Chapter 19 Fuchsia City The Place Where People And Pokemon Gather.

Fuchsia City is located in southwest of Kanto. Its most distinguishing features are the Safari Zone, the Pokemon Zoo and the Poison-type Gym. Koga is the Fuchsia City Gym Leader. The starter pokemon for this City is Venonat a bug and poison type of pokemon as mention in the guide, but actually it is also a psychic type so it is a very good pokemon. To the south of the city is the beach, it's just that unlike in other region, this beach has not been develop for tourism.

To the west side is the Route 18 which is rich with bird pokemon, to the east is the Route 15 that have a lot of grass type of pokemon. The sea in the south is home to a variety of water pokemon. Together with the huge type of pokemon living peacefully in the Safari Zone and the rare pokemon placed and protected in the Pokemon Zoo, Fuchsia City is the city with the largest Variety of pokemon around it.

Sadly, I can't battle pokemon in the Safari Zone and the Pokemon Zoo so I can only train Jolteon and Flareon here. It's already night so I book a room in the hotel and just order room service for dinner. Tomorrow I plan to sight see around the city and only start training the next day.

Early in the next morning, after having my breakfast at a random stall I start my tour around the City. My first stop is the Fishing Equipment Store, unlike the one in Cerulean City, this one is more geared toward sea fishing. I look around for a bit and buy some lure while secretly manipulate my avatar inside the GBA into talking with the store owner Avatar and I got a Good Bait. This place is the location of the second fishing guru inside the game.

Then I visit the Fuchsia City Gym, in front of the gym I can see a huge banner about a show that will be held in the afternoon two days from now. Just like the Cerulean Gym and the Celadon Gym, this Gym also have a show being held as a side income. But Fuchsia City Gym event is more like a hobby based on the content. The name of the show is "Ninja Red and Ninja Pink VS Team Rocket". Yes, the Fuchsia Gym show is a superhero play aim toward children. Now that I think about that, the attire of Koga in the game is a ninja outfit. Maybe Koga is a descendant of a real ninja a long time ago. Should I watch.

Next I head toward the Pokemon Zoo. The Pokemon Zoo is built as one of the alternative to prevent the extinction of pokemon. They contain all the rare pokemon that can't be found in the wild like Lapras, Lickitung, Snorlax and those that are very hard to be found in the wild like Chansey, Abra, Kangaskhan, Jigglypuff and Clefairy. It is another one of the alternative other than a breeder family that breed pokemon like my family. There is a new section that recently build here. The ancient prehistoric pokemon, there are Kabuto, Omanyte and Aerodactyl. It seems that the Fossil Restoring Machine have been completed at the Cinnabar Island. But they still haven't got the second form of pokemon like Omastar and Kabutops. The place here is just like the modern Zoo in my previous life.

After lunch I head to the main attraction of the Fuchsia City, the Safari Zone. The Kanto Safari zone is a special Pokémon preservation place in Kanto that Trainers can enter to capture Pokémon. It is owned by Mr Baoba which is also known as Safari Zone Warden. He also used to be nicknamed Warden Slowpoke, due to his vacant look.

For 10$, the player can play the Safari Game and receive 30 Safari Balls and a timer. Trainers are limited to 3 Hour in the Safari Zone before the timer rang and they will need to exit the Safari Zone. A Safari Zone Exploration Campaign is also taking place, where the goal is for Trainers to find the Secret House, located in the deepest area, Area 3. The prize for finding the house is invitation to stay at Mr Baoba private Villa and some Cash.

In the Safari Zone, when a wild Pokémon appears, Trainers cannot send out Pokémon to battle it. Instead, Trainers must face Pokémon only with simple tools, and catching a Pokémon becomes much more reliant on luck, as Pokémon are able to run away from the Trainer at any time. Trainers may throw Bait to make a Pokémon less likely to run, but this also makes it harder to catch. Conversely, throwing Rocks will make a Pokémon easier to catch but more likely to run.

The warden is good friends with Koga, the Gym Leader of Fuchsia City. Koga and his disciple will patrol the Safari Zone as security. But people won't usually found them because they are using their ninja skill to hide and they will only appear out of nowhere when someone try to hurt pokemon or when someone did not exit the Safari Zone after their Safari Game timer rang. This is also a perfect time to practice their Ninja Art.

