Chapter 18 To The Pokemon Road.

I stay at Lavender Town for five days and both my Umbreon ans Espeon reach level 35. Umbreon learn Moonlight at level 30 and Guard Swap at level 35. While Espeon learn Power swap at level 35. Another fact that I just discover in the pokemon tower is that Gastly and Haunter is actually a pure ghost type pokemon unlike in the game where they are Ghost and Poison type. I guess it is making more sense since they don't actually have any poison type of move. I don't know why the game make them into poison type.

Next I'm heading to the Fuchsia City. There are two ways to reach Fuchsia City the first route is through the Silence Bridge from the south of Lavender Town, or through the Pokemon Road to the west of Celadon City. Based on my current location the Silence Bridge is nearer so I should go through there but sorry, I plan to go through the Pokemon Road instead. So I head to the Celadon City for the third time. I also pick up a hold item Leftovers which is very useful since it can recover pokemon HP in Battle.

Located on the west side of Celadon City is Route 17 the wide expanse of grassland. It is the largest grassland in kanto where the pokemon can ran freely. There is only one reason why I want to come here, it's to catch a mount pokemon. In Kanto Region, there are three pokemon that are the most suitable as a land mount pokemon. They are Ponyta, Tauros and Dodou. Ponyta and Dodou can be caught here.

I heard that long ago Tauros can also be found here but there is a problem with Tauros. They are pokemon with very strong herd mentality. Usually trainer will battle pokemon and caught them after they are weakened, but for Tauros if one of their own is attacked, all of them wild go berserk and attack that person. This make it very hard to catch Tauros and bring trouble to everyone. So the Pokemon Association of Kanto Region make a decision to migrate Tauros to a special facility where trainer is forbidden from attacking pokemon.

The one that I want is of course Ponyta. It is my dream in my past live to own a horse while having a slow life in the countryside. Ponyta is not really rare and I manage to caught a strong one with the level of 25. It's a female one but I don't really care. With that I'm all check for the Pokemon Road.

Pokemon Road is also known in the game as Cycling Road it's an evil place that force people to ride their bicycle and discriminate against those that can't afford to own one. In the real world, Pokemon Road is a massive bridge above the sea that connect Route 17 at the west of Celadon City and Route 18 at the west of Fuchsia City. It is not a normal road like in the game. Just imagine that this Pokemon Road is actually blocking the open sea from Vermilion Port. If it is a road there's no way a ship can cross it but if it's a bridge it makes more sense since the ship can sail under it.

There is no rule that stated that people must ride bicycle of Motorcycle on the bridge but people are encourage to either ride a vehicle or mount pokemon. This is because the width and length of the bridge are too big that they can be mistaken as a road. If you want to walk through the whole bridge be my guest but the unchanging scenery and the lack of something to do will be a torture. You will need e few days with a normal walking speed.

There is a few shop just before the bridge so we have our lunch here and buy some item like a saddle for my Ponyta. There's no need for other equipment as long as you can sit on it. There are some truth mention in the game like the Pokemon Road is Filled with Biker. I fought some pokemon battle with the biker that I met on the road. The other truth I can find in the game is that we can't fish on the bridge. You might wonder why we can't fish when we are above the sea, that is because both end of the bridge whether Route 17 or Route 18 is situated on a hill. So the bridge surface is actually quite high from the sea level. That is also why the big ship like the SS Anne can sail freely under the bridge.

There are some item that I can pick up on this road. I remember how troublesome it is to pick the item in game since we can't stop the Bicycle but it easy here as long as I know the exact spot of the item which written in the Guide. I also find a rare candy here, I want to collect them and use them on my pokemon when they reach level 90 and raise them directly to level 100. Rare candy is very rare and there are a limited amount that can be found. I don't think the repeatable method of getting it can be use in the real world. Based on the guide I have there are less than twenty rare candy that can be found in a region, so I better use it after level 90 because at that stage the required exp is too enormous. The ultimate goal is to get all my Eevee Evolution to level 100.

At about 3.00 am I arrive at the other side of the bridge, we did stop a few time on the way to let my Ponyta rest but by the time we arrive at the exit we are very exhausted. There are some rest area here so we rest for the night. The next morning, I have some breakfast at the stall open here at the bridge exit. After the bridge is the Route 18, this place is quite a barren hill with occasional tree. This place is famous as a gathering spot for bird pokemon. In other word, this place is the best place to train my Jolteon. For some reason Jolteon and Flareon is the weakest pokemon I currently have and Fuchsia city is the best levelling spot for them. For now, I want to train my Jolteon to level 35 at least.

I stay at Route 18 for a whole day. My Joltean is originally really close to level 25 so it reaches that level after a few hour of training and it learn the new move Double kick. This move is a very useful fighting type of move. Fighting type of move is super effective against normal type of pokemon especially here since this place also have many Rattata and Reticate. It might have something to do about the nature of bird and rat since they have the relationship of predator and prey. Even if the pokemon did not eat other pokemon but it has already been buried in their gene to treat each other as enemy so the place with a lot of rat will also have a lot of bird and vice versa.

Now I can also hunt Reticate effectively since it is a huge bag of Exp. By the evening Jolteon manage to reach level 28. I end my training and head to the next city which is just nearby, the Fuchsia City.