Chapter 19
Author's Note:
Trying to make up for the lack of postage.
Now I felt as if I was in a tell tale game, standing the middle of a dangerous situation with a few options. I could either book it out the front door and take my chances with the local law enforcement, but I hardly have faith in my ability to traverse CloudsDale. I could also try my chances with using my ability once more, which my mind clearly told me wasn't a good idea by sending a jolt of pain through my head.
"Ah.. alright I wont"
My last option is grabbing a knife and trying to sneak up and stab the changelings like I did last time. I looked around the room once more and than towards the hallway that the queen disappeared behind. With spitfire being subjected to the changelings..whatever they're doing..
You know what, I guess I'm stabbing a bitch.
My decision was made and I was now wobbly approaching the kitchen from my place in the living room.
I passed through the entrance to the kitchen and my feet met tile, the small tapping of hooves against tile resonated haphazardly as I walked. My eyes flickered around and finally made contact with the counter top, where I could just barely make out the top of a knife rack. Now that I'd figured out where my weapon of choice was, I was now going to have to get up there. Which an answer simply came to my head, flying up there was going to be a gamble at best. Seeing as my wings when I tried to flare them out for example, tensed up and forced themselves back to my sides. Apparently paralysis hindered my ability to fly when I got over it l, which was funny in it's own way.
With that very unnecessary dump of mindless additions to the tangent, I turned back over to where a stool stood placed underneath the kitchen table. Which also brought the question of how exactly ponies could sit on stools, but that was a question for another time.
I approached the stool and ventured underneath and to the other side of it, backing up onto my hindlegs and using my upper body to push it along as I walked forward with it. I cringed at the very noticable screeching of the metal against the tile floor but continued on.
Once stool met counter, I pushed up with my legs and gripped onto the seat of the stool with my two front legs. Struggling to pull up the rest of my body, I finally lay on the seat for a good few seconds before getting up and moving onto the counter.
There lay a good six knives for me to choose from, unfortunately there wasnt a convenient meat cleaver there for me to make use of. But if there was, I would be having some questions for Spitfire.
But since the imaginary clock was running and I was over here wasting time, I quickly looked for a serrated knife and gripped the handle with my mouth. With the knife in my grip, I turned back to the stool and hopped onto it than hopped onto the kitchen floor. Which mind you was a bad idea with a kitchen knife in your mouth for Pete's sake!
I may have sliced a my cheek slightly when my body pivoted downwards once I jumped, but nevertheless I didn't let the childish emotions take a chance to overtake me. I continued forwards with a hurried pace, rounding the corner in an even quicker fashion before making my down the hall.
I looked at the door the bigger of the two changelings disappeared behind and approached it, seeing as it was a knock instead of a handle I needed to put down my knife. With a mental sigh and I dropped it next to me and hopped up, grabbing the knob with both my front hooves and twisting it open. I lightly kicked the door with my hind legs and dropped onto my back as it went ajar, I rolled over and took the knife in my mouth once more.
Once I looked back at the open crack I could see some green magic glowing from within the room, a memory flashed in my mind but I shook my head fervently. I couldn't let these bugs win so with renewed bravery I slinked my way into the room and laid my eyes upon a very disturbing sight.
'Oh Jesus ever loving-'
There was a giant flipping egg alienesque goop covering a good ninety percent of the room! To make it even worse, I could see the two changeling standing right in front of a giant glowing cocoon with the recognizable figure of Spitfire inside of it.
'How the hell did they do this so damn fast!'
My legs felt shaky and not just because of the post paralysis. I was dealing with something that in the human world was just a fantasy, but here it was real life.
"Yesss... my perfect plan is coming together, an infinite love source and a very generous donation of an able bodied pony to make my children even stronger!"
I felt my eyes widen for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, while I was a whole vegetable back in the living room. They were trying to assimilate or- you know what, I don't wanna know.
As the Queens laughter built up and died down, she turned to look at the smaller changeling who was silent until now. A bout of clicking and a small hiss was let out of the now noticeably Male changeling.
