Chapter 17 Back to the Pokémon Cemetery.

I'm back at the Lavender Town and in front of me is the Pokemon Tower. I'm meeting with the Mr. Seo of the Silph Corporation. He is also the chief scientist of the Company. With me is also Agatha of the elite four. We are hearing the explanation about the result of their research on the berserk Gastly that I bring to the Silph Corporation.

"Based on our finding this pokemon is effected by a strange wave frequency emitted by the pokemon tower this wave is specifically tailored to target Gastly, Haunter and Gengar. So Madam Agatha please don't use your Gengar here." Seo

"I know, I tried to use Gengar when I first arrive at the third floor of the Tower but it almost lost control. Thankfully I manage to return it into the pokeball before it went berserk." Agatha

"I have already try using the drone about the range of the wave and I found that the machine that produce the wave is most probably located at the top floor of the tower. It can influence a spherical space to the third floor." Seo

"So we need to reach the seventh floor and shutdown the machine to solve this problem."

"You are correct Mr Fei. The biggest problem is that the berserk pokemon is not bound by the rule that pokemon cannot harm human. So human will also be targeted by the pokemon. If it's the only problem we can block the attack using our pokemon, but the worst problem is that the confuse ray attack by the Gastly cannot be block by pokemon and once the trainer fall under confusion the pokemon will also panic and affect their battle strength." Seo

"If that so how can we save the people inside." Agatha

"Don't worry Madam Agatha, I have already prepared three Google. This is not a normal Google; it's made using a very complex technology. By wearing this google you can prevent yourself from Gastly move like Confuse ray, Hypnosis and Mean look. All this move has a common point in which it can only affected those who saw the move directly. This Google can filter the power of the move while not affecting our vision." Seo

"You only have three? Is it Enough?" Agatha

"We don't have enough time to make more but even if we have more it's useless since not a lot of people can be sent there. This google can only block certain move, so the one who's going to enter must be a strong trainer that can protect themselves from the ghost pokemon attack. Because of the Wave device the pokemon inside is very aggressive in attacking outsiders." Seo

"So there are three people that can go in. Me, the boy Fei here and who's the other one?" Agatha

"It's me, there are machine at the top floor that emitted the unique frequency so you will need my expertise in shutting it down. There might be some serious effect if the machine is improperly handle. I also hope to secure the machine intact so we can learn more about the technology behind that device." Seo

"Can I see all your main pokemon? I can feel that your strength is passable but I still need to be sure." Agatha

"I use the evolution of Eevee as my main pokemon Espeon, Umbreon, Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon and Leafeon. I also have Glaceon but it's still weak."

"Quite good, Espeon and Umbreon is very strong against ghost type, all the other have elemental attack which effective against ghost type. After this I will focus on attack and clearing the Pokemon while you can focus on protecting him." Agatha

"Do you have any plan."

"My main offense will be two Golbat and a Crobat since they are fast and can use dark type move Bite. I also have Arbok which can also use Bite. Other than that I will use Weezing as support to use as smokescreen to run from pokemon." Agatha

After a brief strategy meeting we start moving to the third floor of the Pokemon Tower as soon as we reach the floor a lot of Gastly swarm toward us we move to the next floor using the shortest route. The Golbat and Crobat move a little ahead from us and beating the Gastly with one hit. Arbox stay in front of us and beat up the one that block our way. My Espeon and Umbreon stay at our left and right side and defeat the Gastly that come close. My other pokemon will attack using long range attack to the surrounding pokemon not to defeat them but just to block and delay them.

There is something that can be pick up inside the pokemon tower but as expected I don't have the opportunity to take them. I plan to come back after this is all over. When we reach the third floor, Haunter can be sometime be found. When we saw it all the Golbat and Crobat will team up to take it down instantly. This way we reach all the way to the fifth floor at that time we all are already tired. In the middle of the fifth floor we saw about eight people gathered there. There are some weird pattern shining in the middle of the room.

"As expected, this place is save. There is some barrier around the room that pokemon cannot cross. Withdrew your pokemon into the pokeball before you enter. I'll guard you for a while." Agatha

Me and Mr Seo enter the room and I recall all my pokemon. After that Agatha also enter. Inside the room there are eight people, based on their clothing 7 of them is the chaneler that train in here the other one is a bald old man wearing normal clothing, he might be Mr. Fuji.

