Chapter 44
It wasn't long before a whole platoon of guards curved around that corner with efficient momentum. They quickly broke formation and surrounded the downed changelings, spears and crossbows alike. All aimed towards them, threatening them to lash out once more. Which they wouldn't. Seeing as I fucked them. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
'Well.' I thought to myself while glancing over to the changeling who had the chair rammed up so far into their backdoor. I had a moment to purse my lips in acceptance before my head was turned and mothers chest was in my face.
"D-don't look at them honey. Let's just let the guards handle this.." mother said in a terse voice. Of course she had a right to be worried, she was my mother for one. Also, her and everybody else here have no idea what exactly happened. So I took the moment to reassure her that I was fine and to see if I could lighten the situation. Even if it was very..tense at the moment.
So I wiggled my head out of her bindings and tilted my gaze upwards so that I could get her attention. Successfully doing so after a few seconds her worry filled face tore itself away from the aftermath and looked down at me. My very cute, diabetes inducing, and stress relieving face. With an added bonus of my ears drooped and big eyes looking up at her with a smile.
The effects were immediate. As she closed her eyes and sighed, a smile forced its way onto her muzzle and I mentally cheered.
This was definitely a very shitty situation. But as long as I can make mom smile time and time again whenever these situations pop up, it's all worthwhile.
"It's alright mom, the changelings didn't get us." I said in a cheerful manner. I got a nice and long nuzzle in response to that.
"Yeah.. they didn't. But this was really too close for comfort." She commented before turning us both around and walking a small distance away from the congregated guards. I surmised it was to help herself get situated so that she could focus on comforting me if anything else happens.
Exactly three seconds later.
"Hey, wait!"
One of the two original pegasus guards escorting us turned around and called out to us. Very rapid and clunky footfalls followed until mother stopped and turned us back to look at him. His helmet was pushed back into place as he tightened himself in front of us, his eyes scanned the surrounding area as he told us of his concern.
"Sorry miss, but with this small group of changelings infiltrating their way into the castle. It's strictly protocol that you stick with us until we can assure your safety without our presence." He calmly said, a betrayal of what he was actually feeling. Of course, it was easily readable as his body language and eye movements gave it away. But the concern was legitimate. If these four dumbasses almost got the jump on us, then there could be mo-
'Shit.' I mentally cursed myself. That means they're actually trying to get my ass this time.
The two adults were none the wiser to my real reason for panic, mother of course had a six sense and could tell when stuff like this happened to me. So she cut herself off and put her attention on me, her muzzle rubbing gently against the top of my head.
"it's going to be alright honey.. the nice guard here is going to make sure we're safe.. right?" She said in a two toned voice. Which I was able to pick up on, because I'm not a stupid kid. But it didn't really calm my nerves as I glanced over to the jittery guard, who was now trying his best to put a smile on.
"A-absolutely miss! The two of you are our top priority." Was what he responded with. It was nice to know, but I'm not sure how well I can trust these guards with the life of mother and I. Seeing as their lack of action with my first encounter with the changelings, and for not having the sense to look up.
I quickly responded to the growing awkward silence with a small smile aimed at him as he gave a small grin back towards me before falling serious once more. Raising his spear with a hoof before turning around and motioning for us to follow.
Mother readjusted me in her embrace and plopped me down onto her back in a prone position. My head tilted before she answered my question "just hold on and keep yourself pressed against me sweetie." She urged while giving me a smile of her own. "We'll get out of this soon enough." Before quickly following after the guard.
'Hopefully.' I muttered internally. Adjusting myself so that my arms wrapped around her barrel as far as they could, which was not much. But I still had a nice grip.
The second pegasus guard joined alongside the one leading us away and nodded towards him before he separated and lagged behind. I turned and saw that he was now taking position behind, effectively having two fronts of defense. Nice.
But what wasn't nice was the fact that there could he a dozen more of these changelings, and I don't think I could keep pausing time and dispatch them. Last time I spent frequently in the frozen space, I was hit by a migraine like pain and was rendered paralyzed until I could pull myself together.
It was troublesome to say the least… well, I had a lot more words to say than troublesome but I decided against it. I had to focus more on how I would plan out an eventual second encounter, an event where I'm getting kidnapped and for when I have to go full Rambo on these bugs.
U- and suddenly a cold feeling caught my attention and I turned my head to the left, where not even a moment later. A flash occurred and the figure of the real Princess Luna appeared in all her tall glory. This caused the two guards to stop and immediately salute towards her, leaving both mother and I to just stare as she eased them.
But I really wasn't much in awe like I supposed mother was, killing two godly beings in your dreams makes you lose a bit of respect for them. Probably why I wasn't affected by that authoritative aura wafting off of her in droves.
The sight of her and her alone did bring up a question.
'Wonder where the other Princess is.' I mentally mused as the two of us locked gazes for a split second before she broke it and addressed the guards again.
"What is the situation as of now?" She firmly asked.
"Defused at the moment your highness, the changelings that originally at..well, that tried ambushing us were all simultaneously dropped." He responded. Offhandedly wiping a bead of sweat from the top of his eyebrow.
