Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

Author's Note:


There was a brief moment where it seemed as if Buttons world was about to end, how you may ask? By me. But I didnt end his world this day, I decided to spare the colt of my wrath. Seeing his frightened face as I cornered him at his front door was enough for me. So I simply sat at the porch just a bit in front of him and waited for the two adults to finally arrive. I might've heard Button collapse onto the floor but my attention was focused on the two mares approaching. Greeting them with a smile as I stood up.

As they reached the porch, I gave mother a victorious grin as she looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. As if she was asking me what exactly I did to warrant that smile, it was quite simple. I pointed over to Caring looking at an out of breath Button as he lay in a heap on the floor. Making me wonder how exactly Button was so out of breath, we weren't that far away from his house when I started chasing him. My conclusion, he is lazy.

Mothers mind reading habits decided go kick in as she simply smiled softly and ruffled my hair.

On the other hand.

"Button?" Caring questioned.

"..yeah?" He said in between breaths, proceeding to push himself back onto his feet as he looked at her.

"Mmm.. nothing, just a reminder that a new diet shall be implemented." She mused with a jovial tone as she turned to the door and simply pushed it open. Funny, seeing as Button could've escaped if he only tried harder. Karma's a bitch.

But it was even funnier when Button let out another comically whiny and outraged 'no!' As he followed his mom inside.

I looked back up at mother who was also looking down at me, we both smiled and shrugged before following suit. Entering the slightly cold and spacious living room that was Buttons house. Though did I need to word that so weirdly?

I blinked off into space for a moment and shook it off momentarily. Instead placing my focus on commenting how the house looked nice, except for that little painting of what I could only assume where the two princesses. Bleh.

"Nice place."

"I'll say." Mother whistled out. Stepping around me but still keeping close, appraising the house for herself and presumably coming up with commentaries of her own in her head.

Attention was finally brought to the two who currently owned and lived in the house as Caring suddenly appeared from a corner I didnt see her go into before. Button following right after her, a frown on his face to contrast her own welcoming smile. While I wondered if they were still talking about that diet from outside, Button rapidly approached me and took my hoof in his own.

My mind switched to its joking nature and I almost blurted out a inappropriate joke, but bit it back as I remembered the company I was in and what exactly I was right now. So I just let myself be dragged along as Button walked us towards the houses staircase.

"...Speckles and me will be upstairs!" He said before resuming his motion of dragging me up the stairs, well I still managed to walk, but you get the idea.

Nevertheless, I turned back towards the two adults looking at us and gave mother a wave.

"Bye mom!" To which she promptly smiled and waved back at me as we finally reached the top of the stairs and turned a corner, my vision being replaced with wall until I faced forwards.

Button finally let go of my hoof and I graciously set it back down onto the floor and walked a little circle to test it. Giving it a nod before following Button as he opened his door, him stepping aside as I stepped in and into the middle of the room. Looking around with a look of genuine surprise at what exactly his room was covered In, and how not far off it was to my br- a kids room would be on earth. Hm.

The door shut and I heard soft footsteps on the carpet, a childish voice taking me out of my stupor. Turning towards him.

"Shocked, huh?" He said with a prideful tone.

"Kinda, more or less surprised. I didnt expect your room to be covered in posters, no wait, I did expect that..I just didn't expect you to have every console known to pony kind.." I fumbled my way through that sentence as I focused on a shelf littered with different familiar, yet different looking retro consoles.

"Yeah I do! I love playing games, and mom got tired of me spending money on arcade tokens so she bought me them!" He said happily, his propeller cap spinning slightly.

I wonder if he has any spare propeller hats, I might want to wear one and see the effects it has on ponies..

"Well, lucky you. I dont even have a gaming console! But anyways, shouldn't we get started?" My distracted brain came up with and the signals forced my mouth to open and enunciate the words.

"Oh! Yeah, let me just get some paper and we can start." He said before walking over towards the desk into the corner of the room. While he did that, I started wondering what words I should use to replace the profanity in that specific rap. Also, how exactly I was going to teach him how to keep in tempo with the beat as it speeds up...and how he would memorise all the words. Hm..

So I guess we would start from the basics.

"Alright, I've got the paper. Now, how do we start?" Button would say as he dropped down onto his butt next to me, placing the paper just in front of us, the ceremoniously spitting out a pencil from his mouth.

"Yuck." I responded.

