Chapitre 31

Chapter 31

Author's Note:

This chapter may seem a bit weird when reading it. On account for me dealing with multiple things while writing it, also for being a very weird write at times. But I promise the next chapter will be much better, now that my head is slightly clearer than it was then.

Thanks for being patient. :twilightsmile:


As per tradition. Its four in the morning. Chapter. Posted.

'Was fear a feeling that changelings felt? Because being on the other side of getting somepony to emit fear kinda sucks. The Queen was one thing, but her sister...'

The low ranking changeling let a shudder rack through his carapace as the image of the green haired sister changeling to his Queen popped into his head. To be honest, he didnt really want to interact with her in the first place. But if his high ranking commander said so, then he really had no choice. Otherwise he'd have his wings chopped off and shoved straight up where the sun doesnt shine. So said his commander, if not obvious.

Shifting his positioning In front of the Queens bed chamber, he anxiously waited for Chrysalis to arrive.

His mouth went ajar and he let out a small gagging noise as the name rolled off his tongue. The very pronunciation of the name forcing a wave of very sour tasting emotion, which was weird. He never knew he could taste his own emotions..or was he just stupid?

'No..definitely not stupid...' he mentally agreed with himself.

'Mayb-' he was cut off by the abrupt sound of the large doors leading to the Queens chamber slowly screeching open. He made his best attempt at standing at attention, or atleast what he'd seen other more important changelings do at times. If his anxiety wasn't already enough, the burning feeling of authority was going to kill him. The constant bombardment of the aura made his Knees buckle a bit, though he was able to catch himself, just barely to meet the imposing and daunting form of the elder sister.

'Oh sweet Nymphous, this is going to suc-'

His wandering eyes dropped back in front of him and completely threw off his attempt at a calm and collected looking drone. It all failed when he failed to realize she had closed the distance between them fairly quickly, standing and staring down at him intently. Mentally he agreed with himself that he would've flat out screamed or even jumped if the situation weren't so tense.

"Drone. Please fill me In on the Dire.. situation at hoof..." The tone of her voice was hard to read, seeing as she was a Queen herself. It was understandable, but he couldn't help but pick up a bit of sarcasm when regarding her sister.

He quickly filled the silence with a cough and forced his stuttering words to come out, only causing the green haired Queen to grimace. She held up a hoof and he immediately silenced, her expression telling him all he needed to know.

"My sister is comatose correct?"

He nodded sheepishly.

"Which means you are In dire need of leadership?"

He nodded again, though this time with a confused hint added into It.

She grinned devilishly, her long muzzle perfectly revealing those even longer fangs in her mouth. Causing him to slightly quiver and silently curse one eye and their commander, for putting him in this situation and letting th-

"Focus drone."

He snapped back to attention, looking up as she had gotten even closer, eyes narrowed down at him before she huffed and took a step back.

"Now as I said once more. Let us go attend to my sister so we can further discuss this dilemma."

"Y-yes Queen Chrysalis.."


Buttons appearance was a pleasant surprise. I guess this moving to ponyville thing did have some more ups than I realized. Also, now mother has proof that I have friends that are my own age, and same gender. Dont know why she brought that up, but, whatever.

Anyways, the interaction led to mother and Buttons mom to move to a separate table that wasnt too far away from the table Button and I sat at. Because apparently in this world, everyone has something in common with an opposite person...

What am I even talking about? That makes utterly no sense, what malarkey am I pulling out of my ass this time?

I chuckled at myself. Prompting Button to look at me In question, asking the question you too would ask if someone started laughing out of nowhere.



I responded with the same question, because I like being difficult. Also, i liked watching ponies faces change facial expressions. It's a weird yet still interesting habit I found myself doing as of recently.

Ugh. I feel so out of touch right now. Time to shift the conversation to something about Button Mash, maybe about school or something.

"-well! Anyway, Button, hows school?"

He rose an eyebrow at me and his propeller at the top of his hat rotated with his confusion. Interesting.

But he still gave me an answer nonetheless, letting his confusion drop into a smile as he gave me a little run down of what's been happening. Smiling not just because it was genuinely interesting, it was because I didn't have to go to school in this world. Even though I was a kid. Heh.

"Yeah, everything's been good just, Mrs.Cheerilee surprised us with a creativity project the other day. It's due in four days. "

That peaked my interest, so I continued.

