Chapter 15 Lavender Town ‘The Town of Memories’

Lavender Town is a small town located in northeast Kanto, just south of the Rock Tunnel. The citizens of Lavender Town claim Lavender Town are known mainly for ghost sightings in the Pokémon Tower and as the main grave-site of Pokémon. The citizens claim the ghosts that appear in the Tower are the spirits of Pokémon that have died. North of Lavender Town is Route 10 and the Rock Tunnel. West of the town is Route 8 that lead to Saffron City, while to the south is Route 12 and the Silence Bridge which lead to Vermilion City and Fuchsia City.

The main feature about Lavender Town is The Pokemon Tower. Pokémon Tower is a seven-floor graveyard that holds the grave of departed Pokémon. On all seven floors, the tower houses hundreds of graves of deceased Pokémon. Many people visit the building daily to pay their respects to the fallen. On all floors other than the first two, you can encounter wild ghost type pokemon like Gastly and Hunter. You can also sometime find Cubone and Marowak here. This tower is mainly populated by Channelers, pokemon trainer that focus on ghost type of pokemon. It was also notable for numerous ghost sightings.

The other main attraction of Lavender Town is The Lavender Volunteer Pokémon House. Its located in central Lavender Town, was founded by Mr. Fuji in order to care for abandoned and orphaned Pokémon. Many members of the organization live in the safe house, looking after the abandoned Pokémon. Many Pokémon have stayed at the Volunteer Pokémon House over time. The pokemon that are too attached to their trainer cannot be release to the wild.

The term abandoned here refer to pokemon that their trainer cannot take care of for some reason but the pokemon are too attached to the trainer and they don't want to leave the trainer so the trainer will send their pokemon here. The term orphaned here means that the pokemon trainer pass away, their pokemon will usually be inherited by his relative or release to the wild. But some pokemon have too great attachment to the dead trainer and don't want to leave so they will be sent here. There is also a special case that a pokemon is abuse by its trainer, this kind of pokemon cannot be release to the wild because it might hold a grudge against human and hostile to other human. So they will be sent here.

The main function of this volunteer house is to reduce the attachment and hostility of pokemon before been release to the wild. Mr. Fuji is the best Flute Musician in Kanto, his flute playing can calm down pokemon and reduce their attachment and hostility. He also has the gift of being accepted by all pokemon, so even if the pokemon don't want to leave their trainer or hostile to human, they can be taken care of by Mr. Fuji. Lavender Volunteer Pokémon House is sponsored by the World Pokemon Association and receive donation by many big company like Silph Corporation so that this place can be run smoothly.

Lavender Town is rich with Lavender flower that grow prosperously all over the town which make the town smell refreshingly with the scent of lavender. That is also the reason for the name of this town. Based on scientific research, the scent of Lavender could help in calming down Pokémon, that is the reason the volunteer house is built here. Lavender is said to also calm down the spirit of dead pokemon and is the main flower sent as offering in Pokemon Tower. This town special starter pokemon is Gastly that can be easily found in Pokemon Tower.

It's already late today so I book an inn to stay the night. Because Lavender Town is the town that many people come for grave visit, there are a lot of inn built here. Since this is not the time for Grave Visiting Festival, there are a lot of empty room. In this world, PokeCentre is the place where rookie trainer stays at. For those wealthy trainer or veteran trainer that can effort financially, we are encourage to stay at an inn or hotel. This is to make sure there are enough space for rookie trainer to stay. Of course there are exception like the PokeCentre outside the Rock Tunnel that does not have any inn or hotel nearby. Since I treat myself as wealthy trainer and veteran trainer with level 30+ pokemon, I stay at an inn.

The next day I have my breakfast at the inn and then head to Pokemon Tower. There seems to be some commotion in front of the tower from what I heard the pokemon inside seems to be berserk. I head to the second floor and I saw a granny in front of the stairs to the third floor. She seems to block access to the third floor so I decided to return.

"The boy in black over there, come here."

"Are you calling me?"

"Yes you, I can see there are something special about you. I'm Agatha of the elite four."

"I know, I've seen you on TV before."

"I have something I need you to help with. A few days ago we found that the pokemon inside the Pokemon Tower suddenly went berserk. Three day ago Mr. Fuji went inside to check because he is the best choice I calming down the pokemon but he still didn't come out. There is some possibility that the cause of the pokemon going berserk is not a natural phenomenon. If it's true, his ability might not work. I've caught a berserk Ghastly and I need you to bring it to Silph Co. they have the best laboratory and it's possible to detect it cause."

"Can't you ask other person to do it?"

