Chapter 22
Author's Note:
I'm kinda mad now. I was so far into this chapter before my phone refreshed and I was sent back to a blank document!
I did plan of fleshing out the whole hospital experience a bit more, but was unable to due to previously mentioned reasons.
Just- I had some stuff planned for this chapter that I rearranged for the next chapter.
But nonetheless, I redid it as best as I could. The next chapter will be better.
Sure a bit of overly worried and protective mothering wouldn't hurt, seeing as horses are primarily a herd species. So- I dont know where exactly I'm going with this, just saying that mother sort of went into a frenzy and she occupied a good margin of the hospital bed. Of course I sat comfortably in her very assured and loving embrace of hooves and wings, looking at a mirthful Spitfire getting off the floor from across the room.
"As much as I love being like this.. may I ask to have mobility once more?"
A slight suspicion that another changeling was parading around as false 'mother' but deciding on not showing my suspicion physically was best. Glancing up past the wall of feathers and over to Spitfire who was looking at us with a small smile. I was slightly disappointed that while change in attitude, after all. We were just attacked by very rapey changelings a good few hours ago, but after that whole beatdown I'm pretty sure this is the real one.
Though back into reality the firm and very worried filled voice of mother denied me of my request.
"Denied. My precious colt will stay wrapped in my embrace until I'm sure there are no more changelings after him.."
I think that sort of rolled up and tossed my suspicions out the window. But nonetheless, I fixed my gaze on Spitfire once more, who had chosen to stand at the foot of the bed. So I guess that gave me incentive to make light of the situation, but I really found myself having nothing to say. What exactly would I say? 'Hey mom, I know your beat friend and I almost got kidnapped by bugs twice! But were good now, can you make waffles?'
No. Not at all.
A part of me wants to forget about this whole situation and act like nothing ever happened, and the other part of me. I guess 'the child in me' is trying to say otherwise, its just really confusing. Especially with everything in my head, if I were an adult things would've been much easier. But I'm a child, with a new family and new expectations for daily life. A child should not act like I do, neither should they be this calm about almost being harmed.. or rather in my case bitten by the over sizes bug.
Apparently mother picked up on my increasingly dampening mood and responded by placing her muzzle against the top of my head. I flinched at the initial movement but calmed immediately after she started nuzzling me.
"Colts going to have to use the bathroom sooner or later.. so I doubt youd be able to keep him close like a hen to her eggs"
It was Spitfire who broke the very tense and confusing silence in the room. Mother and I both simultaneously stopped and honed in on the wonderbolt, who's smile was still ever so prominent on her face.
Of course. I was the first to laugh, seeing as it was inevitably true. I was half tempted to strike back with a small comment of my own but was interrupted as the sound of a door opening dragged all the of our attention to a pony in a coat.
Of course I was immediately able to tell that it was a doctor, if the white coat bland the stethoscope wasnt a dead giveaway. Also, there was just that aura around him that just fit the title of a doctor.
His attention drifted from the clipboard he held in his wing to the three of us before speaking, with a good bit of professionalism- well as professional as a horse with wings wearing a coat could be. Also because his name is literally 'Doctor Stallion'.
I'm not one to usually question names, but that's a bit of a stretch.
"Not intruding am I? I could always come back later"
"Oh! Not at all.. please do come in"
Mother was the first one to speak to the doctor with a slight apprehensive tone, but nonetheless granted his request for access.
The pony doctor smiled before fully entering the room and letting the door close with a small click. Walking past Spitfire and stopping just a few feet away from the bed and giving the both of us a smile. I shifted around in mother's embrace before fixing my attention on the doctor, giving him a small grin of my own.
"Very well than good evening, my name is Dr.Stallio-"
Spitfire decided to but in as she walked towards the door, stopping in front of it before turning to look at us.
"Real quick- uh Hazel I gotta go do that thing we talked about before.. I'll see the both of you when you're discharged!"
With that she opened the door and trotted her way out of the room, leaving me wondering what exactly she was hinting at. Also.. when exactly did they have the time to talk about whatever it is she is doing?
"Very well than.. where was I? Oh yes! I am Dr.Stallion and I presume you are Speckles yes?"
Focusing back onto reality I nudged a few feathers out of my eyes before nodding slightly.
"Yes indeed I am speckled the glorious one! This is my mom, the divine and wholesome one"
The two adults gave a small chuckle at my childish antics, which was good. For I had to act like I was good despite the whole situation, as to not get asked anymore questions like Spitfires.
"Yes indeed doctor this is Speckles, I am Hazel,it is very nice to meet you Doctor."
"Ah yes, yes. As so it is to meet the both of you, now shall we get to business?"
I felt mother give a motion that I could assume was a nod.
"Very good. Now last night your son and Mrs.Spitfire were very abrupt patrons of the hospital.. while Spitfire was luckily mostly unharmed. Your child was suffering from a wound to his shoulder, as we have deduced it to be from the one who attacked the both of them."
I winced slightly at the memory, prompting mother to give me a comforting squeeze. Which was very helpful in my mood staying at its constant and normal self.
"With that we were able to seal the wound and render it as harmful as a bruise, which thanks to modern day magic. Should go away in due time"
I gave a small sigh of relief, thankful that nothing back came out of this and the injury I sustained would be healed faster than if I was at a human hospital. If only we as a society were gifted with magical powe- yeah, not that I think about it never mind. Humans are too unpredictable to have something as powerful as magic at their disposal.
But I tuned back in when I realized mother was conversing with the doctor further as soon as I honed in my own thoughts.
"-well I appreciate everything you've done for us doctor."
"It is no problem to me my dear, now. Why dont I get you started on the process of discharging your son?"
"That would be splendid."
"Very well, give me a moment."
With that the good doctor turned and exited the room, leaving the two of us to sit in a small bubble of silence as we waited.
Now that we had a small peaceful time to ourselves, I found myself questioning what exactly we were to do now. Seeing as Spitfires and our own house are practicality off the list of habitability, with the changelings and all. I'll ask mother.
"Hey mom?"
"Yes honey?"
"So, when were out.. where exactly are we going?"
She didnt respond right away. Leaving the room silent for a few more moments as she thought to herself.
"That's a tough question honey.. I haven't really found the peace of mind to think about that. But now that I know you're safe and sound.. I think it's about time I did."
But where. Was the question, we didnt really have a lot if options and with her job and everything- speaking of which.
"What about your job mom? Are-"
"I realized things at home were more important than some dumb.... simply said, I'm no longer working."
"Oh.. well now I guess we can spend more time together again!"
She giggled. It was nice to hear her giggle, it was so much better than hearing her cry. I never like it when an adult cries.
"Yes we can.. and I think I know the right place we can try out living!"
This made me curious.
"Oh! Where?"
"I heard it's quite a small and friendly town, I believe they call it Ponyville?"
Though immediately after that statement.
"On second thought, I've heard some things happening around ponyville.. and them living next to the everfree and all, yeah I'm not sure about that anymore."
To be continued