Chapter 13 S.S. Anne The Luxurious Cruiser.

Early morning, I came to the harbour to board the ship. There a lot of people queuing to enter. At first all passenger is directed to the hall for explanation. The hall is the place where they hold the party. Just imagine about where the high class party is held in drama, that is how this place is. The organizer give a short speech then beautiful woman take over as the host and tell everyone the schedule of the trip.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I will now explain to you all the details of the tour. After this I will bring all of you for a tour of all the facilities in this ship. After finishing the tour everyone can move freely as long as you did not leave the ship, the ship will disembark from Vermilian Harbour and move southward along the shore. "

"You can enjoy the magnificent view of the surrounding until we reach near the Fuchsia city where you can see a huge bridge connecting Fuchsia City and the Celadon City we will sail along the bridge and we will stop moving at 07.00 pm. We will hold a dinner party at night and there will be a small show perform by our secret guest tonight. We will also hold some Pokémon Battle Contest tonight. For those trainer on board you all are welcome to join and we will prepare a small price for the winner."

"This ship will not start moving again until 09.00 am tomorrow morning so those interested can try a late night fishing experience since the place we will stop at is a famous fishing hot spot. Then we will start moving again to the place nearby Celadon City and continue until we return from the north western side of Vermilian City. We will arrive at about 06.00 Pm and conclude out trip."

"Now I will bring all of you around our ship for a tour. S.S. Anne is a Luxury Cruiser consist of 4 floor. The hall we are at is the highest floor of this ship and it consist of an open air party hall where we can enjoy the scenery. This is also the place we will held tonight party. The third floor is the functional floor where we have all the public facilities in this ship is placed. We have the dining hall, shop, gym, casino and bar here. The shop sell most of the necessities you will need like casual cloth, swimsuit, fishing tool, gift and a lot of other thing."

"The second floor it the living quarters of the customer. We will arrange your room based on your ticket number but if you wish to change room you can go to the counter. The second floor is connected to the deck where you can do activities like fishing and sunbathing. We also have a huge swimming pool located at the centre of the deck. The last floor is the living quarters of the ship crew and the engine room so the customer is not allowed entry for all of our safety."

During out tour I manage to pick all of the hidden item. Some of the room inside the GBA device have a different role than their reality counterpart but since the layout are the same I still manage to pick up.

"After 30 minute the ship will depart so if you still have any business on land please settle it quickly. The ship will sound the horn ten minute before departing. You are free to do any activities on board. For Pokémon that surpass the safe size must be kept in their poke ball for safety reason."

I head to my room to store my thing, I just bring a few set of cloth and some daily necessities with me since all the other thing has been supply by the ship. The room is very wide and comfortable, there are bath and toilet as well as a queen size bed here. I head to the dining room for my late breakfast. After I finish eating I heard the horn sounded so I head to the deck to watch the ship departing.

There are already a lot of people here, there are a lot of seat here so I just took a seat there. The ship start moving I just enjoy myself idling there. I realise that ever since I start travelling I have been moving most of the time and battling trainers and wild Pokémon. My encounter rate of wild Pokémon is especially high thank to my GBA system cheat so I haven't been resting like this much before. So I just watch the scenery I also took out most of my Pokémon since all of them is small and medium size.

After lunch I walk around on the third floor, I look at the shop and buy some gift for my family, the gym is nothing special, at the casino I just walk around since this place might not be related to the Team Rocket it makes me feel guilty to cheat here. At the bar there are many world renown wine but I don't drink so I just pass by. With this I know that I'm not quite suitable with the rich lifestyle. I don't really know what to buy with all this money.

With that I just waste my time until the evening, we arrive at the big bridge, if I'm not mistaken that is the cycling road mention in the game. We keep moving along the bridge until we reach quite far from land and the ship release its anchor. I guess this is the place we will spend the night. In this place passenger is allowed to go down into the sea. The ship rent out boat, diving equipment, fishing equipment and some water Pokémon to help fulfil the costumer wish. They even sent some strong water Pokémon to patrol the surrounding water

I took out my fishing rod and use normal bait for fishing. I also release Vaporeon into the sea so it can play freely. The organizer start taking registration for the contest but I'm not interested after all my Pokémon is still among the weakest compare to other professional trainers. So I will probably lose. I'm not very fond of losing, based on my personality, if I lose I might not be able to hold myself from pushing the load button.

The party start at 08.00 pm. The party take the style of western party where people can eat, drink, dance and watch the show freely but it clothing style is less formal. The food is buffet style with self-service method and I had been stuffing myself for a while now. Now is the turn for the special guest the invite and I wonder who could it be.

