
"Oops! Sorry! Excuse me!", she yelled as she ran along the halls excitedly, bumping into people as she ran.

"Woah! What's the rush?", a masculine voice asked as a hand grabbed her. She looked up impatiently to see who had stopped her and she found the familiar blue eyes she had been looking for, staring at her curiously.

She broke into a smile, "I was looking for you"

"Oh? What for?", he asked as he loosened his grip.

"I have something to tell you", she said.

"Ok", he nodded at his friends and led her away to a more secluded place.

"I want to pull out", she said, her voice breaking the silence.

Yes she wanted to stop, she had ran all the way here when she realized her feelings, to tell him that she wanted to put an end to it. He raised his brows at her.

"Why?", he asked completely calm.

"I just feel like it's wrong to continue when his feelings for me are so sincere"

"You like him, don't you?", he said.

She took in a sharp breath and, "Yes, yes I like him and he likes me very much too" That's right she liked him and she was sure Shane liked her as well, so there was no need to continue this.

"Uh uh and I'm sure he said that himself, that he likes you I mean"

"Yeah, but....."

"Did you forget already? What happened that made you come to me saying you wanted this?", he asked her.

"No, but this time it's different, he's different", she said trying to make her point.

"You don't know that"

"I do, I really do. I really like him and I believe his feelings for me are sincere so I don't want to push through with it", she said.

Silence ensued for a while.

"Ok", he responded, surprising her.

"Really?", she asked surprised.

"Of course. If that's what you want and what will make you happy, why not?"

"Thank you", she said excitedly as she quickly hugged him.

She turned to leave when she saw a scene she hadn't expected to see. Walking side by side, holding hands, all smiles and looking so in love was the boy she had defended his feelings for her with a girl. She stood there stunned as she watched them. They clearly didn't know she was there, as they continued with their love play, whispering to each other, Shane giving her fleeting kisses on her cheek.

She looked closely at the girl, "Olivia?"

At that moment it felt like her entire world had come crashing down. She was harshly jolted to reality, to the truth. He lied. He had lied. She stood there stunned, tears forming in her eyes until she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her.

"But... but he said he loved me", she stuttered.

"I know", his voice filtered towards her from behind.

"How... how could he?", she asked her voice breaking down. He turned her around and had her face him.

"He lied. Wipe your tears", he said.

"I told you before didn't I? If you don't want to get hurt, don't open up your heart, don't fall. Feelings are an illusion, love is a bullet. If you want to get revenge, be a player", he continued.

"Trust no one, don't believe in their lies, be alert and ready to read them. The minute you start to believe in thier lies, you are on the loosing end. You have to lie better and make them believe in your lies. Hurt them before they can hurt you. These are the rules of the game, to being a player and it's the only way, the only fun way at least, you'll not get hurt", he finished. She stared at him, her cloudy eyes focused on him.


She nodded weakly.

"Say it!", he commanded.

"I understand", she said in a slightly loud voice and determination flashed in her eyes, but it was only for a second before her eyes became empty and no emotion showed itself again for a long time.


Tiana's POV

I opened the box and I gasped.

Inside, was a necklace. It was made of gold but it looked even better than Steph's. It was of a higher quality no doubt. The chain was simple with no design and a simple clasp. I let my eyes roam slowly down the chain, I stopped at the pendant and my breath hitched. Tiana, my name in large cursive was hooked onto the simple string. It laid on the soft cushion so majestically. Underneath my name, there were two wavy bands beginning from opposite ends of the name, reaching the same length, the two bands held a heart in the middle. On either side of my name was each a wing of a butterfly perched on the edges of the letters 'T' and 'A', in intricate yet beautiful design. The necklace was in one word; stunning. And it took my breath away. I stared in shock at the necklace for a while. I heard Steph gasp as well.

"14 carat pure gold, refined and crafted by one of the most talented goldsmiths in the United States. It's been processed and refined so it shouldn't be heavy and shouldn't feel like you are wearing much", I heard Sky say.

I glanced at the necklace and reached out my hands slowly to touch the necklace. My fingers brushed against the chain, the gold felt a warm cool to touch. I let my fingers slowly brush down the strap till I got to the pendant. I traced the outline of my name slowly, all the way to the bands and up to each butterfly wing. It indeed was a very exquisite necklace. I glanced up to look at Sky. Questions and surprise in my eyes. He had given me a lot of luxurious gifts before but this, this was just on another level.

"I couldn't get you anything for your birthday, so I guess you could take this as your birthday gift as well?"

"Actually I had a hard time thinking about what to give you but then I remembered what you said some time ago. When you said sometimes you weren't even sure who you were anymore", he started audible enough for only me to hear.

"I guess I just wanted to let you know that to me, no matter what you face, no matter what you tell anyone, you will always be my Tiana, perfect, beautiful and graceful as a butterfly. I hoped this necklace would remind you of it"

"Thank you", I said overwhelmed, barely a whisper.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!", I chanted happily as I huge smile broke on my face and I jumped on him in a hug.

