The Brilliant

'This is fucking bullshit!' frantically thought Luc as he ran for his life.

Mismp was more powerful than he had expected, way more powerful, he threw beams of light that razed everything it touched at impossible speed, thankfully his light didn't actually go at the speed of light but they were still fast as fuck.

"You can't outrun the day!" spoke The Brilliant as he suddenly started to float up, he hugged his knees in the air and a large amount of light enveloped him, forming a ball that soon shine orange and seemed to be slightly moving.

The champion couldn't believe what he was seeing, this guy had just made a miniature sun!

The small sun separated from Mismp and he dropped back on the ground while the sun started slowly moving toward Luc and after a few second it suddenly gained speed and continued doing so.

Outrunning the sun while avoiding various beams was proving difficult and he simply wouldn't be able to outrun the sun eternally as it would soon be faster than him, the thing was homing on ti him with great precision.

'Huh?' Luc noticed that the sun had stopped gaining speed, it seemed that it was exactly as fast as he was and that it would stay this way, relieved he almost got his head blasted off by light beam.

The Brilliant had meant it litteraly when saying that the 'day' couldn't be outrunned, it would go as fast as the person it was chasing.

Still getting close to Mismp was still arduous he had ranged attack that Luc only managed to avoid because he stood at a distance, if he got closer he wouldn't even be able to tell it was going to come.

Remembering a location, he got an idea to at least, perhaps, get rid of the sun that was chasing him, Luc took a sudden turn and headed toward a large waterfall.

He jumped through it after activating a shield around his body, the pressure of the falling water was deadly, he ended up in a large cave that led to the back of another waterfall, he continued running and went through the other waterfall, disappearing from the sight of The Brilliant.

A loud explosion was soon heard, caused by the miniature sun attempting to get through the waterfall, it lost its power due to that and was extinguished.

Mismp had lost the trace of the human it was trying to give his thanks to, he found himself unable to locate him.

'He must have hidden in a place where the light doesn't shine' thought The Brilliant.

Collecting some bits of information through his light was rudimentary but possible for Mismp, he could tell that something was going on, this human had something weird about him, apparently because he was a champion, The Brilliant wasn't sure what these were, the people that had sealed were heroes not champions.

After trying to feel the same thing he had felt in the champion that had awoke him, he managed to locate another one, it didn't seem to be the same one but Mismp had understood that these champions wanted him dead and so he headed toward that other champion.


A book was closed with clear annoyance, Ignosi stood up from his seat and a staff sudenly appeared in his right hand.

"Seriously? Is that how you plan on making it happen?" he spoke out loud, even though he was alone.

"How ridiculous, for you to drop so low" he added afterwards.

"Very well, it's not like I have a choice, I usually avoid to deal with pest unless it is necessary or if it is in my way" he said, suddenly teleporting away and appearing fifty meters in front of said pest, namely know as Mismp, The Brilliant.

The Brilliant stopped in his track, the champion he was going to had suddenly appeared in front of him.

"For a long time I have wandered in wait, only to be deeply disappointed, you are a source of this disappointement" said the champion to Mismp, The Brilliant took offence at being insulted.

"Listen here Mismp, I am Ignosi, The Ever-Seeking and you are soon to meet your end, any last words?" asked Ignosi, further aggravating The Brilliant.

"Who do you think you are to speak to me like that?! I am The Brilliant, I made planets and stars disappear from the sky! My might can equal that of a god!" he spoke with a sense of pride.

"Yes, you're might can equal that of a god, that is right but once again, I am Ignosi, The Ever-seeking" that was all Ignosi said, casually implying that he was superior to a god.

"Stare upon me and be blinded!" roared Mismp as he once again floated up, hugged his knees and a miniature sun was formed.

"You know, I could have murdered you while you were doing your move but is there really a need to use an opening like that against the likes of you?" uttered Ignosi, the sun popped out of existence before it moved and The Brilliant was left appalled.


"Any other moves?" asked The Ever-Seeking.

Mismp threw a beam at the champion in front of him but the beam was sucked into the staff, causing no damage whatsoever.

"How are you doing this?" reflexively asked Mismp before raising his arms in the air, the sun, the real one reacted to this movement and seemed to move a bit and started glowing a brilliant orange and seemed to expand.

"I'm fucking going to erase you!" spat Mismp as he brought his arms down, the sun shot a condensed beam right at Ignosi and he didn't move.

"How?! How the can you do this?!" questionned Mismp.

Once again the gigantic light beam was absorbed into the staff and nothing happened, the sun went back to normal.

"I am The Brilliant! I am a destroyer of planets!" he repeated to himself as he held his own head.

"Anyways" Ignosi tapped the end of his staff on the ground, dark mana swirled around for a moment and suddenly, without anyone noticing the change as it had happened so suddenly, night had fallen or more accurately, something was blocking out the sun.

"It is not as impressive as using darkness or shadows but this element is made for it and makes the process much less costly" spoke Ignosi as he pointed his staff at Mismp and all of the accumalated light was sucked out of his body leaving him as nothing but a solid shadow.

Another movement of his staff and all other light sources that The Brilliant could have absorbed the light out where suddenly extinguished.

Mismp couldn't even beg for his life as he was unable to speak in this state and barely even move, his body suddenly started convulsing and he was turned into nothing more than a ball that could fit in the hands of a baby, the ball was consumed acid and nothing remained of him, the eclipse immediately stopped and the light sources were once again lit.

The Ever-Seeking shook his head and teleported back, picked up his book and went back to reading.