Chapitre 45

Chapter 45

Author's Note:

I'm going to bed now.


"What the fuck." Were the only words that slipped out of my mouth at that moment. What I had just witnessed completely skyrocketed past all the other expectations I had for something like this. I expected the same queen that Spitfire and I both took out back at her house. Yet, this one is different. Taller and slimmer than the other one, her eyes a sickly green color. Doing absolutely nothing to compliment that predatory glare she was giving me, and me specifically.

Her frozen eyes were still locked with my own before I diverted and looked down. Noticing I was still stuck in her telekinetic grasp I shrugged it off and focused on calming myself down. It would do me no good to be this worked up in a situation like this. I'm out of danger for the most part, just have to chill. Just have to chill and think up a way of how I'm going to break out of this frozen magical grasp, then quicksilver the whole situation again by knocking these rabid bugs out.

"For real..." I commented in disbelief and with major annoyance at what had just transpired. This new bug queen, Chrysalis. If what the guards were repeating over and over while metaphorically shitting themselves was anything. Then this queen meant business. Even worse that for some reason she and her changeling lackeys completely went ballistic!

Hell, I have no doubt that my ass would have gotten a face of fangs and or something else if I hadn't frozen time like I just did there. That would not be a fun time, well. None of this is a fun time. But for sure, looking at her frozen and very widened maw gave me a sense of gratitude at whatever force had given me this power.

Speaking of which, why did she go ballistic? Why did her little friends go ballistic. The only instance of this being brought to my attention was way back when one of the other queens, changeling, outright sunk its fangs into my shoulder. She then commented on it being a disgraceful and primitive sort of way of taking love. Which was scary if that's what they used to do instead of using their hocus pocus magical disguise and mindfuckery bullshit.

Aurora also said something about my uncrackable and delectable scent. Which may not be the exact worst she used but it still hits the same, because she also gave off the unhinged vibe. Not to the point of savagery like Chrysalis is doing, but still. It could've transgressed if I didn't hit her with the bottle.

Was I really that much of a turn on for these changelings? Well, no I shouldn't say turn o- no.. wait. Yeah, I could say that I'm a turn on for these guys.

In a sense of where I'm turning on their savage mindsets, which is scarier when these horses have yet again, magic at their disposal and being over six feet tall. Which was an oversight because I was short, it was a very prominent feature.

Nevertheless, I'm not trying to get captured/drained/raped and or anything else that these things could do if I'm ever caught.

So with that in mind I looked back down at the glowing green magic gripped tightly around my body, mostly around my midsection, but yes my body. Which confused me, did active magic still hold its physics defying properties in a plane where even that is defined?

I tested that by squirming, twisting my hips and moving my ar- I was interrupted by my body subsequently dropping onto the floor.


"-agh fuck!"

My question was answered, at the price of my back and the back of my head hurting for a few moments. I groaned and rubbed lightly at the painful spots before shaking my head and scrambling back onto my feet. Then spreading my wings and floating myself back into the air, looking at the magic where I was once held in. Its whole form now warped and looked as if it was ripped a decent amount, which was most likely myself breaking free.

"Well, at least now I know I can bamboozle the hell out of magic users." I grinned at that. But shifted my thoughts away from that, I had other things to think about instead of trying to prank some unicorns.

Like what I was going to do to this big bug, and her other bugs that were charging just a bit behind her.

"Hmm." I leaned back in the air and pressed a hoof against my chin, flying higher into the air and looking at the stretch of hallway that met the intersection where she popped out of.

There were painted glass windows lining the hallway, which gave me a particularly evil idea. Though not evil enough. I had to hit these guys hard for all the trauma they're producing at the moment and for the foreseeable future. Because I know for a fact that my mother is not going to let me go anywhere alone for a long time now. Which I didn't mind since I was four years old, a very uncannily smart four year old, but still a small child nonetheless. Maybe even a therapist, if we could afford one…

I sighed.

"Well. I guess now that you're messing with my life. I'll be ruining yours way worse than you'd expect." I commented before lowering myself back to eye level.

I glanced back at where mother stood frozen, a pang in my chest immediately formed as I saw her facial expression. She was reared on two hindlegs, wings flared and both front hooves outstretched to where I was grabbed from her.

Then I looked over to the two frightened guards with their spears raised, one turned with their spear at chrysalis, while the other tried holding off the other three changelings.