"Awwwn", I heard Steph coo.

I kissed his cheek and smiled at him, he laughed and smiled back. I looked at the necklace again and smiled. I leaned down on him unconsciously and he wrapped his hands around me.

"Want to try it on?", I heard him ask. As I opened my mouth to answer,

"Sky!", we heard a voice say.

Ryder and his gang walked up to us.

"Ryder", Sky responded as he offered a small smile.

"I heard a rumor you were back, I guess it's true eh?", he said.

"Yes. I wanted to extend my holiday but I was worried that a certain rat might feel like it's a lion while the real lion is away", Sky said and Romeo snickered. I glanced at the new boy who stood there watching all that was happening, completely unconcerned, I quickly averted my gaze to Sky and I felt his gaze on me not long after.

"We didn't want to seem rude so we decided to come and welcome you", Ryder said.

"Uh uh", Sky acknowledged as he sat down and pulled me into his embrace again. I felt the new boy's gaze burn through me while I was in Sky's arms and for some reason I felt uncomfortable.

"Well we'll leave now. You seem to be very busy with your plaything", he said and smirked at me before leaving.

The new boy followed. I stared at their retreating backs. I glanced at Sky and he seemed unperturbed my Ryder's last comment. Like he hadn't heard it at all but I knew Sky, he wouldn't let that go.

"Excuse me", he said after a while and left.

I knew what he was going to do. I sat for a while and after seeing no trace of Sky, I packed my bag and left after bidding everyone goodbye. I had class anyway and Sky had offered to walk me. I exited the lounge and as expected I saw Sky with Ryder and his gang, the only thing was, Sky wasn't talking to Ryder, he was talking to the new boy and he seemed to be getting really riled up. The new boy was provoking him, it was evident in his eyes and Sky was about to loose it.

"Sky?", I called and walked over.

They all turned their attention to me. I walked up to them and hooked my arm with Sky's eyeing all of them. Lucas gazed at our arms, and I could see a flash of contempt in his eyes, nevertheless I ignored it.

"What are you doing?", I asked him.

"Nothing", he said.

"You ready to go?", he asked me.


"Alright let's go", he said and we walked away.

We walked in silence for a while

"Were you confronting the new boy?", I asked.

"Yes, why?", he replied lazily.

"Sky. I told you not to bother about it. He isn't worth it.", I said to him.

And he didn't even seem like he was listening to me as he looked on languidly. I sighed.

"Sky? Sky are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

He abruptly stopped, surprising me. He turned back to look at me with a smile on his face.

"I didn't get to put the necklace on you", he said.


"Give it to me I'll put it on you", he said. I sighed exasperatedly.

There's no use talking to him and I honestly don't even know why I was talking to him on behalf of that new boy. Truth be told, he deserves whatever Sky did to him. I gave Sky the box. He opened it, took out the necklace and I turned around. I held up my hair, so he could put the necklace on me. He clasped the necklace and I turned to face him.

"How is it?", I asked him with a smile.

"Beautiful", he reply and my smile widened.

"You have feelings for him", was the next thing I heard him say.

I looked up sharply and stared at him, he stared back at me. I was confused. First off, I wasn't sure if what he just said was a question or a statement.

"What are you saying?", I asked confused.

"Do you have feelings for him?", he asked.

I blinked at him.

"Feelings are an illusion for someone like me. You yourself said that", I told him.

He nodded in agreement, "I did"

"Then why are you asking me this?", I asked perplexed.

"I just wanted to make sure", he said as he hooked my arms into his and we resumed walking.

"It felt like you had feelings for him", he said blankly.

"If you don't, that's good to know", he added. I glanced at him.

"And if I did?", I asked him.

"That's also good", he said.

I stared at him confused. He glanced at me and a smile broke out on his face.

"I don't mind if you have feelings for him or not. As long as you're happy. So do you?", he said.

I thought about it. There was no way. No way in hell I could have feelings for such a cocky bastard.

"No", I said.

"Hm mh", he nodded and stopped I looked up and saw that we were almost at my class.

"This is my stop. I'll see you after classes then?", I said.

"Yeah", he replied. Before we parted, he leaned in and kissed my forehead. I could feel the jealous stares from all the girls around.

"See ya", Sky said and left.

I watched him leave and as I made to walk to class, someone suddenly pulled me and the next thing I knew, I was pinned to the wall. I looked up in shock and I saw Lucas. He was staring at me with his brown eyes. I gazed at him confused.

'Just what the hell was going on?'

He leaned in. Closer and closer and my heart beat quickened.

"Why do you have so many knights around you?", I heard him say in a voice barely above a whisper.

I stared at him confused. His face was so close to mine.

"Makes me want to best all of them and protect you myself", he said after a while and I stared at him in surprise.