Tiana's POV

"Let's go", Sky said and he led me away. As we walked, everyone was staring at us and whispering.

"Is that Sky?"


"I thought he wasn't supposed to be back till next week?"

"OMG! He seems to look even more handsome"

"Ah, he just got back and he's already glued to Tiana", someone said. I ignored all of them and I led him to meet up with Steph and Grace.

"Tee! What took you so long", Steph grumbled as soon as she caught sight of me.

"We've been waiting for you and... Sky?", she said surprised.

Sky smiled at her and she squealed,

"Oh My Gosh! Sky you're back", she rushed to hug him.

"I missed you so so much you know", she said and pouted.

"Yeah right", I scoffed.

"You just missed someone buying expensive lunch for you"

"Heol! Tee! How could you say that?! Of course I missed our darling Sky but I wouldn't mind him buying me something from Pixie's Place for a change", she said and pouted clinging onto him. I laughed at her antics and glanced at Grace. Grace just stood there looking at us.

"Grace. It's good to see you again. You grow more beautiful by the day", Sky said.

"Hm. Welcome back", she said expressionlessly and Sky didn't take it to heart. He already knew that Grace didn't really approve of him or our relationship but she just respected me. They respected each other and stayed away from topics that would lead to fights.

"So what did you get for me as a souvenir?", Steph asked excitedly still latching onto Sky's arm.

"Impatient, aren't we?", Sky teased as he pinched her nose she pouted in response.

"Oh yeah, does Romeo know you're back?", I asked him.

"Yeah. I messaged him last night"

"What about Anthony? Did he come with you?"

"Yeah, he did", he replied. Anthony is Sky's best friend like Romeo, the three of them had been best friends for a long time. Unlike the two of them, Anthony was much calmer and quiet. He was dating Nora, a girl whom I found not bad. He had gone with Sky on his trip.

"Come on, let's go to the lounge, they are waiting for us there", Sky said and I nodded. As we walked down to the lounge, there were different students who came over to welcome him. It was normal.

We walked towards the lounge with Steph chattering away. The lounge which was only accessible by the elite of elite students of my school, such as myself.

"Anthony", I called to the tall figure with Romeo before reaching out to hug him.

"Tee", he smiled at me. Steph hugged him too and Grace just smiled at him. We soon settled down on the couches. I sat next to Sky as usual, Grace sat next to Steph and Romeo and Anthony settled down next to each other.

"So how was Australia?", I asked Sky.

"It was ok. But I have to say Australian girls are worth the hype", he said smirking. I nudged him.

"Trust you to go on a vacation and only look at girls.", I said.

"So, Sky, my souvenir?", Steph asked excitedly.

"Your souvenir? I might have forgotten", Sky said winking at me.

"What?", Steph asked with her expression already falling. I laughed and nudged Sky.

"Sky, don't. Can't you see how sad she is? Don't tease her anymore", I said. Sky laughed too and said,

"Alright, alright Romeo go get them from my car", as he tossed Romeo his car keys.

Romeo took the keys with a slight grumble and left us.

"Squee! I'm so excited",Steph said grinning from ear to ear while Grace just sat there without an expression.

"So how has school been?", Sky asked me.

"Fine mostly", I replied.

"Anyone giving you trouble?"



Steph and I answered simultaneously. I turned and glanced at her signalling her to keep quiet. But she wasn't paying attention and continued.

"The new boy", she said.

"The new boy?", Sky asked quizzically and looked at me.

"It's nothing", I hurried to say though I already knew he was aware. I still didn't want to bring it up. If I didn't bring it up maybe he wouldn't go after him.

"What do you mean it's nothing?", Steph asked.

"He called you a pretentious bitch", she said.

Sky stared at me and asked,

"Is this true?", like he wasn't already aware.

I knew what he was looking for, verbal confirmation from me, a reason to say I was hurt by what the new boy did, it's true that I was though, so he could go after him.

"Sky.....", I started.

"Is it true or not?", he asked with an air of authority.

"Yes", I sighed.

"Ok", he responded.

"Sky, I....", I started again.

"I said it's ok", he said with a note of finality signalling he didn't want to continue this conversation. I sighed in resignation. Sky was wonderful and all but he was a little overprotective. He would probably go after the new boy. 'Eh? Wait. Why am I bothered if Sky goes after him or not? He deserves it doesn't he?', I thought to myself. Romeo arrived with a bag.

"Ok", Sky said rubbing his palms together. He opened the bag and brought out two boxes. One was long and rectangular, the other was small like a jewelry box. He handed them both to an excited Steph.

"Thank you", she said in a slightly pitched voice, no doubt very excited. We all watched her open the first one and inside the box was an array of different types of fancy looking chocolates and sweets. Ranging from eclairs to caneles, all were arranged very beautiful that they were pleasing to look at.

"All made by a top notch and famous Australian baker", Sky said.

"Woah", Steph said as she marveled at the sweets.

I smiled.

She opened the second box and inside was a beautiful pair of earrings. They were oval in shape, and they were made from real gold obviously. I wouldn't expect less from Sky. The studs each had a diamond on it. It was very pretty.

"Oh My Gosh!! Wow!! They are so pretty!!!", Steph exclaimed as she was nearly jumping in happiness.

"Thank you!! Thank you so much!!", she said and jumped on Sky.

"Sure", Sky laughed. He reached into the bag again and brought out a similar rectangular box as the one which contained Steph's chocolates and stretched them to Grace.

Grace glanced at the box expressionlessly,

"No, thank you", she said.

And the air immediately became awkward. I sighed. I knew Grace wouldn't accept it. In the past she never accepted any gift items Sky gave her no matter how luxurious. When I asked her why? She said Sky was too luxurious with his gifts and it felt like he was showing off although that wasn't his intention. But Sky never stopped offering her gifts, hell bent on winning her over.

Sky laughed, "Come on, just take it"

"No, it doesn't matter what luxurious gift you bought this time, I won't be accepting it. If you have so much money to spend, invest it or use it for something good. Stephanie may love your luxurious gifts but I'm not interested", she said coldly.

"Hey!", Steph yelled slightly offended.

"Grace!", I scolded.

"No, it's ok", Sky said and held my hand. He smiled at Grace, "I know. Which is why, I didn't get you a luxurious gift this time"

I looked at him in surprise. Grace raised her eyes at him.

"Go on, take it", he said.

Grace hesitated for a while before reaching out for the box. She opened it and it was a chocolate box as well but hers was different from Steph's. Whereas Steph's chocolate box was filled with many fancy and expensive looking sweets, some even having gold leaf, Grace's was quite normal looking. The sweets and chocolates looked quite delicious but it wasn't as luxurious as Steph's. They looked simple.

Grace stared at the box for a while before looking at Sky and uttering,

"Thank you".

Sky smiled, "No problem".

Not just me, but even Steph stared at her wide eyed. 'Wait! What just happened?', I asked myself confused. 'Did Grace just accept a gift from Sky? And she even thanked him?!' I looked at Steph and she also looked at me confused.

'What? Is this is a sign from the heavens? That good things are coming?', I thought to myself.

"And now for my leading lady", Sky said and smiled at me. I smiled back. He reached into the bag and brought out a small jewelry box. This one was more sophisticated though. It was burgundy in color and it felt quite velvety. I the box prepared for anything; Sky always had a way of blowing me away with his gifts. I took a look into the box and I gasped.