Chapter 12 Vermilion City "The Port of Exquisite Sunsets"

I return to Route 5 since I want to follow the game route I go to the Underground Tunnel. There's nothing special here and it look just like the underground tunnel in modern time. There is light install here so it's bright the only problem here is its long. I really wish to have a mount type Pokémon with me. What about bicycle? Your joking right inside the game there are mystical tool call dimension bag where you can put you bicycle when you don't use it but in the real world there are no such thing. In this world you not only need to walk on even road but also forest, river, mountain and many other type of terrain. Unless you want to be prodigal and discard your bicycle when you find such place and then buy a new one in the next city, just forget it. A mount type of Pokémon is better since you can keep it in poke ball.

At last, I came out of the tunnel and reach Route 6 I pick up a rare candy nearby. My other Pokémon is still level 15 so I just train here for a while, the most common Pokémon here is Pidgey, Oddish, Bellsprout and Rattata. So I use Jolteon on Pidgey, Flareon on grass pokemon and the other two on Rattata. Not long after that Jolteon level up and learn Thunder shock, Flareon Learn Ember, Vaporeon learn water gun and Leafeon learn Razor Leaf. There are also a lot of trainer here so we battle, I can get the GBA currency for every battle won. By the time I reach Vermilion City Flareon and Jolteon have reach level 18 while Vaporeon and Leafeon is still level 16. I purposely avoid using Vaporeon and Leafeon unless it strong against the enemy.

Vermilion City situated near a sea inlet to the south, it serves as a popular sea port for ships such as the S.S. Anne. Vermilion Harbor is a home port for many ships. The S.S. Anne sails around the world and returns to Vermilion once a year. The S.S. Aqua sails from Olivine City in Johto to Vermilion Harbor. The Seagallop Ferries sail regularly to all of the Sevii Islands. Aside from the harbor, the other exits to the city are Route 11 to the east. North of the city is Route 6.

There is an Electric type specialist Gym here lead by Lt Surge. You might wonder why is this town have electric type of gym when there is nothing related to thunder and there's no electric type of Pokémon nearby. I just heard about the reason when I went to Pewter City Museum before. It related to the Divine Bird of Thunder Zapdos. A long time ago there are a very powerful sea monster attacking this town. Just when the town almost destroyed Zapdos descent from the Thunder Cloud Mountain and defeat the sea monster. Since then the town people revere Zapdos as the city protector.

The town people often went to the foot of the Thunder Cloud Mountain to catch electric type of pokemon even if it quite far. They make Voltorb and Magnamite as their city starter pokemon. Thunder Cloud Mountain located at the south-eastern side of Cerulean City so the town inhabitant digs the Underground Tunnel to help their travel. Thunder Cloud Mountain is also the location of the Biggest Power Plant that generate electricity for the whole Kanto Region. The peak of the mountain is the dangerous zone where thunder struck all the time, it was said that the Divine Bird of Thunder Zapdos is seen there a few times.

Just as usual, I stop at the Poke Centre to store my luggage. It already evening here so I search for a place to eat. The specialty of this city is of course sea water fish. After having my fill, I walk around the city at the west of the Poke Centre there are a Fishing Guru House mention in the guide so I try to find it and what I found is the Fishing Equipment Shop. I enter the shop and I saw my avatar enter the house. In the middle of that house there is someone there so I manipulate my avatar to talk to him and he gave me not a. Old Rod but an Old Bait. I read the detail and saw that the old Bait can be attach to any rod and it will attract water type pokemon in sea and river. It can never be destroyed or discard and it will return to the system bag after use. I guess I need to buy a real fishing rod after all. I choose a high quality fishing rod, this rod specialty is that the pole side of the fishing rod can be retracted and the total size is smaller than my palm. So there no problem for me to carry it.

Then I head to the harbour, Vermilion Harbor is one of the larger docks in the Kanto region, and boats such as the S.S. Anne, S.S. Aqua, and Seagallop dock here. There are a lot of ship here but the most luxurious one is definitely S.S. Anne. The S.S. Anne is a well-known luxury cruise liner which sails the world, stopping annually in Vermilion City, Kanto. When I'm busy admiring the ship a woman in her 20 approach me.

"Sir, are you interested in boarding S.S. Anne?"

"Sorry but I don't have any plan to go to other continent currently."

"Actually we are having an event after three days, we will sail in the surrounding sea for two days and one night. During the event you can enjoy all the facilities on the ship. And we are having a promotion so you can get the ticket with a special discount."

"Really, then I guess I should join."

"Please come to the counter here to complete the payment and registration."


I complete the payment and registration since I'm also interested in this famous luxury cruise liner. There are also a lot hidden item on the ship so this is the best opportunity for me to pick it up.

"The ship will depart in three days at 08.00 am please don't be late."

"Thank you. See you later."

The other key place here is the Pokémon Fan Club. The Pokémon Fan Club is an organization spread throughout the Pokémon world, with at least one Club House in nearly every region. The Fan Club is basically a place for people to meet and chat about their favourite Pokémon and to show off their collections to each other. In general, the members are usually more oriented to unevolved, cute Pokémon. I get in and look around for a bit but the display in the GBA device didn't show anything so I guess I can't get the bike voucher here. Since there is nothing for me here I left. Since I have money I rent a room in a good hotel here for three days.

For this three day I plan to train my Pokémon around here. There are two good levelling spot around here Route 11 and Diglett's Cave. Today I plan to spend at the Route 11 but first I visit the Poke Centre and exchange Abra with Flareon. There no grass type here so I don't need Flareon. The pokemon I can find here is Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Spearow, Ekans and Drowzee. For the bird pokemon I use Jolteon, for Ekans I use Espeon and for Drowzee I use Umbreon. The other two I will train it tomorrow. I plan to reach level 20 so that they can learn a new attack. The wild pokemon I can encounter here have level between level 15 to 22 so it's the perfect place to train. There are also many trainers here I can battle with. I train for a whole day and just eat the bread I bought for lunch. At 09.00 pm.

I manage to get Jolteon and Umbreon to level 23 and Espeon reach level 25. At level 20 my Jolteon learn Thunder Wave and Umbreon learn Confuse Ray. Espeon learn Psybeam when it reaches level 25 Then I took out Abra and use teleport to instantly reach the city. I'm too lazy to walk back since I got Abra I just use teleport. There is limit to the distance that an Abra can teleport to but this place is still in range. I have dinner at a random stall and go neck to the Hotel.

The second day I train my pokemon at the Diglett's cave. There are only Diglett and Dugtrio here and they are very weak against water and grass type move. The level of wild pokemon here range between 15 to 32, the encounter rate is also very high so I plan to train Vaporeon and Leafeon until level 30 if possible. Since the move is super effective so and the level of foe is high I can level up quickly. I realise that the wild pokemon level is not necessarily random. At the start of the cave the pokemon only level less than twenty and the level slowly incread the deeper we are so I can somehow control so that we don't find Dugtrio too early. At noon both pokemon reach level 20 Vaporeon learn Haze and Leafeon learn Leech Seed. I train until night and both pokemon reach level 25 and learn a new move Water Pulse and Magical Leaf. I can't teleport inside the cave according to the game but it makes me wonder if it's also true in the real world cause base on my understanding teleport should still be possible inside the cave so I try it and its work. So we ended our second day of training. Tomorrow is the departing date of S.S. Anne so I got to bed early.