Chapitre 13

Chapter 13

Author's Note:

Once again the user FunkyFresh for their help, this story would've looked completely different without their insight!

Mother and I stared at each other for a good few seconds before her eyes wandered to the very incapacitated figure to my side, they immediately widened, and she quickened her approach. My mind immediately relaxed and wanted to let my hooves outstretched towards her, yet I hesitated. Now knowing that they could mimic voices, I was wary of this seemingly mother being just a shape shifter or a hidden trap.


Though from the shock, I couldn't help but feel my mind work at a million miles per hour, focusing on how I was feeling, the feeling of stabbing a kidnapper and almost being kidnapped in one day. My ears flattened as she approached, taking a few steps back until my butt hit the cabinets. I turned around and let out a small noise. Her movements then stopped as I peeked back at her, her head tilted in confusion and slight anxiousness.



I couldn't help the outburst of panic escaping from my mouth, falling backwards in my movements. Looking up as her face morphed into one of avid concern, I couldn't help but vividly imagine the face of the imposing changeling with its glowing green eyes bleeding through the image of mother. I gaped and reached for the knife that was left at my side, pulling it towards me before grasping the stained weapon in my mouth.

"Sthey bachk!"

My muffled words had an effect, her ears lowered, and she reached out a hoof. Making my already jumpy form flinch.

"Honey... it's me.. mommy's he-"

"Yerh not rehal! Just a shaepesifter!"

The other shapeshifter said those exact same words to me, all with a menacing grin and all the malicious intent. I wasn't about to fall prey to her advances, even if it was her.. I couldn't hear the mixed voices, so it just made it all the more confusing.

"Shapeshift- a changeling? Honey, I'm not a changeling!"

Changeling? Is that what they were?

Her words seemed to be strained, eyes starting to water before moving to take another step towards me. Trying to give me a reassuring smile, reaching out a hoof and moving to touch me. I just waved the knife in front of me with a widened expression.

"Ho-honey... please believe me.drop the knife!"

"Prohve it!"

"Speckles... I... Hakuna Mata?"

That made my grip on the knife slightly lessen before I realized something. Aurora had heard our little bout of that song earlier that week and could just as easily recite it to me! I readjusted it in my mouth before shaking my head fervently, looking around for an escape route if necessary.

"Difdherent one!"

She grimaced and bowed her head down, shaking her head before moving to sit on her haunches. I raised an eyebrow before she raised her head and looked back at me, trying to keep a smile on her face past the tears.

"Its tough to be a God! Where were mor-"

I didn't even let her finish, as the knife dropped out of my mouth and the suspicions completely dropped. I felt my eyes water as I rushed her sitting form. Immediately wrapping my hooves around her barrel and pressing my face into her chest, immediately trying to apologize.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry! I thought... and you were, but changelin-"

My actions were almost immediately reciprocated, larger hooves wrapping tightly around my body. Doubling it by wrapping her massive wings around me, making the embrace that much tighter. Though it was my turn to be silenced, as she started slowly rocking forwards and backwards to try and soothe me.

"Shh... It's alright"

It wasn't alright, I'd been trying to keep the thought away but the situation just brought the realization crashing down on me. I have a literal target on my back and these changeling fucks want to rape me or something! I'm also in a stupid child's body, I can't defend myself from shit! Especially when I'm literally pinned. If that changeling wasn't distracted, who knows what he'd have done? It's just really frustrating, and this stupid body came with some child-like tendencies, the crying for example.

If I was an adult, I'd assure you I'd be calmer about this, mad and slightly panicked, but still calm enough to not start bawling my eyes out! Of course, I thought that my own mother was one of these changelings and tried to stab her with this already bloody knife.

My head just buried deeper into her chest, just wanting to up and disappear right now. My mind was failing with emotions and

I wasn't in the right mind to actually go through the correct motions, my body just up and went "cry".

I just wanted to do nothing more than just fall asleep, my body was exhausted enough as it is, and I have mother to keep me safe. But my tired mind still held that feeling of anxiousness mixed with other things, knowing that Aurora was still out there was a main one.

"It's alright honey. you're safe now, let's just go and get a guard alright? Mommy won't let anything hurt you okay Speckles?"

Her voice was so soothing and convincing at the same time, my adult mind was at that point where impossible promises were being acknowledged as truth. So I relented and nodded into her chest fluff, staying there for a few seconds before removing my head and looking up at her own, just as teary eyes. Though they were dried, and she was much more concerned with me than how she was doing right now.

" ...okay, let's just get the guards before the changeling wakes up."

I finished off my sentence with a slight nasally tone, sniffing as to clear my sinuses and give a weak smile up at her. Ignoring the fantasy creature turning out to be even more real than I imagined, though much less kidnap the chil-

Wait a second, are these changelings just the ponified versions of those from folk-tale, where they kidnap and eat children in their holes? But these guys are more organized and have a queen?


"Spec- Speckles!"

My vision went black. I think I fainted.


"Infiltrator... do you think of me as a joke?"

"N-no my Queen!"

"Then why. Must. You. Always. Bring. Me. Bad. News."

"I. its-"

"Explain to me, my child, as my age must be thinking bad news is some new form of good news."

"He's smarter than I thought my Queen, he used some sort of magic to distract me!"

"Magic... didn't you say this child was a pegasus? A four-year-old pegasus?"

"Then explain to me how you were outsmarted. Or even distracted by this foal's make believe powers!"

Before the changeling was able to speak, the shadowy Queen raised a hoof as to silence them. Vibrant red eyes creasing as she turned her head over towards the wounded one, opting to forcing them to stand there instead of getting them fixed up.

"And you.. Explain your injury to me once more, explain to me how you were left blind in one eye?"

The changeling shifted and wobbled on their feet, due to how nervous they were or for the injury, making it so the blood loss made them weary. Faded green and now red eye met the Queen's vision before immediately falling back towards the ground.

"The child stabbed me, my Queen..."

"Yes, I remember... give me the details, my child, explain how a small child eluded your hypnotic advances and stabbed you!"

The sheer anger and force of her voice dropped the wounded changeling down onto their stomach, body terribly shaking.

"He dis.. Distracted me! Th.. Then he uh.. Ran and I followe..d, before getting stahbbed.."

The changelings flow of words seemed to get less and less coherent as they went on. With the wound still flowing freely, they found the idea of closing their eyes pleasant. Before their voice trailed off into silence, the Queen rolled her eyes. With a wave of her hoof, the limp changeling was hoisted off into a tunnel.

"Now.. You"

Her head shifted back towards the original changeling, their body having snapped to attention as they once again made eye contact.

"Listen to me carefully now."

"Y-yes my Queen!"

She gave a toothy smile, showing both rows of very sharp teeth.

"Good. now, I'm going to have you find the child once more. and this time take four others with you and..."

She motioned for them to get closer, before their smile turned into a snarl.


The changelings face paled, and they shakily nodded, turning towards another haphazardly placed tunnel in the ceiling and flying up towards it.

Shortly after disappearing, the Queen sighed before falling back into her throne.

"Why did I birth such useless children.."

To be continued