Lucas' POV

I stood there for a while staring at thier retreating figures. By now the small groups of students that had gathered around to watch the shown had already dispersed and everyone was going around like nothing had happened. I massaged my cheeks once again. That guy really packed a punch.

Clap clap clap.

Someone clapped behind me.

I turned around and saw a group of 3 boys.

"I must say, you really have some guts, new boy", the boy who stood in the middle commented.

"Uhm...thanks?", I replied unsure of what to say.

I scrutinized the three guys in front of me. The three of them had really good looks and literally screamed money and power. The guy in the middle, the one who had spoken to me especially.He looked like he was the leader of their group.

"Wanna come seat with us?", he invited me.

I thought about it, there was no harm in accepting so I nodded and followed them. After we sat down, he called someone to get food for us. After telling him what they wanted, he smiled at me and said,

"It's my treat"

"Thanks", I uttered.

"So you are new here?", he asked.


"Hm, I'm Ryder and these are my buddies, Rico and Theo", he introduced.

I smiled at them and they nodded at me.

"Nice to meet you", I said.

Soon our food arrived and we started eating while we got to know each other. They actually weren't that bad. Ryder was very friendly. Rico was the jokester and Theo was relatively quiet. Ryder and Theo were seniors so they weren't in the same grade with me but Rico was.

"So how'd you get mixed up with that chick?", Rico asked me.

I narrated everything that had happened to them. When I was done, they all burst out laughing.

"Well I gotta say newbie, you really got guts confronting her like that", Ryder stated.

I looked at him and asked,

"Why? Who is she?"

"Well it's not just about who she is but also who the person backing her is", it was Rico that answered me.


"Ok since ya new let me break it down for you", he said and I looked at him curiously.

"That girl you just confronted is Tiana Almirez, Tee for short", he explained.

"Tiana Almirez", I mumbled.

'Such a beautiful name', I thought to myself.

"Yeah..", he continued

"She's the jewel of the teachers and the school. She's a real genius. She has represented the school in many competitions and it's either she won or she would at least make it into the top three. She's a science student and she's good at it but she also does really well in arts", he paused and looked at me to make sure I was following then he continued.

"But that's just who the teachers and the school authorities know. Seeing how brilliant she is you would immediately think she was a nerd but that's not Tee. Unlike most geniuses who are quiet and reserved, Tee is loud and wild above all she's a player".

I raised my brows, 'A player?',

I thought to myself.

'That explains her manipulative mature'

"She's famous for breaking hearts and playing with any boy who was stupid enough to fall for her before breaking their hearts ruthlessly", he said.

"But guys already know she's like that, so why would they keep going after her?", I asked.

"For different reasons. She has her own charm you know. There's just something about her and the way she carries herself that attract guys to her", Ryder replied.

I nodded my head. Indeed that was true, there was just something about her that was just so attractive and mesmerizing.

"Others go after her because they feel they can conquer her you know. They feel the need to conquer her and have something to boast about but in the end she'd always win", Theo spoke.

I nodded and remained quiet for a while before asking,

"And the person backing her? Is it the guy from earlier?"

"Who? Romeo? No, Romeo is a friend of Sky, Sky is the one backing her", Rico replied.

I glanced at them, the way they had mentioned Sky made me realize that I may have been wrong in my earlier assessment of these guys.

These guys didn't rule the school, sure they had some influence, they may even stand second but Sky was ultimately the one who called the shots.


"Yeah, Sky Evans. Tiana has been in this school for a while and in the earlier grades, she was sort of lowkey, that was until she met Sky. I don't know how they met or their relationship but Sky took great interest in her and they became really close. By the time we returned for a new semester, Tiana Almirez had completely changed. She was no longer a timid girl, she was bolder and more confident. She started hanging out with Sky and his gang a lot. Sky dotes on her a lot so even if he isn't here, there will always be people like Romeo, around her to protect her so everyone is careful of her", he finished.

"You should be careful of her too", Ryder noted.

"Trust me the last thing you'd want is a run in with Sky when you are new", he stated.

I nodded my head and continued eating in deep thought.

Tiana's POV

We headed to our table and sat down.

"What was happening back there, Tee?", Romeo asked me.

"Nothing", I replied.

"Really? Nothing? He called you a 'pretentious bitch', Tee", Romeo said.

"I know and I was handling it", I replied him calmly but on the inside I was actually raging with anger.

"You were handling it?", he asked me raising his brows at me.

"Yes I was"

"Wait, wait, hold up, who called you what?", Steph asked confusedly.

I turned to look at her exasperatedly.

"That newbie", Romeo replied her.

"What the hell? Why?", she asked.

"He was annoyed about me cutting the line and he called me names", I replied trying to sound like it was no big deal.

"Woah! He really has some guts huh?", she responded.

"Frankly, I never really liked the idea of you skipping line anyways", Grace said casually and picked up her book.

"What?", I turned to her. She stared at me nonchalantly.

"Grace don't start please", I said to her.

"Start what? The idea in itself isn't right", she replied me.

"Was I the one who came up with it? Is it my fault that Sky's influence is enough to do that for me?", I asked her already getting angry.

"And that's it; Sky. Honestly Tiana, Sky isn't someone you should be associating yourself with", she said not minding that Romeo was there. I looked at her exasperatedly. Grace had never been in support of my relationship with Sky. She regarded him a troublemaker and someone unserious. But Sky made me happy, he was the one who made me this extremely confident girl. So to avoid quarrels, Grace and I always kept off the issue and she respected my choices but she wasn't doing that today.

"He is trouble maker and he is going to get you in trouble soon. You really....."

"Enough!", I yelled.

"I get that you don't like Sky or my relationship with him but that is enough! I won't take this, not today", I said and stormed off.

I walked aimlessly with my thoughts wandering. I pretended like I was calm earlier and like I wasn't affected by the things the new boy had said but in truth I had felt them. 'Who the hell was he to call me a pretentious bitch huh? He doesn't even know me and yet he's calling me a pretentious bitch. And then there was Grace why didn't she understand my relationship Sky? Why didn't she understand that Sky was the only one who understood me?' As I walked, I could feel the tears threatening to gather. I shook my head, 'No I can't cry. Not now, I'll seem weak. I can't cry and risk someone seeing me. Pull yourself together!', I yelled to myself. But the tears kept forming as much as I didn't want them to. 'Why was I so emotional today? No, this won't do I need to go somewhere quiet before someone sees me like this', I thought myself. I kept my head down and tried to run to the toilet. As I was running with everyone looking at me and wondering why I was running, I hit something or rather someone. I looked up startled and with the tears that had already gathered and my reddened eyes, I saw him. He was standing there staring at me. The one who made me like this right now. Right at that moment my tears started falling. He looked startled seeing me cry. He stared at me in surprise for a while before he slowly raised his hands and I felt his cool fingers brush against my cheeks, he was wiping my tears!!!