"Not many strong trainers come here and most of them is a ghost pokemon trainer and all of them is currently inside the Pokemon Tower. I can't leave here because I need to prevent the berserk pokemon to come out. I already contact the Silph Co. president and he will send someone but it will be faster if you took it there."

"OK I'll do it."

"I already put the Gastly inside a special cage. In this cage the pokemon power cannot affect outside the cage so you can be assured."

"Sure, by the way can I know what happen inside the Tower."

"The wild pokemon inside went berserk and actively attack other trainer. But the worst thing inside is that it is filled with confuse ray that confuse both pokemon and human. It should be impossible for pokemon to directly attack human with this kind of move. That's what I can't figure out and I can't send people to investigate."

"Is it possible for it to be cause by Team Rocket?"

"I heard that there are some suspicious people last week so it might be possible."

"OK I'll send it right away."

First I save my game. In the game we can't fight in the tower because we can't see the ghost pokemon without sylph scope but it is impossible in the real world because it means all trainer will need to have sylph scope before we can fight trainer with ghost type of pokemon. Which is impossible. At first I thought that I can enter Pokémon Tower and level up Umbreon there since it strong against ghost type pokemon but it seems that there is still event that prevent that.

Somewhere inside the crowd. A few suspicious man is watching the scene in front of the stairs.

"It seems Agatha give something to the trainers. Should we rob him?"

"We should, it might affect our experiment. We still need to collect more data."

"He is just an unknown rookie, just me alone is enough."

"You go; I still need to observe here."

I go out and head west to route 8, I left most of my stuff here and just bring a few cloths but just as I about to reach the toll station someone block my way.

"It seems like you have something interesting there, mind lending it to me for a few days."

"You're from Team Rocket right, I guess you really are involve in the Pokemon Tower Matter."

"Smart, but you won't get any prize for it I guess I need to invite you to our hideout for a few days."

"I refuse."

"You have no right to refuse."

He withdrew all his pokemon, there are Arbok Weezing, Zubat, Muk, Growlithe and Lickitung. This is the first time for me to have an all-out battle like this. I wonder if the GBA system can support me properly since in the game it only has the single and double mode of battle. But I still took out 6 of my main pokemon. Espeon, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon and Leafeon. I peek at my GBA device and saw that the 6 pokemon all appear in battle. With this I can cheat a little.

I try to get the attribute advantage by attacking Arbok with Psybeam, Zubat with thundershock, Growlithe with Aorora Beam, Weezing with Ember, Muk with confuse ray and Lickitung with Leech Seed. The advantage of the GBA System is that I can mentally choose the pokemon move as long as I choose the move registered as one of the 4 move in the GBA Device. As long as I imagine how the pokemon will move, it will be directly transmitted to the pokemon. This way I can give instruction faster and my order won't be leaked to the enemy.

Then my Jolteon has been poisoned with poison sting so I use the antidote using the GBA device and when my pokemon HP is low I use Lemonade on it. This is another cheating method I have. With this I don't have to fear status effect and injury. Like a famous people once said 'cheating is not cheating as long as you are not discovered cheating'. Of course it's cheating and I plan to seal these cheat against other people but Team Rocket does not deserve to be called people so it's barely save. This Team Rocket pokemon is a little stronger than mine, all of them exceed level 30. Thanks to my cheat, this battle became the battle of attrition.

"Damn, why don't you fall."

"It's useless, we specially train our stamina. But are you fine, it's been a while now and I'm sure the police are heading this way."

"I'll let you go for now; next time we meet you won't get away."

He throws a smokescreen and left. For now, he left, because of our level different, it will take a while for me to beat his pokemon. Even if I won he will still escape so there is no reason for me to hold on to him. Then I just think maybe I should load my game and report it to the police, if they arrive when I just fight the Team Rocket maybe he can be capture. But I change my mind, there are no powerful trainer among the police if there is Agatha must have asked him for help. They can only depend on number to catch him but how can I convince them that I will be attack, I can't just say that I came from the future. Maybe if one day when I'm famous enough I can call them with just my fame but right now I'm just a nobody. But I guess my strength now should be sufficient to start building my fame. So I won't reset this battle with Team Rocket.

I arrive at Saffron city safely. When I enter the Silph Corporation the CEO is already waiting there he already heard about it from Agatha, I just hand him the cage.

"We might need a few days to figure out about this. We will contact you after we got a new information."

"Just contact me by phone. I'll come right away."

After leaving my contact number I left the Silph Corporation. Now I have some free time base on the game I should go to Celadon City. I wonder if there are some new event there. Now that I'm in Saffron, it reminds me of a friend that I just made recently and I took my phone.

"Hello Aria, it's me Fey. I'm in Saffron City right now and I plan to go to Celadon for some game. Do you want to join me?"