Chapitre 42

Chapter 42

Author's Note:

TLDR: preoccupied with taking care of COVID inflicted grandfather.

Y'know. This is probably not the chapter you were expecting. I'm just gonna be straight forward and say that I fell asleep like five times while writing this.

My grandfather got covid at the hospital he was at for like almost two weeks and they sent him back. So I'm just taking care of him now. So please excuse my lack of postage and constant apologies.

I just really had this chapter out so a fresh idea for the next one could form.


I completely and totally agree with anyone that says flying in an airplane sucks. Not in the sense of where I'm always anxious and or scared of the plane dropping out of the sky or rocketing towards the ground, no flying is awesome. Just when it's on your own time and through your own ability of flight. Like what is the point of taking a luxurious carriage back and forth constantly while being pulled by other flying pegasi that could be not wasting their time pulling around some lazy noble or.. ugh. I'm going to deep into this, just know that I'm not really enjoying this whole horse drawn carriage thing. Because as I said before, this whole trip could've gone a lot faster if they just sent a letter or something and let us fly over there, or even take a train. They have trains here right?

I took a quick glance out the side of the carriage, only to be just as quickly pulled back in and pressed back against mothers chest. I simply rolled my eyes and continued with what I was saying.

Anyways, yes. After witnessing a rather pink and flamboyant train chugging it's way up a mountain in a spiraling manner, it is safe to assume that locomotives are present. Which does also bring up the interesting thought of what age and what tech level this pony civilization is in, since they have arcade machines. I mean they've got to be equal to the twentieth century in relation to humanity, seeing as arcades and arcade machines were very popular during that time. But then again, with the train and carriages being the main forms of travel, also including flying and teleportation. If that's possible of course.

Maybe steampunk. Mm. Nah, I have yet to see any steam powered zeppelins or an excess amount of gears being used in daily fashion. But I guess I'm just overthinking things, as usual. Which is normal, but eh. I really have no idea what to say after that. Soo.. Advanced attention shifting focusing g-

"Hold on, Speckles, we're landing." was what I heard a few seconds after I used my secret technique, which didn't include me running away, and a few seconds after she said that. I could feel the jolting of the carriage as the two carriage drivers landed us on the ground.

That's when I decided to ground myself back into focus and took another look at my surroundings. Which had evidently shifted drastically, what was once a vast open sky was replaced by the white and golden painted building of a castle. Which could only really be compared to what a Disney princesses castle would look like, overly extravagant and regal. But then I look over and see that a portion of the castle was painted in a dark blue color, specifically a tower on the farther side. Which to be honest, was a dead giveaway as to who exactly that was referenced after.

Anyway- oh. Wait when did we get inside?

"I know that face honey. You were completely zoned out and didn't notice that I had to pick you up and carry you out as the guards started leading us." was what mother said to me as I blinked and turned my head.

I seem to be zoning out a lot these days, sooner or later I'm going to get into some trouble with all these feats of ineptitude. Maybe it's because I'm living in this horse world and still adjusting… but-

"-uh.. I- I was too busy thinking of questions I could inter- I mean ask the princesses!" I stuttered out before finishing it with a firm planting of my hoof onto mother's back. Which I only came to realize that i was sitting upon due to her saying so and also because when I started teetering off, she stopped and used the muscles of her wings to keep me steady.

The ambience of us walking and the shifting metal of the guards armor plates just a ways in front of us was prominent for a few moments. Which left me a good few seconds to look at the very over the top royal hallway I've ever seen. Not even disney could beat this display of unnecessary show of wealth, like who needs that gold vase that's encrusted with another fine lining of gold?

"More like you're in a bit of shock at seeing the lavish castle the royal sisters live in" she said breaking the silence, an amused undertone was also easy to hear in her words.

So I responded accordingly.

"Pfft. Yeah right, as if all this shiny and very expensive display of power wil.. yeah, I see what you meant." I said while bringing a hoof to my chin and thinking of a better thing to say.

"Speckles, I know you.. and you will not bring this up whenever we meet with their majesties ok?" She finished with a soft yet firm tone.

I would've said something in protest, but. Mom is scary. So I think I'll stick to heeding her physic warnings.

But anyways. I've literally forgotten about the main reason mother and I were called for, well. I haven't forgotten completely. Scaring the princess with a hollow knight boss that made me over ten-thousand geo, would be a cause for concern. Seeing as I'm literally a little kid who was attacked by changelings and formed something that looked and pretty much acted like a changeling.

Hmm. Yeah I think I answered my own unasked questions with that explanation.


So I guess it was just time to play the innocent and timid little child act when confronted. Since I really didn't want to expose myself and really give away anything as of yet, I assume this role is perfect. Or maybe I could just play an innocent and curious child role, since that's more fitting with how my actual self professed personality is nowadays.

There was much to do and much to see... especially now that I realize how long this hallway was.

For how long was I in deep thought for? To me it would've made sense to have been at the meeting place or somethi- wait a second.

I snapped my head upwards and looked at the ceiling as something caught my eye up ahead. It was a darker corner of the ceiling, just a few feet away and above the two guards who were escorting us. Were those eyes peeking out from the dark?

I blinked once and then twice and looked back up, only to notice that the eyes seemed to have suddenly disappeared as we got closer.

Which in turn immediately made a chill run it's way up my spine.

'Ah shit. This isn't going to end well.'

Was what I thought before I remembered that my dumb ass has a particular power that can stop time for however long I want! Literally the power of DIO in my hooves and I forget...

....Probably because the last time I did it was when I was almost kidnapped and Spitfire almost became a changeling breeding thing and left me with a splitting headache, and paralysis.

But I could work out and figure out as to why exactly that was much much later, this was another one of those TellTale moments. Where the bar was turning red and I had to take action or let my character suffer, which in this case is mother, those two nameless guards and I.


Fuck it.

I took in a deep breath and spoke out "stop" just as soon as I noticed the eyes dart forwards, revealing a darkened figure attached to them. Who was abruptly halted in its movements as everything lost its color and turned grey, as did the world around it as I stood up on mother's back.

I took a quick look at the giant windows lining the hallway and saw that everything outside was just as muted and frozen as it was inside. Then I shook my head and hopped off the side of mothers back and walked forwards. Stopping right next to where the frozen guards were taking their next steps and looked upwards. Confirming my original and very prevalent anxiousness.

"A changeling." I said while scanning the rest of the ceiling and paused, something felt off about there only being one.

"Wait a second."

I turned around and looked behind where we were walking from and felt my eyes widen.

"Oh shit." Was the only word to come out of my mouth as I noticed more pronounced figures hidden into the ceiling.

How the hell did this go unnoticed? Well, how was I the only one to notice? Better yet, how did they even manage to sneak their way in at the exact same time I showed up.. without the princesses or the guards catching.

I brought a hoof to my face and rubbed, before letting out a sigh.

"This is some pure grade bull shit."

To be continued