Chapitre 43

Chapter 43

Author's Note:

Hi guys. Good news, my grandpa is doing fine. Albeit peeved at the constant care he needed recently.


But furthermore,

You guys are awesome for the support on this story and for my irl happenings.

Thanks again and enjoy! There is more to come at a slow pace.


How exactly was I going to do this? I really have no idea. Why did life keep putting me into these quick time events at every turn? Hell if I know.

Did I have an idea on how I was going to get out of this? No, n- hey wait a second. I looked over to where I saw that gold vase a minute ago and quickly flew towards it. Hovering In place just in front of the little table that supported it and thinking for a second.

"Hm.." I said before tentatively reaching for it, stopping halfway for a second before shaking my head.

I wrapped a hoof around the handle. Which brought up a very nice question on why exactly it had handles if ponies didnt have hands. But that was for another day, I had to lift this surprisingly lightweight piece of metal and plan my next course of action.

Since the flow of time has been completely stopped and the laws of physics don't apply to a frozen plane of existence. Then It means I can lightly tap this against the changelings face, and then when time resumes they would feel the full force effect.

Or at least, that's what the flash and quicksilver taught me. But then again, the flash in the show was very inconsistent and was constantly taken out by ridiculous means. So I guess quicksilver is the way to go.

"Let me just.." I muttered to myself as I flew up towards the first charging changeling I saw and lined up the vase with their face, rearing my arms back and forth a few times before stopping it and touching it against the changeling's fang before finally smiling and throwing my arms back and launching it forwards. The impact didn't make any noise, but I could visibly see the frozen effect of the vase hitting the changeling. Its face comedically gets pushed inwards at the force.

I pulled back and turned to look at the other changelings who were charging out of their hiding places. At first glance I was scared and anxious at the idea of getting attacked again, since my secret ability kinda crapped out on me the last time something like this happened. But despite the fear of going completely numb and paraplegic at the back of my head, I took a breath and flew forwards. Approaching one of the two changelings coming from the back I paused for a moment, this one looked familiar.

"Why does.. wait! You're the asshole who got the stab stab!" I said to their completely frozen form.

I gave them a good eye once once over before looking at their unusable eye, it would be a shame if both eyes looked like that one.

I nonchalantly raised the vase in my grasp as I commented "well, not much of a shame seeing as you're trying to take me to your rapist Queen....soo-BAM!" I yelled as I threw the vase at their face, though it would immediately freeze just as the tip of one of its handles touched their face. I knew for a fact that they wouldn't be able to tell what hit them.

I dropped back down onto the floor and eyed the two remaining changelings that had to be dealt with. I looked back over to where the little table holding the vase sat and grinned, that would do very nicely.

I quickly jogged over and grabbed it, pushing myself into the air with my wings once more and approaching a smaller changeling. To which I simply whacked once with the table, then twice for good measure. Then finally I flew around behind it, well. Her, now that I could unintentionally see that. Which meant that this was going to double suck for her when time resumed.

So after shoving the small table as best as I could into where the sun doesn't shine, I turned over to the last remaining changeling without a small twinge of regret.

I floated around in front of it with my hoof on my chin for a good minute as I wondered how I could dispatch this one.

"Welp. I've got nothing." I said before turning around, eyes passing over mothers nonchalant and frozen form and then to the guards.. who were carrying some convenient spears

"Nevermind. I'm just going to borrow this." I nonchalantly said while reaching over and firmly grasping the spear, then removing it from the frozen guards grasp and turning around.

"Let's just.." I moved the tip of the spear so that it was pressed against the underside of the changeling. I was going to press it harder, but I paused for a second. Hmm. Killing changeling equals revenge, but could also follow up with regret at taking a life. But then I turned around and looked at the other frozen changelings.

"Well. I guess it's like killing a cockroach. A large, winged and scarier cockro- yeah nevermind." I stabbed forwards and pulled back. But looking at the stab wound starting to form I frowned at it's small size and shrugged.




Twenty-eight stab wounds later. Haha. Funny.

After doing the deed, I did a small three-sixty and admired my work. With that, I fluttered on over to where mother stood frozen and simply plopped down on her back as if nothing happened. With an inhale, I opened my mouth and said "stop."

With that, the world gained its color once more and all the actions that were frozen started up.


The changeling who was struck with the vase recoiled back from the very hard hit and promptly fell from its spot on the roof.

"-!!!" *THUD*


Next was the changeling who I had thrown the vase at. Who only had a millisecond to wind their eyes as the vase collided with their face and they went flying into a pillar.



Followed by that was the changeling who had the table rammed into them, a strangled cry came out of their mouth before they fell backwards. Right onto the table stuck in them.



Finally all that was left was the changeling who had been stabbed, simply floating and watching their comrades be dispatched by an unseen force. Their eyes widened as thoughts ran through their head.


Suddenly he heard the sound of something dripping against the floor, making him cock an eye as he looked down. Seeing HIS blood dripping from his stab wo..

'Oh.' Was all that he was able to say before simply passing out from the shock and dropping onto the floor like the rest of his kin.


Evidently, everyone was unmoving. Besides myself as I watched them all get absolutely fucked!

But my excitement was quickly drowned out by the guards and mothers' panicked voices and actions.

"Sweet Celestia!"

"What in the blazes!"

"The hell?!"

For one, I was quickly moved from her back and into her arms. Which was a nice change. Secondly, the guards quickly circled around us. Which wasnt much of a circle since there were only two of them, but nevertheless they raised their spears up.

The one who's spear I used did not notice the blue blood dripping off of it as he pressed a hoof against his chest plate. A bright blue light shown immediately afterwards, I tilted my head and wondered if that was their way of calling reinforc-

"We have more guards on the way, stick close to us! There could be more than these.." he said in an apprehensive yet confused tone.

I simply smiled smugly as mother smothered me.


Meanwhile, while waiting for the child to arrive.

The two princesses were sat at their dining room table, finally getting around to finishing their breakfast. Until suddenly the two of them stopped and looked at eachother. Silence between the two was prevalent for a moment before Celestia spoke up.

"Luna, did you sense that?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, we- I mean, I sense it too."

What they sensed was a strong force of magic flooding in before abruptly stopping and receding. Leaving the two of them confused as to what exactly that was.

Celestia went to speak again until the doors burst open.

Both their heads snapped to a haggard guard. His armor haphazardly put on as he stumbled forwards and yelled out.

"Changelings in the west wing of the castle!"

With that the two of them were up and flashing their horns, teleporting out of the room. Leaving the guard on the floor as he looked at where they teleported with envy. For he was a simple earth pony and had to haul his ass over there double time.

He shook his head and righted himself on his hooves, straightened out his armor before turning towards the door and bolting out of it.

To be continued