Chapter 14 Rock Tunnel

Based on the walkthrough, the next step of the journey is to return to Cerulean City and go through the Rock Tunnel at the eastern side of Cerulean City. So did I need to go through the Diglett Cave again? That stupid, I can just ride the Magnet Train from Pewter City to Saffron City. After I arrive at Saffron city I have lunch and move on to Cerulean City I didn't enter the city but instead head east to route 9. There's a lot of trainer here and we battle along the way. I also pick up some thing.

Then I reach the Route 10, here I found some secluded place first to evolve the Eevee. The one that I took with me is a male level 5 Eevee, pokemon have high intelegence and before I took this one out I already ask if it want to evolve into Glaceon and fight with me. This is the Evee that answer my call, so I took out the Ice Stone and start the Evolution. The temperature became cold around the Eevee and a storm of hail surrounded it until I could not see it anymore. Not long after that the evolution ended.

The Glaceon appear in front of me, it is covered in light-blue fur that can be frozen into sharp quills. It has long, pointed ears, dark eyes, and a small nose. A teal crest with two dangling flaps adorns its head, resembling hair or headgear. Glaceon has two dark blue, rhombus-shaped markings on its back; the tip of its tail, feet, and flaps are the same shade of blue.

At route 10 you can find some Magnamite and Voltorb, this is because here is the foot of Thunder Cloud Mountain. You can see a tall mountain and above the peak there is always a thunder cloud. The top of the mountain receive thunder strike a few times a day. That is the origin of the mountain name. A small poke centre have been built here to help Pokémon trainer that train in the Rock Tunnel.

The Rock Tunnel is a naturally formed underground tunnel. Since it has not been developed, it is pitch black inside. A light of some sort is needed for travellers to find their way, so it is recommended that Pokémon Trainers bring along a Pokémon that can light up the road like electric Pokémon or fire Pokémon. The Rock Tunnel is an alternative route toward Lavender Town.

I stop at the poke centre and plan to stay the night here. There are other trainers here, they mostly train rock type, ground type or fighting type of pokemon that are very suitable to be train in the Rock Tunnel. This PokeCentre have all the things needed to explore the cave from tools, food and all the other necessities.

Early the next morning, I have my breakfast and after preparing my luggage I head into the Rock Tunnel. The Rock Tunnel consist of two floor of cavern and it is the house for Rock Type and Fighting Type of pokemon. You can also find some Ground Type of pokemon and of course the Bat pokemon that commonly seen in cave. The pokemon you can find here is Zubat, Golbat, Geodude, Graveler, Onix, Machop, Machoke, Cubone and Marowak.

This is a training trip so I plan to train Espeon, Vaporeon and Leafeon here. The wild pokemon that can be encountered here is from level 15 to 23 so my pokemon level is higher since the three pokemon is at level 25. The Bat and Fighting type will be deal with Espeon and the Rock and Ground Type will be left to Vaporeon and Leafeon. After reaching quite deep in the cave I start seeing other trainer. There are some with battle mark on their avatar that I can challenge so I battle all of them so that I can get the GBA currency. Most of them use the Rock Type, Ground Type and Fighting Type pokemon. There just a few of them use other type of pokemon they are those who train here to gain experience on fighting the type of pokemon found here.

Most trainer like to train by battling the same type of pokemon as their own pokemon. This is because they can teach their pokemon by making them observe how wild pokemon use the skill. They can refine their own technique by increasing their understanding of a move. For trainer that use other type of pokemon, they use this battle to prepare their pokemon against certain attribute. For example, if they are going to challenge the Pewter Gym, they will train their pokemon against rock type pokemon for a while first.

They can't get the exp from wild pokemon like me so there is no reason for them to keep fighting wild pokemon. There are an unofficial Fighting Type Gym nearby, so they usually have their training camp here. This is a very good place for them to train since they are a lot of stone and boulder here. Fighting Type of pokemon like to train by carrying weight, lifting boulder and crushing stone.

I manage to pick up some stuff and reach the stair to the lower floor. Near the stair, there are some camping site that have been prepared and I spend the night here with a few other trainers. For the whole day my pokemon only level up twice, the higher the level of pokemon the harder to level up. Espeon, Vaporeon and Leafeon have reach level 27. It can be said that I don't need to worry about wild pokemon here since based on my observation, the strongest wild pokemon we can find naturally is level 30+. There might be stronger pokemon but they are usually the leader of that territory and it won't attack human without reason.

Among the trainer, my strength can be categorized as mid-level trainer. This kind of level is the kind that can no longer be threatened by wild pokemon. Pokemon that can reach the strength equal to level 40 and above is only possible for pokemon trainers pokemon. I wonder what will happen when I reach the high level hunting ground like the Victory Road.

Rock Tunnel is a very complex cavern there are a lot of dead end and we need to go downstairs and upstairs a few time before we can get out of it. They sell the map at the PokeCentre but I have my GBA device map so I don't have any problem. I go down the stairs the next day while exploring all the place that have item. I also focus on training my pokemon and I aim for level 30 before exiting this place.

During the second day I can already reach the exit but I extend my stay at the depth of the Rock Tunnel to continue training my pokemon. At noon of the third day Vaporeon reach level 30 and it learn Aurora Beam, an ice type offensive move, with this I don't need to fear dragon type of pokemon anymore. The other two pokemon also almost reach the level 30 so I start heading to the exit. By evening I exit the Rock Tunnel while Leafeon and Espeon reach level 30.

Leafeon learn Synthesis and Espeon Learn Morning Sun. these two move is almost the same where they absorb the sunlight and restore their health and they can only be use under sunlight. But the different is that synthesis can only be use by that pokemon while Morning Sun can be directed to other pokemon. This is because Leafeon attract sunlight to be use in photosynthesis while the sunlight attracted by Espeon contain healing power. After Umbreon reach level 30 it can learn Moonlight which is similar to Morning Sun this way I can have a healer as long as I'm not in a cave. Just outside the Rock Tunnel is the Lavender Town where the largest pokemon cemetery is located and the home of ghost pokemon. If I can enter the Pokemon Tower, that is the best place to level up Umbreon.