging toward him, their swords clashed and Luc pushed away the figure before it could puke the same green liquid as before onto his face.

He didn't what the hell had just happened but it seemed like this was, by all means, Yiorlt.

"SLE! SLE! SLE! SLE! SLE!" he screamed incoherently as he swung his sword like he was swinging a stick, not aiming anywhere in particular, his total ineptitude at using a sword somehow made him more dangerous as he swung totally randomly and without any rythm.

The rain had made the sand hard to navigate, making moving around difficult and Luc couldn't keep blocking the attacks his already damaged sword was sure to break if he did so and since dodging was too difficult, he had to attack and defeat him quickly.

Waiting for him to do an overhead attack, Luc took the bet and plunged his sword into the torso of The Crossbred, pinning him to the ground as he screamed in pain, Luc was hit by the guard of Yiorlt's sword and could feel his head bleeding.

"SMIAH!" Yiorlt once again cried at the sky, nothing happened.

"SMAH" he did it gain, nothing happened.

"SMA!" he did it a third time, the word becoming clearer, nothing happened.

"MA!" a fourth time, something seemed to shift.

"MAMA!" this time the word was perfectly clear and the black clouds shined red, red lightning started befalling the area, causing loud explosion everywhere they landed.

One struck the sword stuck inside of Yiorlt, making it vanish away completely, the severely wounded Yiorlt stood up and started walking toward Luc, the strike he had received had made him dizzy and without his sword their wasn't much way to avoid the strikes of the Crossbred.

He kept still as Yiorlt walked toward him, his chest having a clear sign of the sword that had stabbed him, as he was about to strike Luc, the champion suddenly sprung up and moved close to the Crossbred, sticking his hand inside of the wound he had caused and casting a fireball directly inside of the body of Yiorlt.

The Crossbred bursted with flames and his body fell to the ground, the dark clouds stayed for a few moments before dissipating.

Yiorlt was dead, Luc heaved a sigh of relief and a certain mage was appalled by how bad this whole battle was.