Chapter 18
Author's Note:
I sort of hurt my hands and found myself unable to do much on a computer or rather motivated. So, I reckon it's been long enough since I haven't uploaded a chapter. This is the least I could muster.
It was a bit of a surreal moment when the Queen was once again face to face with me, specifically how it still didn't go through my mind that this whole world was made up of cartoon graphics. Or at least akin to what a cartoon character would see in their own respective vision or universe thingy. But enough of the internal monologue, I was currently being manhandled by this oversized Queen love eating bug and Spitfire was knocked out and taken who knows where! There was also the notion of me having the current motor functions of Stephen Hawking, seemed as if my mind went 'well. We can't comprehend this so.. Paralysis!' or some stupid reason like that. I don't know, its kind of difficult to think straight in a situation like this. Which mind you would never ever happen!
I certainly did miss the part when the scenery changed and we now were in the middle of shutting the door behind us and approaching what I presumed was the living room, I couldn't tell. I can't move my head.
Rhythmic clicking filled the room and my very sensitive ears before a slightly deep yet still weaker than the first round of clicks responded, they stayed doing that for a good few seconds before the Queen began moving once more. At this time, she started chuckling deeply to herself as we walked. Which was majorly concerning, every time a villain laughs and the hero is trapped it means nothing good.
"Seems as though I've caught you two delicious morsels at the perfect time…but in your case..."
I swear if she sniffed m-
"Are rather excreting such an attractive aroma around you.. It's a wonder how my children controlled themselves around you.. It's a wonder if I'll lose control just holding you.."
The rapist mindset wasn't something you so nonchalantly shrug off, I mean I didn't even know how these creatures consumed love. So from what my imagination can come up with, which is a lot considering these horses think about love and candy all day. But still, I had a good few ideas of what exactly this 'love eating' thing was.
So don't judge me for just shivering ever so slightly as her hoof ran down the length of my back.
"But.. alas I couldn't just dig in right now, I do have a kingdom to overthrow"
Before I could question what exactly that was insinuating, the grip around me shifted and I was airborne for about a good few seconds before promptly falling like a dead body onto the couch. Arms folded in weird positions and my head thankfully slumping into the position to where I could see the ugly face of the changeling looking down at me with a grin, she turned her head as some more clicking was heard. A grimace was formed and she took one more glance at me, then simply showed me her forked tongue and turned to walk towards the hallway.
"I swear my chil-"
That's all I heard before a door slammed and the audibility completely fell back down to zero, leaving me with my indisposed self wondering how I would regain mobility. Another concern is what exactly they're doing to Spitfire.. I really have to get out of here.
If this was anything like sleep paralysis, or rather a more concerning form of paralysis. The odds were against me in my attempts to escape, so as the mental timer forming in my head started counting down. I started trying to mentally and physically force my body back into motion. Which mind you was still impossible to do when you normally had sleep paralysis, doctors only figured that a few people can wiggle their fingers or their toes. But the body doesn't wake itself up from that until much much later, how exactly am I going to speed up the process when I cant feel my spine down?
After a few painful seemingly hours? Maybe minutes of just trying to do anything actually surprisingly paid off. Suddenly as if the blood was rushing back into it, I felt my leg jolt back alive. The light feeling of millions of bubbles popping on the inside of my body encased me, a bit annoying but I had more important things to do. Like maybe escape.
Attempts at wiggling my body around on the couch in an attempt to further the self wake up call, my hind leg kicked out once more and I physically felt and heard my voice vibrate out of my throat and let out the air that had been wanting to come out as something eligible.
I somewhat successfully made myself roll off the couch and onto the floor with a slight painful thud against my nose. My body felt like I was on some sort of sedative, the pain that I had at first felt inside of my head being somehow suppressed by something. I couldn't honestly find myself wanting to try and find out exactly how and why my body sort of just shut down and spasmed when I tried using the unorthodox ability I figured out like a good few hours ago.
"Enough inner thought.."
I grunted and placed both hooves on either side of me to try and push my upper body off the ground, getting halfway there before my puny arms decided to tremble and shortly after drop me back down onto my stomach. My eyes closed and I let out a small sigh of dissatisfaction that was muffled by the floor, but I persevered and attempted to push my back up.
It took a good few minutes, which I stupidly decided to focus on myself rather than if the very tall changeling queen thing was done with whatever she was doing and came back to try and absorb my emotions or something. Truthfully I was tired, but in these types of situations I had to ignore my own feelings and instead focus on getting out of this situation.
With a bit more struggle, I was on my hooves and looking around the room trying to formulate a plan.
To be continued