Lucas' POV

As we ate, two more guys and a girl joined us. They were part of the gang. Ryder introduced them as Tony and Joe. Joe was buff and very athletic. Tony had that pretty boy look that I wondered how exactly he was a gang member and the girl was Mika, Tony's girlfriend.

After some time, I excused myself to go to the toilet. I had a hard time finding the toilet at first, I had to ask for directions. I found it much later. On my way out, after I had washed my hands, someone bumped into me. And there she was again, Tiana Almirez, staring at me with her large brown eyes but... wait there was something wrong with her. Her eyes were misty and reddened. Was she crying? My suspicions was confirmed when a droplet of tear rolled down her cheek. I stared at her for a long time and she stared back at me. 'Why was she crying?' I didn't know how but I instinctively reached out and wiped her tears. She shivered when my fingers brushed her cheeks. And she stared at me surprised. We stood there staring at each other for what seemed like ages until she suddenly hit my hand away and ran into the toilet before I could say a word. I look at the toilet door dumbfounded. 'What was that about? Why had I reached out to wipe her tears?' I didn't know why but when I saw her crying, it ached me. I had instinctively felt the need to wipe those tears away.

Tiana's POV

'He is wiping my tears!'

I stood there, surprised and stared at him. I looked into his eyes and I lost myself in his eyes. When I finally realized myself, I hit his hand away and ran into the toilet. I locked the door, sat down on the toilet seat and started to cry as quietly as I could. There were other people in the toilet so I just sobbed quietly.

'Why?! Why did I have to bump into him of all people?! Why did he have to be the one to see me crying?!', I thought to myself sadly.

I continued sobbing until I finally calmed down. When I was sure I was calm, I quietly came out of the toilet and walked towards the mirror. I washed my face and stared at the mirror for a long time. It all kept flashing in my head, 'His cold yet very slender fingers, the way he looked at me when he wiped my tears'. I shook my head and slapped myself, 'Just what the hell was I thinking about'. 'But goddamit why did he have to see me crying. That bastard he must have been happy to see me like that. No, Tee you can't let him win. You can't show him your weak side. Nothing happened', I encouraged myself and looked at the mirror again after making sure there was no trace of me crying, I walked out of the toilet confidently like nothing had ever happened.

I looked at my watch, "Shit! I'm late for class!"

I hurried off to class. I had Biology and I was already late. I rushed into class panting for breath. Mrs. Dolson, the Biology teacher immediately turned to look at me.

"Good afternoon ma'am", I greeted her still panting for breath.

"Ms. Almirez, is there a valid reason why you are late for my class?", she asked me staring at me through her glasses.

"I'm so sorry ma'am. Something came up. It won't happen again I promise"

"Indeed it won't. You are a good student and I'm letting you off because of that", she said.

'Phew', I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go on. We have gone quite ahead so you would have to take the notes of one of your classmates to catch up ok?"

"Yes ma'am. Thank you so much ma'am", I said and sat at the first empty seat I saw.

As soon as I sat down, I took a few minutes to calm myself down because I was still a bit disoriented from running. After I calmed down I turned to the person next to me, to ask for notes and I saw him. He was smiling at me. I immediately turned away.

'What the hell?!', I yelled inwardly.

'He's in my Biology class too? Why did I have to choose a seat right next to him?!', I thought to myself.

I looked around the classroom and there was no other empty seat. Wait, I thought he was the new eye candy how come no one is seating next to him? Just then I felt someone poke me. I bit my lips and turned to him with an expressionless face.

"Yeah?", I whispered.

"Want my notes?", he asked with a smile on his face.

I glanced at him then at the notes before shaking my head, "No", I replied coldly.

In truth I needed the notes but I didn't necessarily need to get them from him. So I turned my attention back to the lesson. He poked me again and I looked at him exasperatedly.

"Come on don't play hard to get just take them", he implored with a mischievous smile.

I ignored him. He kept poking me and annoying me all through the lesson, whispering at me until I couldn't take it anymore,

"What the hell is wrong with you?!", I yelled.

Everyone turned their attention to me. I suddenly realized what I had just done. I looked at him and saw him smiling at me. 'That bastard'.

"Ms. Almirez?", I heard Mrs. Dolson call me.

"I'm so sorry ma'am", I hurriedly apologized.

She stared at me for a while before continuing the lesson. I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to the perpetrator, I glared at him and he laughed softly. Soon the lesson was over.

'Finally', I thought to myself and hurriedly packed my things wanting to get as far away as possible from him.

I had just walked out the door when someone pulled me.

"What the?!", I looked up and saw him.

I bit my lips irritated and asked, "What do you want?"

He stared at me for a while before saying, "Are you ok?"

I was startled.

"What are you.....", then I remembered what had happened earlier.

Was that what he was asking me about. I gnashed my teeth. Just thinking about how this bastard had seen me crying just made me so angry. I put up an expressionless face and replied casually, "Sure why wouldn't I be?"

"Because earlier I don't know, I thought I hurt your feelings which is why you were like that and....."

"Ha ha ha ha ha", I laughed long and hard. He looked at me confused.

"You hurt my feelings?", I asked him staring straight into his eyes.

I moved closer to him and asked, "Tell me, who the hell do you think you are huh? You think you are capable of hurting my feelings? Oh please", with a mirthless smile on my face.

He looked really confused as he stared at me speechless.

"Whatever you saw earlier I suggest you forget about it and get rid of any high esteemed thought that you have about yourself. Someone like you can't hurt me because you are not even worth anything to me", I said coldly and walked off leaving him there speechless.