"What exactly, does this creativity fall under?"

Another face of confusion was thrown my way by my fellow brown foal before I finally face palmed. I was talking to a child, a fellow child to be exact.

"Uh.. what's it about? Besides creativity I mean?"

His eyes widened in realization and he let out a very audible "oooh." Before putting a hoof to his chin and scrunching up his muzzle in what I could recognize as his inner thoughts working out a response.

Dont ask how exactly I know, I'm just a very weird person.

But it was cute nonetheless. Well, not as cute as the bodaciously radical unit like myself, but cute.

"Oh, uh! Yeah I remember now, it was about the alphabet or something. We have to Express the funda-fundam-"

"Fundamentals." I finished.

He thanked me with a nod. "-fundamentals of the allegorical conno-connota-"

"Connotation?" I asked.

"Yeah. That! Anyways, connotations of the inner meaning of the alphabet and its words, to each of us in our own way and how we would Express it!" He finished with a smile.

I stared at him for a good while, many questions floating around my head before I just settled on one.

"..this is elementary school right?"

He nodded, though pursed his lips immediately after.

"I mean, I guess. But it's all mixed together, Mrs.Cheerilee teaches practically all the foals in Ponyville."

Doesnt sound too weird to me, though mixed classes in such a low grade level? Which brings up the question, what grade is Button 'technically' in? Better yet-

"Hey, how old are you?"

"I just turned eight a month ago, which officially makes me the oldest pony there!" He said with an excited tone, I guess some things never change.

But on the other hand. He's eight years old? That is very surprisin- I was interrupted with a question being directed at me for once

"Well.. how old are you Speckles? We gotta be around the same age right? You're just a little.."

I raised an eyebrow at his halting words. Was he going to make a comment on my height? I'll have him know, being short is nothing to be ashamed of! Better yet, being shorts has a ton of privileges. But listing them off would take too long back to reality!

"Well. There is a reason we are so distinctly different from each other dude. First, I'm four years old to be exact, also. I'm average height for my age!" I defended.

He blinked at me with a look of surprise before shaking his head comedically from side to side. Magical logic proving true as his hat stayed in place all the while.


"Woah, dude! You're actually four years old? But you act so much older! And...wait, a four year old beat me at video games? Nooooo-"

I kindly reached over the table, which in my case meant I had to crawl onto the table towards hims and placed a hoof on his mouth. Motioning to the rest of the ponies in the room, speaking with a regular voice.

"Calm down. Unless you want everybod- everypony to listen in on our conversation eh?"

He glanced down at my hoof before nodding his head, I slowly removed my hoof from his face and crawled back towards my chair. Sitting down, I decided to bring up the conversation we were having earlier before we got sidetracked.

"So...can you get help?"

I asked if there was a chance that I could help, with all that talk about them having to Express allegorical connotations. Which to be honest, would be complete bullshit if I were mentally his age.

"Well she said that our parents couldn't help us...but she didnt say anything about getting help from somepony that doesn't go to the school?"

His response was perfectly confusing. As I completley understood what he meant, because I myself make lots of confusing sentences. Though most of them in my head.

"Oh! Then can I help you? I really haven't been doing anything as of recently and that sounds like fun!"

My enthusiasm was real, I'd always wanted to show off to my classmates back on earth. I never really gotten the chance to either way, but this was the chance to!

"Uh sure, I guess. I wasnt doing much work by myself anyways.. too busy playing video games on my new coltari."

Was that a very bad horse pun for Atari? Couldn't they have thought if anything..better, I guess is what in trying to say?

Anyways, back to what's at hand.

"Oh cool, but have you thought of what exactly you're going to do for your project?"

He shook his head.

"Well. What did you have in mind?"

He shrugged his shoulders. I squinted my eyes.

"Any idea of what you're going to do?"

He simply said "I dont know.."

I sighed. Suggesting my idea.

"How about a rap?"

His stupor was broken and he echoed.


I nodded, intently groaning that I had to explain what rap was. While also groaning at the remembrance that the rap genre hasn't been introduced to these guys yet. So I explained it the best way I could.

"Its something new I made up.. it's like a poem, but with the beat of a song in the background. But better!"

"But better?" He questioned.

"Of course."

He shrugged his shoulders before smirking.

"Okay then, what would it be called?"

I had the perfect name.

"Alphabetical aerobics."

To be continued