Chapitre 21

Chapter 21

Author's Note:

Side note: I've got nothing funny to say.

"Hey Spitfire?"

"Yeah kid?"

"You're kind of squeezing too tight."

Immediately I felt the grasp around me loosen and Spitfire scooted backwards, sitting up and staring down at me with a sheepish grin. Rubbing the back of her head with a bandage- when did she hurt her hoof?

Now that I think about it. She probably hurt herself when she went all buckwild on the changeling queen, and when I say buckwild. I mean she might've left the changeling as a paraplegic for the rest of her queenly days!

While distracted in my own thoughts I was completley unaware of Spitfire trying to get my attention, only looking up at her when she lightly tapped my shoulder. I titled my head to the side in confusion, frowning as my overgrown hair decided to blind my vision.

"Stupid hair...sorry, what's up Spitfire?"

She sported a grin before immediately getting it removed by a frown, though it didnt seem directed at me as she stared at me for a good few seconds than sighed.

"Are you okay kid?"

I was sort of expecting a question of this sort for a while now. Though I never really figured out exactly how I was going to respond, seeing as I myself feel fine. Better yet, being a human and already being somewhat desensitized to deadly situations has really displaced my feelings. To be frank and to not go on a long tangent that would span longer than the great wall of China, I was conflicted.

So taking a moment to look down at the hospital bed before looking back up at her I responded.

"Yeah, my shoulder hurts a bit whenever I strain it too much.. but other than that I'm fine."

Apparently my response wasnt what she was looking for, as she shook her head and asked the same question.

"No I mean.. are you actually okay? Anything you're feeling that you'd like to talk about or-"

She ran a hoof over her disorganized name before continuing.

"Look I'm not good at these kinds of questions.. I just need to know if you're feeling anything that you're feeling too scared or just want to Express."

I understood what she was asking, there was two ways to ask someone if they were ok. Though from what I said earlier, I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to feel after all of that. I mean the last situation left me a crying mess but I think that was my inner child just conflicting me. Or- I don't really know what to say without making it confusing on myself.

"Um.. to be honest with you, I'm not so sure how to feel..I mean sure the moment was a bit frightening and I'm still unsure whether the fact that you beating the changeling Queen senseless left her unable to come after me once more.."

I continued on with the little monologue and missed the slightly eye widened glanced I was being given by her.

"So in retrospect, I feel safe when you or mom are around.. but I'm still left with anxiety about the changelings.. I think that's satisfactory right?"

I'm that moment I realized how unchildlike that whole statement was and met the eyes of a surprised Spitfire. We looked at eachother for a few moments, where I sheepishly grinned until she regained her composure.

"Ah.. I forgot how smart you were, but I'll take your answer for now just...Feel free to talk to me about anything alright?"

The grin fell and a gave a curt shake of my head, maybe next time I should stick to short and to the chase answers in situations like these. Though nonetheless the end to the conversation left us both sitting there for a few moments in silence, until I remembered something.

"Hey Spitfire?"

She shifted her position and glanced back down at me once more, eyes raised slightly.

"Yeah kid?"

"Thanks.. for everything"

I might've imagined a small flush on her muzzle but it must've been my poor eyesight, though she went to speak and I interrupted.

"Especially being moms only and coolest friend.. like for real"

I finished the sentence and smiled up at her as to wait for her reaction, of course I was attempting to bring humor to the conversation. It wasnt good to be all depressive and sappy all the time. Plus, my jokes never fail.


Never fail.

"Heh.. it's all good buddy, I love hanging out with you and your mom.."

"Especially my mom right?" Of course, it was never a typical conversation when I started joking around.

"Yeah I- hold on wait!"

I raised my hooves into the air with slight exaggerated mirth "I knew it!"

"No hold on! I- you.. you got me good kid"

I wasn't really joking per say, more or less trying to see what her opinion on mother dearest was. Because of course, everybody she dates has to go through me first. So I just merely laughed at Spitfires bright red face as she tried rubbing it away with her hooves.

"Ahh.. yes I did indeed.."

"Yeah yeah.. now you've had your fun-"

Why did she pause midsenten- I wasnt even to finish my own thoughts as I was suddenly assaulted by the firm yet soft grip of Spitfire grabbing me close, than immediately rubbing her hoof on the top of my head. It was so sudden and frightening that my manly voice came out without my consent.

"Eee-no! Dont noogie the pegasus!"


After a bit of struggling and failing to remove myself from the athletes body and deadly noogie attack, which left her once again scoring a point against me as I crumbled onto the bed in defeat. While Spitfire celebrated.

"And that. Is why you never tease the captain of the wondebolts!"

I rolled my eyes but sported a grin nonetheless.

"Yeah yeah.. anyways i-"

A very distant but noticable thump was heard and caught my attention, I turned to my right and looked at the wall. Waiting for a few moments before the same thumping turned into loud thuds. Though this time it didnt stop and kept ascending in decibels.

My body unwillingly tensed up and I tilted my head downwards to take a look at my body, I was shaking. I sighed mentally before looking over to Spitfire who had suddenly walked over to the middle of the room with surprising quietness. It was apparent that she had noticed or atleast heard the same noise at the same time. But instead of starting to suddenly shake like I was for some reason, she had her eyes slightly creased towards the door.

Now instead of questioning how exactly the half dead queen or atleast that's what I thought, was able to pick herself up and again come after Spitfire and I. Spitfire had to have called some sort of authority after the whole event right?

They do have some form of police here right?

'Persistent bitch'.

"Persistent bitch"

Did I say that outloud or was that? I paused in my thoughts and looked over to Spitfire, apparently we had the same thought process.

Shaking my head I focused back onto the situation at hand, the noises were now to the point of where I could hear them right outside the room.

Than they stopped all of the sudden. As of right now I couldn't really explain how I was feeling at the moment, the emotions were coming and going and I was trying to come up with a reasonable prognosis.

"Speckles sta-oof!"

In a sudden quick moment, the yellow pegasus who stood in a apprehensive stance was pushed out of the way as the door opened and a feathered fur approached me.

I wasnt given enough time to prepare for the sudden onslaught and was of course taken by complete and utter surprise. I expected something bad to happen but stopped for a second, instead of trying to take me away or rather try and bite me again. They were hugging m- I now realize I'm a dumbass. The fear I felt previously completely faded away and eas instead overtaken by a unhealthy amount of serotonin being produced. If I'm saying that right? Anyways.


Of course it was mom. Who else would rush at you at like five hundred miles per hour and completely encase you in a hug, wings and all.

"Oh honey, im so glad you're okay!"

To be continued