Light shine

Oooh, young Yiorlt, only in the end were your desperate cries heard, may your soul follow the cycle of reincarnation, be purged of the pain and be allowed in the body of a child that is truly loved, not for accomplishment nor utility but for simply being.

May the irrational expectations put onto you, never weight on you again.

May the the memory of The Crossbred never crawl back to the surface and may the red lightning not plague you again, rest well little Yiorlt.


Luc suddenly awoke, nothing was left of Yiorlt and it seemed like his injuries had been healed somehow, looking around, he saw no one that could have done this for him, the black desert was still silent, even after his death nothing dared to make a sound.

The sand had dried, it must have been a while since he had been out but the young champion felt no hunger or thirst despite this, telling how much time had passed seemed like a useless endeavor and he simply chose to go back to the great hall for a bit, surely this npc that is the guy with all the knowledge would have something to say.

After explaining the circumstances of the fight to Ignosi, Luc expected him to reveal some information but he just nodded and spoke a few words.

"That is very interesting, good job for overcoming him" was all he said before completely ignoring Luc's existence.

The truth was that Ignosi already knew all that, he had observed the whole fight between this chump and the malformed baby, he knew all there was to know and he had also seen who he had miraculously healed after his battle, it wasn't one of his abilities or a kind traveler that had helped him, no it was something else and this fact went to solidify Ignosi's theory which at this point was pretty much confirmed.

"It certainly is impressive for you to defeat this two, Moloto and Yiorlt but one was nothing than an inbred old man and the other a malformed baby, they are way below the other three" remarked Ignosi, making Luc's blood boil.

What was this guy talking about? How would he know anything about their respective strengths? He never left this place!

Calming down for a bit, he started thinking about it, he certainly seemed to know some stuff despite seemingly never moving from this place.

"Hum, sir? You are a champion too right? How do you plan on proving yourself worthy to the will?" asked Luc, expecting some lore to be puked in his face.

"I don't have to prove myself to the will" he simply responded.

'Did he just imply that he was just that good, that he didn't have to do anything to be worthy?' thought Luc.

Deciding that speaking with this guy was a meaningless task, Luc left to get stronger and try to decide which one he would challenge next.

Calling the stone armored champion that seemed to idolise him, Ignosi gave her instructions to go get some informations from some people that lived in the mountains, it had pretty much nothing to do with the five or the will but he had to pass time while waiting for the newcomer to be done with his stuff, he had tried and seen that he simply couldn't be interrupted, so waiting for him to complete his little fate was all that could be done, however he wouldn't help accomplish it, rather wait for centuries than lend him even a bit of help, he had already told him about the five and it was enough.

As of now, even the champions that had given up, meaning all of them excluding three, that Luc, himself and his subordinate had met their end, how it had happened was a question only he could answer.


More time had passed since Yiorlt's defeat, it had maybe been years since Luc had arrive in this world, he simply had no idea of how time worked in this broken world.

After deliberations, Luc had decided that he would challenging Mismp, The Brilliant, his train of thought was fairly simple, being that the other two would be fight against numerous enemies, he believed that a solitary enemy would be easier, he had thought of attempting to defeat Qhoui-e, Lady Of The Risen but he had the feeling that he should leave her for last.

He traversed numerous cave system in an attempt to to find the bottom of it, where Mismp was locked and had had to go at it multiple times, needing to exit as he had runned out of ressources but last time, he had managed to locate him and today was the day he would fight.

He had had trouble gathering information on him at all, apparently his sealing had taken place very much in the past, most didn't even recognise his name, all he knew was that his powers had to do with light.

Stepping into a large open area, a dark figure could be seen on the ground hugging its knees, none of its features were distinguishable but once he got a bit too close, Luc got a taste of the abilities held by The Brilliant, the flame from his torch lost all of its light but not extinguishing the flame, the light was absorbed by Mismp, his dark body turning luminous.

He stood up, feeling alive for the first time in what had seemed to be eons, gathering all of it, he pointed it up at the ceiling and a minuscule hole was made but it was enough to let the light of day go through, light was pulled to the body of The Brilliant, turning the shadow that he had turned into to become a being of light, a humanoid figure with no features at all, only light.

The light blinded Luc and Mismp once gain shot at the ceiling, this time, it wasn't a small hole, he had opened up an enormous hole in the earth, he bathed into the light and shined even more brilliantly.

He then turned to the one that had allowed all of this by bringing light to him.

"My thanks, I shall reward you with a show of my power" spoke Mismp, his words coming out like that of a normal person, no madness was to be felt, yet.

"Gaze upon me and be blinded!" he added afterwards, it hadn't taken him a long time to start expressing himself like a lunatic.