Chapitre 32

Chapter 32

We spent a good amount of time discussing what exactly I meant by alphabetical aerobics, when I gave the project that name. Of course, he was confused since he'd heard the word used before when doing exercises, it was sorta the same thing. Though instead you used your expansive vocabulary, well in my case at least. To come up with a full length rap that is made up of words of the alphabet, in alphabetical order. Was that confusing? I would think so, I almost confused myself and I'm the one who came up with the idea!


"So you get the idea right, Button?" I said while brushing a lock of hair away from my face. Noting that I should've probably kept that braid mother made for me, it seemed real helpful if I refused to brush my hair.

Button on the other hand, took a minute before he actually nodded. If he got atleast part of what I was saying registered in his head, then I would be ecstatic. I dont wanna waste anymore time just sitting here and explaining it, that would just je another day wasted, and I've already slept for a majority of it!

"I think I get the gist, I perform the song that lists slot of words from the alphabet..A through Z."

"Of course, and I'd be there with some big note cards to show the class what letter you're on as you rap it..well, that's if I'm allowed to go go the school house when I'm not even registered."

He raised a hoof and let out a 'hm' which was kind of disappointing. I wouldnt want all my excitement to go in one ear and through the other.

"I'll ask Ms.Cheerilee tomorrow in class about that.. but I don't really see a problem with you coming, since you're helping and all!" He finished with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at the kid. What could I say? It was infectious, the smile of course.

"Well here's to hoping" I said while pretending to raise a wine glass in the air. Prompting yet another confused reaction.

"--dont ask, its something stupid I like doing" I interrupted before be could even ask.

"Oh, ok then."

While an air of silence drew over us, I turned my head and attention over to our two mothers conversing with eachother. I could barely make out what they were saying, since mother and Buttons mother were exceptionally good at doing that little whisper thing. You know, the things teachers did with like a piece of paper in hearing distance when another faculty member walked into the classroom. No? Then just ignore that, I'm crazy.

Though I was graciously gifted with many talents from my past life as an adult, and with this new Disney cartoon like body I had no limits! Except magic, which sucks balls. But whatever, I could fly. Sick shit, y'know?

What I was trying to say before i interrupted myself, was that I could lip read really well. But I wasnt given the chance to as they finished their conversation and started getting up from their table. Prompting a frown from me as I turned back to Button, who was twiddling with his hooves before I called him.

"Hey." He looked up and tilted his head.

"Moms, arrival imminent." I said with a shake of my head, pointing over to where they were walking toward us.

He took a moment, but he got what I said and perked up. Sitting up taller in his seat and looking over to them with a smile, so I followed suit and also turned to them.

"Hey boys, enjoyed your little coltly talk?" Buttons mom started and finished with a giggle, tossing my mother a glance to which they both looked at me. I blinked and crossed my eyes, what did mom say to her? Mother returned my glance by sticking out her tongue, I gasped. The audacity!

"Yeah mom! Speckles said he would help me with my school project!" Button interrupted and garnered his moms attention, my own one looking at me with a new tilted expression.

"Oh, did he now? The one that you haven't started on yet, mister?" She said teasingly.

Button retaliated with a minuscule attempt.

"W-well! I'll start working on it today, Speckles and I already came up with what we would do! Tell her dude!" He finished by turning her attention to me. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Well ma'am, since Button didn't have any idea what he would do for his project, I decided to give my input and we agreed on a rap." I finished by smiling shyly, just to add to the effect.

Of course, she ate that little action up. Smiling softly before focusing words on my mom, proving my earlier assumptions of mother telling Buttons mom stuff about me. Ugh. What a tongue twister.

"Oh! That's adorable, you were right! Hes so well spoken, trying to act like a big pony." She gushed, mother just nodded along with a bright smile of her own.

"That's my little genius for ya!" Mother blurted out and pulled me into a surprise hug, not that I minded, like at all. But still, way to bruise my ego! T'was not an act, it was truth!

So as I got smothered, I turned to Button. Who was busy watching me with a devious smile, ignoring the fake 'help me' look i gave him.

"Mother. As much as I really love hugging like this, we have company." I pointed out. It took a few seconds before she finally set me back down on the chair, my messed up hair getting even more out of place. Making me mutter to myself and brush the jungle from my eyes.

"Well, I'm sure Caring loves her little foal as much as I do and doesnt mind seeing a fellow mare loving her child, no?" She grinned.

"Well..uh, shifting conversations as a distraction go!" I blurted out before mother could retort and turned back to Caring. Caring? What like Caring Heart? That doesnt sound even remotely close to Button Mash. Was he named and looks like his father-

I was brought out of my stupor as Caring merely giggled at the display and Button rolled his eyes, deciding to speak up again. Like he should've five minutes ago.

"Pft..anyway. mom can Speckles come over so we can start on the project?" He asked and I looked at mother with immediate conflicting thoughts at me just going alone to someone's house immediately after meeting them, alone. She noticed my look and simply nodded, smiling as she pat my head.

"Well, I dont know Button. I'm not sure Hazel would like Speckles going to someponies house he just met with." She said with a hint of sadness. Making me squint and look at mother, did she?

Well, I guess I can't be mad at her. Motherly worries and everything, and with all the bullshit that's happened over the course of a few days.

Button let out a whine, and let me just say. Wow, he could whine like a bitch! No offense, of course.

Either way, he was sad at Carings response and frowned.

"B-but he doesn't have to come alone, his mom can come and hang out with you while we hang out upstairs!"

Caring looked from Button to me then to my mom, as if asking her if that was reasonable.

Mother let her hoof move from the top of my head and back down to the floor. Thinking it over for a few moments before responding, surprisingly with a yes!

"Well, I wouldnt want to hinder both of your excitements, I guess we could come and visit for a while... it has been a tad bit mundane ever since we moved here."

Sweet, I'd get to go and hang out at a friends house for the first time.

Button shared in my excitement, though not mentally like I did. He full on hopped off the chair and onto the floor, jumping up and down in happiness. Which was pretty loud, and now that I think about it. We still were in an establishment...with other ponies who were jow staring at us. Great.


So that's how I found myself walking next to the distinctly taller foal just a few feet in front of the both of our mothers, who were walking behind us.

I made sure to try and memerize the houses on the way to Buttons house, just incase of anything bug related happening again. But, here's to hoping th-

"Hey Speckles, how tall are you?" Button asked out of the blue, smiling down at me.

Was he really going to start with this? I visibly frown and turn to look at him.

"Average height."

He simply laughed. "No, like how tall are you r-"

I interrupted. "Average height."

He laughed. "All right..whatever you say short stuff.."

Did he just? Anger. Must kill.


"What?" He said confused.

I didn't respond and simply started flapping my wings, giving him a murderous gaze. I lifted into the air and I think that's when he got the full picture.

"H-hey now, Speckles! I was just kidding!"

"Too late, you've sealed your fate! Ahh-" I lunged towards him as he squealed and turned tail.