There is also tourism mode in the Safari Zone where they did not have time limit but they are not allowed to catch pokemon or receive the prize for finding the Secret House. They will be accompanied by the Tour Guide where they can see the pokemon in their almost natural habitat.

The Safari Zone is divided into four areas, the Center Area: where the player enters the Safari Zone this area is a flat land with some place with lake and small forest, Area 1 east from the Center Area and is filled with dense forest, Area 2 north from the Center Area which is a flat grassland and Area 3: west from the Center Area is a wetland with many river and swamp. There is a huge building where the Safari Zone is located.

Inside the building there are equipment shop where a lot of tool that can help in exploration is sold, food shop that sold lunchbox and ration, and souvenir shop that sold various things like doll, key-chain, picture and many more that can be keep as memories. I buy some important equipment that I will need here and then head to the counter. First I came to the service counter and a beautiful sister is waiting there.

"Good afternoon sir, is it your first time here."

"Yes, I need you to explain the service here."

"Of course sir, we mainly offer two package experience here. The first one is the Safari Tourism Set where we will offer a tour group course, each group will consist of bout five to seven people where we will prepare a special vehicle and move along a route to all the interesting place in the Safari Zone. We will stop at the rest area place at various place in the Safari Zone where participant can catch pokemon there."

"What's the second plan?"

"The second course is the Safari Game Package, the participant will receive 30 Safari Ball and a special tablet, they can move freely for 3 hours inside the Safari Zone. The tablet will have a few function like the timer function which will show the remaining time for the game and the signal function that will release a special signal after the game ended. Our worker will arrive using the special vehicle to bring the participant back."

"Why is it a game course?"

"That is because we are preparing two event with this package. The first one is the Mysterious Pokemon Game, in this game we will designate a pokemon as the target and if you manage to catch that pokemon you will receive a special prize. The second one is Find the Secret House Challenge where we prepare a special house somewhere inside the Safari Zone and if you can find it you will get some very valuable prize."

"How can I know if the house I find is the right one and what is the prize for finding the house?"

"The house has a very unique design and it almost impossible to be miss. The prize is 3 days lodging in our special villa and 96 hour of Safari Zone free pass with 100 extra Safari Ball."

"I don't think I can stay in the Safari Zone for four days even if I won."

"Don't worry, you will receive a pass that will be valid for three months. You can come inside anytime you want and the duration will be deducted from the pass every time you exit the Safari Zone. If you need additional Safari Ball you will need to pay 50$ for 10 Ball."

"I want to take the Safari Game Package."

"You will need to pay 500$, but if you did not catch any pokemon inside you can get the refund of 450$. There are some rule in the Safari Zone, since this is Mr first time here we need to explain it to you. It is forbidden for any pokemon battle to happen inside the Safari Zone but you are free to use food or any other type of enticement to catch the pokemon. Other than that you are free to do anything in the Safari Zone. Please go to the third counter to buy the pass."

I pay for the pass and exit from the Safari zone entrance. The first area is the Central Area. There are some small forest and pond where water pokemon reside. The most numerous pokemon here is Nidoran of both gender and its evolve form. There are also some other pokemon but they are mainly stray from other area. The water pokemon here is mainly Psyduck, Polywag and Goldeen. I rush through this area since I'm aiming for the Secret House.

The second area is the forest area, the forest here is very dense and it covered a vast area, there are small river seen here and there. The pokemon here is mainly from Grass type and Bug type. The grass type pokemon that can be found here is the Oddish, Gloom, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Tangela and Exeggcute. The bug pokemon here is Pinsir, Scyther, Venonat, Venomoth, Paras and Parasect. I also just pass through this area; I didn't even stop to pick up the item here.

The third area is a Grassland type of landscape, the pokemon that populate this area is normal and ground type of pokemon. The pokemon that can be caught here is Tauros, Kangaskhan, Rhyhorn, Cubone, Marowak, Doduo and Dodrio some of the pokemon here live in herd like Tauros and Kangaskhan but they are actually an endangered species that can only be found here for kanto region, so over-hunting Tauros like Ash in the anime is not allowed.

I remember that I heard Tauros and Milktank is from the same species but in this pokemon world its different. In the first place there are no Milktank in Kanto Region, so how can they reproduce. And they both obviously look different one walk on four leg while the other can walk on two leg. So there are female Tauros and Male Miltank it just that they are rare and are forbidden to be caught. In the first place that is the reason why Tauros is on the verge of extinction since the have less Female while Milktank is thriving since they don't need many males for breeding purpose.