I pressed both hooves over my face and took a deep breath, exhaling two seconds later and feeling my head a bit clearer.

"Alright. I got this." I nodded and went to work.

I first flew over to where the three changelings were charging at the poor guard, taking a look at his ready position I nodded. If Dio had taught me anything, it was that you could punch a hole through a frozen person's stomach and move them as if they were paper.

I started positioning the guard like I would a ragdoll, being as gentle as I could with my adjustments as to not cause any real harm when time resumes. Raising his body upwards, spreading his back legs further, unfurling his wings and then manipulating the hooves holding a spear. One outstretched in a lunching motion and the other pushing the spear forwards.

Then moving onto the closest changeling, I pulled him forwards and adjusted his body's angle. Rotating him around until he was upside down, everything on, well. His underside now easily exposed, I then pushed him so that a certain part would get afflicted by the guard.

I winced in sympathy at the thought, but it was tough luck.

So moving onto the other two, I had an idea. An idea I'm certain even Dio would be proud of, I quickly lined the two changelings up and went to work. Straightening myself in the air and squaring my shoulders, I distanced myself before rearing an arm back before pushing forwards and striking the changeling square in the chest as hard as I could.

On my end, it felt as if I punched jello. A slightly more condensed jello, but soft nonetheless.

So with those three taken care of, I turned back towards the big mama roach and the poor pegasus guard trying to stab at her. I say poor because with the look on his face and the way he held his spear, I didn't think he would do against her.

But I would graciously help him with that, by grabbing the spear out of his hooves and gripping onto it with my own. Turning back to Chrysalis's back side, I reared back and stabbed at the pony version of a thigh. Uh, flank. I think.

Still, I stabbed it in as far as I could until I was sure that she would be hindered when everything resumed. Making sure not to pull it out and leaving it embedded in there while floating over to face her once more, then looked back over to the guard. Particularly his helmet.

"Perfect." I flew back over and placed both hooves on either side of it, casually slipping it off his head, flying back over to Queenie's face and nodding.


I hit it against the side of her face.


Also under her chin.


Then one more at the base of her already crooked horn. Pushing back and looking as her intimidating face morphed ever so slightly at the impacts.

"Right." I said with a small huff. I got a little too into that, and the guys helmet is proof.

But he wouldn't notice the large dents in the heat of the moment. From an outside perspective, it looks like he was the one who took down Chrysalis. So..

"I'm just gonna.." I moved over and slid it back onto his head. Patting him lightly at the top of his armored head before moving to my original spot. I kept my wings in motion so it looked like I was falling from her grasp when I resumed.

All I had to do was act surprised and fearful. Easy.

So without further ado.


In a matter of moments, everything brightened back into its original colors. Then came the muted sound that was originally playing, followed by the paused motion.

"Speckles!" Was the first thing I heard.

I fluttered my wings around as I tried to keep myself from falling onto the floor, successfully being able to do so before I was snatched into a familiar warm embrace. Letting out a breath into her chest as everything played out right behind me.



"Scre-" a garbled noise was heard before that voice was silenced and their body thudded against the floor. Presumably leaving a befuddled guard in its wake.


The two changelings lined up with one another didnt even get to let anything out of their mouths, as the impact into the first one's chest carried enough momentum to make him briefly cough up blood. Before it's force pushed them back, flying into the one behind them and sending them both careening into a wall.



Chrysalis felt the pain shooting from her flank first, wanting to screech out but was stopped as an invisible force sent her head into three different directions. Each hit was painful, though in her current state of mind, she couldn't feel it. But when the final blow came everything in her body stopped completely, before a shooting pain flooded her senses. Immediately crashing down onto the floor unconscious, right next to the broken pieces of her horn.



I pressed myself tighter against mothers chest and felt her rapid heartbeat beating right against my face. Making it seem as though I was hiding myself away until everything went away, which she was instinctually reciprocating to. While her gaze and mind was partially focused on what was happening. The other part of her head kicked in and started shakily rubbing at the top of my head. Trying to soothe my fears.

On the other hand, I was keeping my big grin hidden away in her fur. As the confused voices kicked back in, I felt a small chill run down my spine.



There was a light crackle and popping noise before it completely faded, confusing me as I tilted my head around. Catching sight of a tall and white figure with multi-colored hair, it was all slightly blurred from my position. But my assumption was tha-

"Princess!" Both guards' voices called out in surprise.

Well, I was half right.