"Your safe Fuji, how did you get here?" Agatha

"Thank Agatha, I tried to use the flute to calm down the Gastly but the effect is very slight. But I still manage to bring all the people training in the upper floor here." Fuji

"Is this place safe?" Agatha

"This place is made using ancient technology. No pokemon can cross the barrier but after you get inside you can take out your pokemon. The pattern on the center of the room have mysterious power that can enhance the recovery of your pokemon. It can even cure poison, paralysis and other status effect." Fuji

"We should take out all our pokemon and rest here first before we head upstairs. Fuji did you saw any machine on the top floor?" Agatha

"I saw one from afar, it does seems suspicious but I can't do anything about it since a lot of pokemon flock there. I even saw a Gengar there." Fuji

"It seems we need to prepare for a tough fight. But for now just rest until we get to the perfect condition." Agatha

"I have tried to study this room before but I still cannot understand the logic about it. But it really safe us, running from the third floor to here really exhausted me." Seo

We rest and eat some food here I also release all my pokemon to take a rest near the glowing pattern. I remember that there really is such a place in the game where we can restore our pokemon. I didn't expect the place really exist.

"Right now we will rush to the seventh floor. Then we will beat as much enemies as possible around the machine. Then our pokemon will surrounded the machine and we will start deactivating the machine." Agatha

It's time for us to start moving again. According to Mr. Fuji, the device located in the middle of the northern part of the floor. I guess it might be the place Mr. Fuji is located in the game. We start moving with the same plan as before, it's just that the number of Haunter is higher than before. But its level is mostly less than 40 so we can still manage to beat it since they are very vulnerable to Dark and Psychic type of attack. We reach the sixth floor and after a few hours we arrive at the seventh floor.

The seventh floor have less pokemon in it but they are mostly Haunter. We cut through a straight line toward the weird machine we could see and surrounded it. Now we just need to hold on until Mr. Seo done his job.

"How about it can you do it?" Agatha

"I can, but it's very complicated. I need about an hour." Seo

"Can't we just destroy it?" Agatha

"This device has a self-destruction function, any excessive impact on it will make it explode. The explosion might destroy the whole tower." Seo

"I just hope the Gengar don't come here." Agatha

We defend against the Haunter with all our might, after 50 minute we notice that the big body of Gengar is coming. Agatha sent her Crobat toward the Gengar and it using its superior speed to fly around the Gengar while occasionally attacking it. This manage to halt it but it also means the burden on us increase. Five minute later Mr Seo is done deactivating the machine. I saw the light of the machine went out and the sound of its vibration slowly stop.

But the Haunter and Gengar still attack us. It seems that just stopping the machine is not enough to calm down the Pokemon. We are getting more exhausted and my pokemon get hit more frequent. Luckily I stock up a lot of lemonade the last time I'm in Celadon so I can instantly heal it. Then we heard a pleasant sound of music suddenly and we realize that the Haunter and Gengar we fight against stop their attack. I shout at my pokemon to stop fighting.

"You save us Fuji" Agatha

I saw Mr Fuji blowing his flute at the entrance of the Seventh floor. After a while, all the wild pokemon around us disperse and Mr Fuji stop playing the flute.

"I saw the Gastly around the fifth floor seems less aggressive so I try playing the flute and it stop fighting. I know that you must have succeed in stopping the device so I come up here while playing the flute." Fuji

"We are really in a tough spot here. Even if the pokemon here is not very strong, there are a lot of them. It's not like we can kill them, fighting them very exhausted me." Agatha

"It might be weak to you but for me they are all very strong."

"Come to think of it, you did very great here. There are sometime that I think your pokemon cannot hold it anymore and I need to interfere but then they got up and continue as good as ever." Agatha

"We are very confident with our stamina."

"I need to go to other floor to calm down all the other pokemon in the tower. After this you can safely exit the tower." Fuji

"We will rest for a while. Your flute is still in effect right now so they won't attack or play a prank on us for a while." Agatha.

I pick up a Soothe Bell here with my GBA Device and equip it on my Leafeon. A collar with a bell appeared on Leafeon neck and it occasionally rang with a pleasant sound. It's doesn't have much effect but I like the sound of it. I have a feeling that the sound calms me a little coupled with Leafeon natural refreshing scent I can feel my exhaustion vanishing. No one notice it since I'm a little away from the team and they are also exhausted.

This close the curtain on this incident. After that Mr Seo call the people from Silph Co. and transport the Machine back to the company. I book an inn and sleep after eating some meat bun, it's already more than a day since I start climbing the tower even if we rest for a bit on the Fifth floor, the battle at the seventh floor really drain me of my willpower.

The next day I eat a lot of food to replenish yesterday energy. And I climb the tower. It can't be helped my OCD will not let me leave any item that can be pick up. I also want to raise my Umbreon to at least level 30. I also want to train my Espeon a little let's aim for level 35