I let a tiny smug grin form on my face at the mention of them dropping instantaneously.
Luna raised an eyebrow and glanced over to the large group of guards looking over the incapacitated changelings, now having been joined by even more guards with purple covered armor this time.
'Interesting. I wonder what the purple signifies…' I looked back over to the princess as she started giving orders to the two of them.
"Interesting. I will assess the situation myself as well. The two of you will lead these two to mine sister's personal study. Where you two are to make sure our guests don't get out of your sight, am I clear?"
"Yes, Princess!" The two shouted before turning and continuing forwards. Mother and I simply followed along as the two guards led us down another hallway.
I looked around in a precautionary manner, seeing as I spotted them just barely a moment ago. I could blink and they could be there ready to get the jump on us.
'Ugh…' this whole thing is getting worse by the minute. Next you're going to tell me that their Queen memorized the layout of this building and is waiting in a specific blindspot..
Wait. Did I just jinx myself?
Chrysalis didn't falter in her movements as she ordered one of her sister's drones to check around the corner. For she had indeed planned ahead and was taking part of the excursion herself. Disguising herself as one of the poor maids caught in the middle of this changeling conflict.
"Well..?" She hissed. Her disguised eyes slit for a moment before returning to their soft and magenta coloring.
The drone in question hissed out a hasty response before backing away from the corner. Standing there and staring back up at her with a stupid blank expression before she grunted and pushed them back.
"Don't look at me like that! Remember the plan and jump out with the other two when I scream for help!" She whispered to the blatant drone. Who shakily hissed once more at her already turned body, drooping down a bit at the lack of care coming from her.
Chrysalis on the other hand, ruffled up the stolen maid outfit she was wearing and shook her morphed pixie cut. Nodding to herself before stopping at the abrupt sound of hoof steps getting closer.
"..Hurry, this way! It's not that far!" A male voice spoke out.
Before anything else could be heard, she immediately threw herself from her hiding spot around the corner and collided against the fancy tiling. Mentally noting that she could've been less rough than that before rushing up onto her hooves and looking back as her three accomplices stood deathly still. One sniffed the air, before the others did so as well, pupils dilating. Confusing and annoying her at the same time but she couldn't afford to lose this opportunity.
"O-oh thank Celestia! Please help me! T-th-" she couldn't even finish her own fake plea for help as a chorus of hisses made her stop. Her attention slipping away from the tense royal guards leading the mare and THAT foal to safety.
The three drones had started hissing, its ferocity growing as they turned the corner and completely ignored her disguised form and the conceived plan.
'What are they doing!' Chrysalis felt her eye twitch and grit her teeth behind closed lips. Immediately forming a mind link between herself and three of them as they stalked towards the two guards. Who by now had funneled the mare and FOAL way behind them, both raising their spears in preparation.
'What are you doing! This isn-' her commands were doing nothing to stop the three.
She huffed before realizing that one of the guards was shouting for her to run.
'This isn't what we planned for drones! I-' she was this time met by a cacophony of muddled and disorganized thoughts.
'Breath it.. DRINK it..'
She stared at the drones as if they'd gone insane. They were now all spouting nonsense at her as they hissed and snapped their fangs at the guards.
She collapsed the mind link and inhaled deep-
A sweet, oh so sweet odor wafted deep into her senses. Everything in her mind blanked as her body and mind focused on that smell. She wanted more of it. More of that.. that ADDICTING smell…
Some semblance of coherent thought tried to work it's way back into her thoughts and she shook her head, but was outright ignored. Her expression blanked and her morphed figure was showered in green flames as she tilted her head back and sniffed the air once again. Licking her fangs as she did so.
Completely ignoring the panicked voices of the guards as one frantically tapped at their chest repeating 'Chrysalis!' While the other hardened his defensive stance. Albeit faltering as he looked back and forth between the exit and her.
She was entranced. She couldn't control herself. She was LOSING control of herself.
This.. this was not normal. This overwhelming force wasn't normal, it was anomalous. Enticing, even. Was this what my sister was talking about? Is this the effect she could hardly resist.. I-
Her mind blanked again. This time with one thought slithering all around her head. Eyes narrowing on their own and her body getting lower to the floor. She tried shaking it off, hooves grabbing onto her head and shaking fiercely. Her inner voice shouting and shouting until finally.
A repressed instinct took the reins of her mind and pressed that one thought even further.
Drain.. FEED..
She couldn't control herself anymore and bared her longer and more threatening fangs at the guards who were now shitting themselves. They both took steps backwards as she advanced forwards, pushing past her enthralled drones and staring at them. Staring at HIM specifically. She wanted HIM. Every fiber of her being wanted HIM.
The mind link had formed once more and she was met again with her drones thoughts.
'Enough for all..'
Her thoughts were of the same topic. Non-stop. She couldn't wait anymore. She had to taste. She had to-
She violently threw herself forwards and her drones followed suit, her horn subconsciously lighting up and grabbing onto the FOAL. His own panicked voice was drowned out by the mix of his mother and everyone else's voice yelling out.
Until suddenly.
To be continued