Chapter 41
Author's Note:
Uh.. I'm not dead. Neither is the story by a long shot.
It definitely hasn't been almost three weeks of me writing a few couple pages of ideas of what exactly would happen during these next few chapters.
This chapter is just another reprieve. For myself mainly.
There's no comedy tag for a reason.
First impression with this worlds versions of law enforcement's? Not really a fan. Not in a sense of where they are all strict and hardened like I assumed they should be. Given that they defend a literal goddess. Or pseudo goddess, nothing is unkillable. Don't question why I've brought that up.
But after all that tense and rather-- almost intimidating appearance at the front door? The tension in the air dissipated and I got really good look at the. Well, pardon my language. Fucking ripped Pegasus. Legit I had no idea horses, better yet Ponies! I never expected in my life to come across one with a literal six pack. Hey wait a second. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention details when I was around ponies. Huh.
Well. Time to look underneath po-
Anyways. Back to what I was saying before I went on and on-
All in all. They weren't scary, they didn't give me a intimidating or rather dangerous vibe. I guess that whole thing was just a front or rather just the heat of the moment. But it could also be a really impressive sort of reverse psychology. Where their guards pretend to be the opposite if what they pretend to be in order for them to get the mump on their enemies. Hm.
"Speckles?" I suddenly heard. Which snapped me out of my stupor and brought me back into the real world. I blinked and looked up at mom who was looking down at me with an apprehensive expression. Which was reasonable. Seeing how these ponies worship Celestia and Luna.
"Yeah mom?" I retorted. Looking back over to the armored pony who was now turned around and walking over to a rather illustrious horse carriage. Pfft.
"Promise me you wont ask the Princesses those questions you usually ask." She said before motioning me forwards by nudging me.
I took the hint and stepped forwards with a small smile on my face. Which was more focused on the fact that these ponies actually pull and ride on carriages! Like how could it get any better? They fly us away with it?
Wait a sec. That actually seemed possible now that I think about it.
Keeping myself from actually laughing as we got closer to the carriage. I simply threw out a hoof and titled my head.
"Pssh! Don't worry mom. I've got it all under control!" I reassured while also doing a cool looking spin. Which didn't throw me off balance or even cause me to stop in place, man all the possibilities.
The guard had stood and waited for us at the door to the carriage and generously held it open for the both of us. To which I gladly took advantage of and hopped up the steps and climbed into the seat. Which was cold. So I simply interrupted mother, who was commenting about what I said as she stepped into the carriage herself.
"I really do-" she paused and instinctively placed her arms around me and looked down at my face. I grinned. She also grinned, but it was followed by a sigh.
"I sure hope so darling. These are the princesses we're talking about." She said with an emphasis on the "princesses" like I know that they are really old and important but.. eh.
I didn't share the sentiment with mother. But I was still going to keep her wishes, I've never really seen her this nervous. Other than the other times where I was in danger or.. yeah.
But even if it wasn't really clearly shown from that face she's giving me, I've known her long enough to know what she's thinking when saying most things.
"Fiiiine. I'll be nice." I said before adjusting myself so that I was sitting vertically. About to say something else before the carriage jerked and I was thrown forwards, though thankfully immediately caught and reeled back in.
"-okay!" Was what came out as I calmed down from the sudden movement, mother reinforced it by rubbing at the top of my head.
"I hate carriages.."
"Me too honey. Me too."
Then it was quiet for a moment. Then another moment, and for also another moment. We both sat there in the now flying carriage looking at the clouds and bright blue sky, while also having mother transition from rubbing to head pats. The best kind of pat.
The quiet also gave me the time to think about how I would go about doing things when meeting with the princesses. A nice moment to think about whether or not I would mess with the two of them. Again. Or rather actually do this seriously and have a nice and quiet conversation explaining everything and anything relating to the recent events happening in my life.
I closed my eyes and decided to think.
"Luna you're pacing as if we were moments away from meeting some delegates." Was what Celestia said to break the silence, tiring from watching her sister was back and forth around the throne room. Not sharing in her sisters worry and or anxiety over meeting the child. Though in all honesty, she was kind of excited to meet the child once again. The last and only time that the two of them met with the child, ended with the two of them up and being beheaded. Figuratively, of course. It was still surprising nonetheless. That meeting with the child had her somewhat out of it.
But not as out of focus as her sister. Who was currently too into her own thoughts to notice the banana peel that Celestia just so happened to drop around the area Luna was walking around. Which now that she noticed her getting ever so closer to the peel, made her solely pay attention to her sister getting closer and closer towards that banana peel.
Feigning concern, though at the same time. It'd been a while since she played a prank on her sister. This seemed like the best time to do so. So as soon as she predicted the flop. She opened her mouth.
"Watch out sister-"
Luna on the other hoof, didn't respond to her sisters comments. Nor did she head the warning from Celestia. She was too busy doing exactly what her sister was telling her that she was doing. Pacing. Full of not worry, but instead a mixture of dread and anxiety over the idea of meeting face to face with the child that has caused her a very very painful headache. Also at the same time has caused her-
"Waah!" were the words that came rocketing out of her mouth as she lost her train of thought and slipped over something on the floor that wasn't there before and dropped onto her muzzle. Painfully. Laying there for a few moments before placing both of her front hooves against the tile flooring and looked over to where her sister was trying not to let out the very obvious laughter flood out of her mouth.
Her eyes creased and a small frown started forming on her face.