hapter 34
Author's Note:
Ten days for this? The author has to have a plan right?
Just as I was about to start with the rapping. I was interrupted by the door to Buttons room suddenly opening, the both of us turning to see my mom poking her hear into the room. She smiled sheepishly before fully stepping into the room and flashing an apologetic smile at Button. I raised an eyebrow before she pointed at an imaginary watch on her wrist. I tilted my head before nodding, I want confused by the gesture. More confused by the fact that a horse could wear a watch. Anyways. I was slightly disappointed by the intrusion.
"Has time gone by that fast?" I was the first to break the silence, drawing an utterly confused reaction from Button. He scrambled to his feet before striding over to his rooms window, peeling back a poster that covered it to peer into the darkening streets of Ponyville. Huh.
"Unfortunately so, sorry for interrupting your little colt time. But this old mare is getting tired." She lightly joked, holding out a hoof in a come hither motion. Before I did so, I looked over to a pouting brown colt. Ugh, my heart. But I persevered, giving him a small wave and continued walking over to mother.
"That sucks, but we can always hang out sometime else right?" I said in a hopeful tone. More to give Button a sense that we would get together again.
Mothers large hoof brushed the top of my head and messed with my hair and shook the goggles that I was wearing back and forth. Which i had surprisingly forgotten that I was wearing, which meant I wasnt able to brag about it! Wait. Did that mean Button didn't notice them on the top of my head? Or was it just something that didnt really neeed an explanation, like him wearing a propeller cap. Seemingly for the hell of it.
But with this many questions, reality was once again calling and I had to tune my ears back into the frequency that speech was picked up in. A pretty fucking weird way of saying I tuned back into the conversation. But I'm just weird like that.
I was only able to catch the ending part of the conversation as the older colt was suddenly in front of me. I blinked in a mute show of surprise before being surprised again by him holding out a hoof to me. I stared at it for a moment before realizing he wanted a bro fist. So I reciprocated and our hooves bumped lightly against each other.
"Well, it sucks that its already night and that you didnt get to show me that rap thing.. but I guess we'll have to do it the next time you come over! He said exactly how a friend would talk to you after a playdate, smiling all the while.
"Yeah, dude. Till next time!" I said before starting to walk out of the room with mom. Lazily descending down the stairs by hitching a ride on the mim train, we were greeted by Caring Heart by the door. Who also gave us a farewell before shutting the door behind us, and with that. The two main characters of this story were alone once again.
Nah. I'm more like that one cool looking background character that everyone would make their own headcanon type thing for.
...Moving on.
I took in the sun as it was in its final stages of setting. It looked nice, but still made me wonder if the Princess raising and lowering the sun and moon thing being legit. I mean this was a magical world and all, and I did just slay the two immortal beings in my dreams. But... nevermind, I see where my own reasoning would start to fail me. Starting with the whole dream thing.
Interesting. I wonder how it can be exploited.
But that would have to wait.
"That was certainly a nice use of our time." Mother stated out of the blue with a tired yet upbeat tone.
"Yeah, definitely. It was cool going to someponies house for the first time" I said in agreeance.
"Well. I guess we will be busy with something new while we wait for Spitfire to be done with her duties-" she said with a small yawn. Pausing before speaking again, drawing a confused stare from me.
"-well, I guess that's proof it being time for night night." She gave the words 'night night' and extra oomph by adding a silly voice to it. Which did succeed in making me giggle. But I still found a hole in her logic.
"But mom, didnt we spend the first half of the day sleeping? How are you tired already?"
"I mean.. Is it just an excuse to cuddle or something? I'm not really that tired so I guess you'll have to sleep alone for a bit" I said with as much innocence that I could muster into my already teasing manner.
She went silent for a moment before scoffing in a joking manner, continuing that scoff until she finally found the right words.
"-well.. well because bedtime!" She concluded firmly. Pointing up at the sky with a hoof. Taking me back for a moment as I repeated those words in a slightly stunned manner.
"Yes, bedtime! The two of us might have slept practically all day, but it's still time for sleep!" She said in a louder voice this time but reigned it in as she tried to stop her demeanor from cracking.
I felt a smile also appear on my face at the act. But I couldn't help feel a slight twinge of nostalgia as a memory pushed itself into the fore front of my mind.
'Its bed time uggo! Go to bed!'
'No no. Bedtime!'
I immediately shook it away as soon as it played through my head. I didn't need a memory like that coming to make me feel sad. Instead focusing that rising feeling into entertaining mothers over exaggerated display of mine and bers exhaustion.
It wasnt right for me to get sad by that. Not after I promised myself something.
To be continued