"And now we invite our special guess tonight, then look at the screen before you."

In the screen it shows the video of the sea take from the sky and in the middle of the ocean a woman is riding a Lapras at full speed. Then the Lapras hydro pump to create a bridge of water heading to the ship then it uses ice beam to freeze the ocean water making the ice bridge. The Lapras jump onto the ice bridge and move aboard the ship then it jump down the bridge while using the move bubble to slow down it descend. The ice bridge explodes and turn into snow and fall fluttering onto the deck. The trainer recall Lapras mid-air and she landed gracefully. That trainer is Misty the gym leader of Cerulean City.

"Sorry for the rude entrance, actually I just rush here from Cerulean City. I have been invited here to give a performance at S S Anne so enjoy the show."

Misty take out Starmie and continue the performance followed by Dewgong and finished by Blastoise. I really enjoy the show. Then it's the trainer battle contest, to protect the safety of other passenger they erect the barrier around the stage. The winner of the contest wins some special herb that can help evolve their pokemon. After the party ended I continue fishing with a few friend that I just made before. We continue fishing while barbecuing the fish that we catch until 02.00 am. Then I go to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up late, the ship had already start sailing back. I saw the other end of the bridge, then the ship sail along the shore. Sometime we saw some interesting sight like a group of pokemon on the land and sometime we saw a group of sea pokemon in the water. I spend my day leisurely, at noon I wear my swimming trunk and spend time in the pool with my pokemon other than Flareon which wait pitifully outside. I have a full course meal for lunch.

At the evening we arrive back at the Vermilion Port, I return to the hotel and sleep early. The next morning, I wake up early. I have decided that I will return home today. If I use the Diglett Cave it possible for me to return home in one day trip I took all of my luggage. Then head to the Diglett Cave, I put out Vaporeon and Leafeon to prepare for fighting the wild Ditlett and Dugtrio. Both pokemon will take turn fighting, at their level they can on hit KO the enemy instantly for most cases. Unless they met Dugtrio but encountering Dugtrio itself is quite rare. They also have learned their second attribute attack which make them stronger.

I rush all the way and I walk out of the Diglett Cave at about 09.00 pm. I call home and tell my mother that I will arrive home before midnight. I walk along the road which did not have pokemon encounter and I manage to reach home in 2 hours. My parent is waiting for me at home and they are very happy that I return. It's been about two months since I start my journey. I eat at home while telling my parent about my journey. I give them the gift I bought for them, I also give my mother Clefairy and Meowth while my father get an Abra.

Clefairy is a very gentle pokemon, they also can be taught housework so it can help my mother work it also knows the move sing so it is very popular with housewife. While Abra has a teleport skill which is very convenient. As long as it remembers a place as it home, it can instantly teleport there, so it can shorten my father travel time. That's why they have a very high demand the only problem is they are very hard to catch since they have the tendency to run away by teleporting. So my parent is very happy with the Pokémon.

In this world giving away Pokémon is not as complicated as the game. You just need to ask them if they agree. Both of the Pokémon is not to attach with me since I just mostly take them out to eat. Most Pokémon also does not like to fight so trainer will first observe the Pokémon and search for the one that like to fight before catching them because they are usually more talented. So they prefer to live at home rather than traveling with me.

The reason that I come back home is to take one more Eevee with me. That is because I want to evolve it into a Glaceon. At first I don't want to train it because I already have six pokemon as my main but I change my mind because I want to be the master of Eevee so I should train all variation of Eevee. I actually forgot about it since I just play the game until the third generation so I don't realise that I can buy the Ice Stone at the Celadon City Department Store. So I didn't bring an extra Eevee. Now the only known Eevee that I don't have is the Fairy type Sylveon. It just that the method for evolution is complicated but base on my observation I might be able to evolve it using the Light Stone. It's just that there is no way for me to find it right now.

I stay at home for 3 days, I show may parent and brother all my pokemon they are very amaze at all my Eevee evolution pokemon. As a family of Eevee breeder it is our family dream to own an Evolve Eevee. But it is too hard, for Example to evolve a Flareon the easiest way is to buy a lot of treasure related to fire. The other way is to train in place rich with fire energy like a volcano for a very long time. The only way for it to evolve is for it to adapt to the environment. But it is very hard since an Eevee is not a fire type pokemon so this method is no different than torturing the pokemon. Before I leave I took one more Eevee but I don't evolve it right away since I don't want my family to think that it's weird.