Now I have arrived at the last area the wetland area, this land is filled with a complex network of river and swamp. The pokemon that you can find in here is Slowpoke, Slowbro, Polywag, Polywhirl, Goldeen, Seeking, Krabby, Magikarp, Gyarados, Dratini and Dragonair. Of course the existence of Dratini and Dragonair is almost like a legend here. It is said that a long time Ago they can be found here but there have been a rumor that most of them have migrate to Johto Dragon Den. So it has been a very long time since Dratini have been found here. The Warden here have claim that he has seen Dratini once in his Childhood.

Actually Dratini or Dragonair is also my target here but I'm not searching for it right now since I don't have the right condition to catch it currently. The reason I'm here is because the Secret House is hidden here. It might be hard for other people to find it but not me because I have the map function. Even if the location is different as long as I follow the map I can find it. I use my secret weapon and took out the inflatable boat I just bought at the equipment store. I use the electric pump using the power of Jolteon. I forgot to mention that I left my Pikachu at home since I already have Jolteon. Electric pokemon is one of the best sought pokemon for home since it can power up a lot of home appliance.

I use the boat because it hard to move in swamp area. It is also easier to move in river since this area is filled with it. I ask Vaporeon to pull the boat in water which it happily did. I sail leisurely in the river while following the guidance from my GBA mini map and at least I found a weirdly shaped house. I know that I have found the place. Actually I just gamble that the location of the Secret House is the same as in the game. Actually the location of the Secret House is different in every contest duration. The house will stay at that place until it is found before moving elsewhere. If not, people can take advantage by finding the house many time and monopolize the prize. Even if they can't take the contest after winning, they can tell the location to other people.

The secret house is actually a form of camping house and it is the latest kind that can float on water and move in harsh terrain. So they can easily move to any place in the Safari Zone. Of course they will find the place that hard to be found, that's why the staff managing the Secret House like to choose the Wetland zone since it's the most complicated terrain. I move into the save house and talk to the staff. He took my Safari Tablet and input some command then he gave it back to me. I saw that there are a few more option in the tablet, the duration of my stay in Safari zone have been extend by 96 hours. I took more than 2 hour traveling in the Safari Zone by riding Ponyta and move in river with the help of Vaporeon. If not for that it is impossible for me to arrive in time.

The tablet also has the option name mansion. After clicking it I can see the details of the mansion like the location, picture, size and other details. There are 3 days' timer on it but it will only start after I enter the mansion. The tablet also act as the key to the mansion and I can keep the tablet until I spend all the time in my Safari Zone timer. This tablet can be use for 3 months and I need to return it before the 3 month is up. If I still did not redeem the house or finish my time here it will expire. After that I took my time to pick up all the item that can be found here. Of course I don't find Gold Teeth since there are no task to find it but I found Nugget instead. I can even take the item on the island with the boat.

By the time I get out from the Safari Zone it is already 07.00 pm. I took my dinner and check out of the hotel I live in, then I go to the Safari Zone Villa the location of the villa is at the Warden house in the game. It is a luxury villa with beautiful scenery and equipped with a swimming pool. I also pick up the item in the middle of the house, I don't need to use strength like in the game and I can take it directly. The next day I spend training both Flareon and Jolteon.

I watch the Ninja Show of the Fuchsia Gym unexpectedly the audience is not only children but there are also a lot of adult watching it. The main character is Ninja Red which I assume as Mr Koga and Ninja Pink which I assume as his daughter Janine. The red and pink colour is not their outfit but the scarf they wore. The villain wore the cloth similar to team rocket and I assume them to be his disciple. He uses smokescreen using Weezing Haze, the shuriken he throws can actually bend and I assume him to be using Venomoth Psychics. He also uses the famous Kawarimi no Jutsu (body replacement technique).

Base on my assumption, he is using Muk Subtitude skill. Muk did not naturally learn this move but since Koga is a ninja it's not strange for him to teach it. The logic behind this move is that the pokemon will install an object (wooden doll) with his power and the object will have an attention grabbing power which will force the opponent to attack the object first until the power is depleted before they can attack that pokemon. When the wooden doll appeared all the audience eye will be attracted briefly to the doll and Mr Koga will take the opportunity to move creating the illusion of Mr Koga turning into wooden doll. The show is quite enjoyable.