"Yeah, yeah whatever filly.. anyways, tell me more about the whole rap thing. You said it was like a poem right?" He insulted and carried on, making my eye twitch slightly but shrugged it off. That was strike one.

"Uh, yeah. Its kinda hard to explain. Basically like I said before, it's like reciting a poem with music accompanying it. Its better with a visual representation, but theres really nothing here I can make a beat with."

I paused and took a look around the room, there wasn't much I could really make use of. Also, before I even gave an example of a rap, what exactly should I use as an example? Theres a literally endless amount.

Though I guess I could try pen tapping. If these hooves proved fit to.


The two mares walked into the kitchen and both took a seat at the dining table, fixing each other with a small smile before one of them would initiate conversation. Now that the two colts were upstairs, there wasnt any childish interruptions or adorable acts that they could laugh at or gush over.

Caring heart started the conversation with a question, but also ended up slipping in a joke.

"Would you like something to drink? Or maybe some sugar cubes? Celestia knows I need to get rid of those before I have a constantly hyper foal on my hooves." She huffed before pointing at a half full glass jar, Hazel giving them a once over and shaking her head. Giggling at the implications before responding.

"Oh, no thank you. I need to watch my figure, Speckles already added on a few pounds after birth." She joked before running a hoof through her hair.

"It doesnt seem like he added much, if his small size is anything to say about it." Caring refuted, sparking a laugh out of the both of them.

"He is really small, despite him not liking anyone commenting on it. But it just makes my little foal cuter, especially when he says it adds a 'one hundred percent cuteness booster'." Hazel would respond with an exaggeration of her hoof.

"Although that does sound like something Button would say, I cant say I disagree with him." She sighed "it reminds me of how Button used to be when he was younger."

"Button is eight years old right?" Hazel broke the silence, shifting in her seat while waiting.

"Oh, yes. Just turned eight years old. Its likes time flies by when you dont notice..." she lamented.

"I wish I could say the same, these days time seems like it's going a hundred miles a minute, but at the same time in slow motion. If that's a correct way of saying things?" She brought a hoof to her chin before smiling abruptly. That's exactly how Speckles thinks and would says things.

Caring seemed to understand what she was laying down "I think I can partially understand what you're saying. Though it has been hard for the both of you if I am to understand?" She said carefully, choosing her words carefully.

"Exactly, it's just nice to be able to sit down again with somepony and just conversate.." another sigh was let out in between pauses before she continued. Looking over towards where the stair case was, then back to the other mare sitting across from her.

"Now that is something I can agree with, it's always nice to sit and talk with somepony. Even if it's one you just met, proves to be a great way for making friends" she finished with a smile.

Hazel also smiled. "Now Speckles will believe I have more friends than he knows of, so he can and I quote "die happy, knowing mother has friends"

Caring tilted her head curiously "may I hear the story behind that?" Obviously interested in what she just said.

"..sure, why not?"


"Hey Speckles?" Button started.

I turned from my position on his bed to him laying at the edge of it. The both of us decided that the bed would be the comfier option than sitting on the floor. Also we unanimously agreed that we would stop working on his project for now, mind you we did get stuff done. Just, he got bored, I got bored. Sooner or later, the project was pushed aside and we were just chilling.

I was still stumped on how I could make a beat that fit the actual rap, while pen tapping could work like I said earlier. I dont think these hooves were meant for it.. anyways.

"Wassup?" I responded, still wondering how exactly I'd introduce him into this whole genre of music. It's not like I could pop a music player into existence.. wait.

I raised my hoof and imagined for a moment, closing my eyes briefly and opening them. Expecting somethingz, I was disappointed to see nothing had appeared. I could stop time but no- oh wait shit, I forgot about tha-

I had gotten too lost In my thoughts that I was spooked when Button entered my line of sight so suddenly. I jumped and let out a manly sound, bonking heads with the other foal as we both held our heads. Ouch.

"Oww.. geez, did I really scare you that badly?" He said in confusion.

I looked over him past my hoof and defended myself. ", no I wasnt scared. I just wasnt laying attention and you just appeared randomly." Which was true for the most part.

I could feel the eye roll, him laughing and responding.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyways, what I was going to say was when you were going to show me one if those rap thingies. You said you would earlier, also you were going to show me exactly how to say all of those words you wrote down all at once."

"Well, technically those words are the main rap I want you to perform for your project, which I'll show you... hold on, I'll just show you now I guess." I guess I'd just do It without a beat.

To be continued