Chapitre 12

Chapter 12

Author's Note:

Before anything, I'd like to thank the user FunkyFresh for helping me with this chapter, and giving insight on my mistakes!

I ran, which was sort of dumb in a sense since I could technically go airborne whenever I wanted to. But that's besides the point right now, there was a pony who wanted to kidnap me and take me back to her cult or whatever! She even insinuated trying to take a crack at something of mine, the recent memory is fading. With the idea of getting back to the house and never going back outside being prominent, I continued running until I made it to the halfway point.

How I knew? There was a house across the street, and a few houses down from mine that almost away had a blue tarp over the roof. Don't ask why.

Though with the feelings of my legs trying to give up on me, I gave another burst of speed and found myself falling over on the doorstep. It gave me a small moment to let out a few long drawing breaths, slowly but surely pushing myself back onto my hooves, I sighed.

"My legs hurt, my back hurts. And I've got a seemingly pedophilic mare who's a part of a cult that has a queen."

I say cult because what else would these ponies worship, other than their pseudo God, princess Celestia? It happens all the time back on earth, so why not?

"This world is crazy."

Once I shook my head of these thoughts, I found myself stable on my own legs once more. Shaky, yet stable. I nodded and went to go and reach up for the door knob, before pausing for a quick moment.

"Wait a second"

I dropped back down on all fours and approached the door, reaching up a hoof and lightly pushing in the middle of the door. To my utter suspicion, it was unlocked, giving me full access and sight of the slightly obscured living room as the door gradually swung fully open. Alarms were ringing in my head, wanting me to not enter this house and immediately get the hell out of there. There is some type of law enforcement here right? Maybe since Canterlot is connected to a humongous castle, my dumb ass can realize yes! There are guards patrolling the city.

But on the other hand, the conflicting fight or flight instinct was egging me on to do the latter and go inside. After all, she did know where I live and how to get where I live, there's no doubt she sent one of her fellow members here to try and find me or moth-

My eyes widened with realization, and I immediately took the plunge and sprinted inside, ignoring the immediate slamming of the door behind me and coming to a sliding stop in the living room. Eyes darting around as to look for any signs of struggle or for any signs of someone being here recently. I refrained from trying to make my presence known by shouting. It never really helped anyone in my kind of situation, and I wasn't about to have that moment where the kidnapper appears out of thin air. Or even starts stalking the character in their own home after hearing them call put for a loved one, though now that I say that.

My head snapped around as to not let myself be surprised by anything, yet thankfully found nothing waiting for me to turn around. My eyes glanced over the framed picture hanging up on the wall I was facing, it was of me and mother in front of a theme park. Though with the situation being as tense as it is, it was slightly nice to let myself draw out a grin at the memory.

"That was a nice... day?"

My voice faltered on its own as a chill ran down my spine, for what made it do that? The reflection of the glass surface in front of the picture made it so if I looked closely, I could see the top of my head looking back at myself. That and the bright green eyes staring from down the hall.

When I went to turn back around, they were gone. Making my face morph into a slightly bemused expression, before immediately turning and moving towards the front door. I had all the proof I needed that there was someone in my house. I didn't see any tell-tale signs of mother here, so the kidnapper must have gotten here just before I did.

But as I went to nope out of there, my ears flicked upwards, a sudden familiar outburst sounded from behind me, though not much of an outburst and more of an eerie whisper. My eyes widened once more, and I stopped in my tracks, turning my body back around as to confirm what I heard.

"Speckles'... help me, they have me trapped"


"Help me."

My feet moved on their own as I hurriedly pushed past the living room and stepped into the connecting hallway, glancing around at every room with an ajar door. The urge to help my mother was something really forcing my actions, yet I found the strength to stop myself. Standing in the middle of all the dark and seemingly empty rooms I spoke.


"In here..."

I was answered by the eerily quiet voice of mother echoing off the walls, turning to watch the door to mother's bedroom glow a faint green color before opening wide. Now that was concerning, and I knew it was something I should not approach, yet I found myself standing just in front of it anyway. Something deep inside of me wanted to stop at nothing to find mother, and it was something that was trying to move my body on its own.

"Come inside. Help me"

"Free me..."

The room kept trying to throw incentives at me, trying to seduce my mind into going in the room. Yet I refused, I pushed that train of thought feel down into my mind and shook my head.

"I. I'll get the guards! They'll help you!"


I flinched at that, her voice seemed to raise in decibels as it screeched out its disagreement. Voice sounding distinctly low-pitched and had a slight distortion to it, exactly like what happened with 'Aurora'. I took steps and backed away from the door, about to turn and leave.