"Smell? My child what exact- oh, I do smell it myself now"
She took a moment and let her forked tongue roll out of her mouth, apparently like a snake she was tasting the air. But since It meant that my presence was going to be blown any time soon i really had to act fast, flickering form watching the two of them to the wings at my sides.
I forced them open and bypassed the soreness, forcing out a flap one by one until I got a steady rhythm going. With that I began bolting forwards towards the two of them, my knife angled and ready. The smaller of the two flipped around crazily while the Queen let her head turn backwards in my direction. They widened their eyes as I leapt and flew past their unprepared forms, lifting my head up and sinking it into the cocoon thing that kept Spitfire prisoner.
My body impacted itself against the gelatinous amorphous thing and I wasted no time in sliding my body and the knife all the way down until my butt met the floor.
"Imbecile! What are you waiting for, get that child!"
Without thinking I bit down on the handle of the knife tightly and turned my head so fast I was almost certain I would get whiplash. It was successful as the bug that jumped at me fell right onto the blade, its body stopped short of face to face with me and I was given full view of the changeling as it hissed out its pain in my face.
I bucked the fang filled beast with my back legs and didn't bother watching as it stumbled backwards, a stream of green blood spurting out and landing on me as it did. Instead I focused on continuing my earlier attempts at cutting away at Spitfires prison, only being able to make a small dent in it before my body was pulled backwards.
Letting out a noise muffled by the blade I struggled against the force and bucked my legs as best as I could, the changeling now identifiable as the Queen hissed as she let go of me. My body dropped back onto the floor and I moved to try and get a stab at her, her simply narrowing her eyes and taking a step back.
I thought about what she was doing before realization hit, there was still two of th-
I was tackled by the bug that I stabbed and lost grip of the knife, it clattering to the ground as the two of us landed a few feet away. The now very angry and bloody bug starring down at me with clouded eyes, it opened its mouth widely before immediately moving down and biting onto my shoulder.
I of course screamed in pain, because this bug was biting me out of nowhere!
The best thing I could do was batter my free hoof against it's back to make it let go.
"Let! Fucking! Go!"
I was graciously rid of the very painful grip of the changeling when the Queen stomped on over to us and bonked him hard on the head, his grip loosened and he slumped over. I let out a groan.
"Honestly child, resorting to the old ways to battle against a foal no less!"
She kicked the limp form off of me and grabbed me with her magical aura or what not, I really couldn't care to focus. My shoulder was bleeding and my ears were deafened by the blood pumping faster and faster.
"But I can deal with my own child later.. now i have to focus on you very interesting foal.. or even are you a foal? Your eyes betray your form and the emotions emitting from your are very..."
She giggled deeply to herself.
"Let's just say.. I wouldnt be having this small face to face with you if I wasnt a Queen."
That added more concern to my already panicked form, I was injured and my original plan to free Spitfire seemingly ended in failure! Now I was trapped with a Queen and an indisposed rabid changeling.
"Now once we get back to the hive dear child...shall the fun begin."
She lifted me up and rotated me around for a good few seconds, looking over every inch of my form. Or at least, that's what I assumed she was doing since I have no experience in magic. I only had one thing to say to her in response, I found it fitting.
"Fuck.. you."
It seemed to make her eyes widen for a second before an evil grin formed once again, this time her eyes creasing in a very concerning way.
"Oh no child.. quite the opposite."
Oh. OH. No-
I found it in my self to struggle in the magical grip she had me in, no matter how useless it seemed I had to escape. Now that she quite literally hinted at what she's going to do when she gets me back to her home- man do I wish things were normal.
Suddenly my vision shifted its orientation and it was like everything was going In slow motion, my head turned and eyes widened as a yellow hoof connected with the side of the Queens face. All at once the magic stopped and I was falling, the Queen let out a grunt and flew all the way across the room and collided against the wall. Than I was caught and brought into an embrace, startling me as I jerked and turned my head to look up at a familiar face.
"Speckles! I'm sorry I was careless but I'm glad you're oka- what the buck.."
Our eye contact faded and instead she landed on the injury I sustained, eyes creasing into a deadly stare.
"Oh boy.. I guess I'm really going to have to kill that changeling.."
To be continued