I turned those small steps and turned them into full sprinting ones as I flipped around and started running, this person was mimicking mother's voice, and I wasn't about to let myself fall for that. Yet I still couldn't help the slight fear that floated around my body, something about that voice messing with moms. Just, no.

As I made my way out into the living room, a flash of green blinded my vision, and I collided into something. Falling flat onto my back in a daze, the edges of my vision still blurred by the sudden flash. Yet I could still make out the black figure now standing over me, deep green eyes staring into my own.

"Why do you run my son? Mommy is here..."

I didn't have time to blink before the figure lunged at my probed form, forcing me to roll over onto my stomach and forced myself up. Stumbling on my own hooves as I made an escape attempt, the hissing of the figure only helped to drive my escapade.

The hairs on my back rose, and I immediately dropped onto my stomach, narrowly moving out of the way as the figure collided with the couch. Though they seemed to have grown more annoyed at my constant dodging and full on tackled, getting the breath knocked out of me made me stop in my attempt to struggle. Giving them the time to press their full body weight on my smaller form, lifting themselves up before dropping back down onto me. A painful groan was drawn out of me as the figure started chuckling to themselves. I couldn't tell if they were male or female, since they still kept the voice of my horse mother mixed in with their own.

"Sssuch a feisty colt..."

"Now I see why the queen wants you"

"One ssso young sshould not have asss enticing of a smell as you do..... so much love in ssuch a small place..."

Why were they all of a sudden drawing out the 's' in their sentence? Though besides them just keeping me pressed against the floor like this, making me shiver as they pressed their nose against my head and inhaled deeply.

"So intoxicating..."

Okay, no. Nope, nope no.

This was getting weirder than frightening, no actually both. I doubled my efforts to try and struggle out of their grasp, attempting to use their distracting as leverage. Successfully catching them off guard and slipping out of their hold, running behind them and back towards the living room. Taking a sudden turn to the left, I unfurled my wings and flapped them. Using the momentum to propel me up onto the kitchen counter, I turned my head around to watch the figure.

They were now standing and staring at me from the door way with their mouth open, revealing fangs and all, their eyes having been tinted with a slight pinkish color. It unnerved and scared me farther than I already was, turning back to what I was doing, I quickly made my way to where a knife was left on a cutting board. I mentally thanked mother for her carelessness and grabbed the handle with my mouth, yanking it out of the wood and turning back to face the figure.

A hiss filled the room as they slowly approached, an insect like clicking followed shortly after. I reaffirmed my shaky stance and motioned towards them with the blade, warning against approaching me any further.

They ignored it and continued their approach, head turning side to side as they let out a few more rhythmic clicks and then- they lunged forwards. Yet I was quicker, bending my knees and lifting my head at them.

Mentally cheering as blade met flesh, and they screeched in pain, falling backwards and taking the knife with them as they thudded against the kitchen floor. I peeked over the side of the counter and slightly gaped at the sight.

The figure was sprawled on the ground, gripping tightly onto the blade that sunk into his eye socket. I could hear the sounds of their panicked and painful breaths as they moved their arms upwards, painful and horrific screeching filled my ears as they shook.

It was so loud that my ears pressed themselves down tightly onto the sides of my head involuntary, even to the point of having my eyes shut.

Though it stopped for a brief moment, and I shakily opened my eyes, the figure had their hooves gripped onto the table in the middle of the kitchen. Using it as leverage to pull themselves shakily onto their feet, I could see and hear the droplets of green blood fall and stain the floor.

Though it seemed like a good moment for me to just escape, something was just keeping me there. Watching the assailant rifle in pain as they fully stood up, I was amazed on how they weren't dead and slightly concerned.

Until their hooves once again wrapped around the knife, and with one quick tug, yanked it out of their socket. Sending a small splatter of blood onto my shocked face, I watched as they immediately dropped the stained knife and looked at me. One eye full of anger and the other just empty, an ugly indent was all to show of what I did.

I took a step back as they hissed towards me, before they took a step forward and tripped. Sending them falling forwards, making me wince once more as I witness them smashing their chin on the edge of the counter and sliding onto the ground.

I peeked over the edge of the counter once more, the insect-like figure was slumped over on the floor. A small trail of blood was left on their way down, and I feared I'd killed them.

Shakily hopping off the counter and turning around, I stepped forward towards their form and poked them. Poking them didn't seem to get a response, so I leaned closer and presses my ear against their chest, they were breathing.

I immediately back away and let out a sigh. I don't know how I would react if I killed them.


My head snapped around to meet the owner of the confused and familiar voice of.

To be continued