"Despite your hatred show a little love" Winter had advised him while walking away from the room.

it rang again and again in his head, after all he had better listen to her or there would be huge consequences apart from loosing his reputation in the filming industry.

Kyle looked at the time and twas already late so he left for home. Thinking about everything that had happened these past few weeks was quite a story to tell on his own part.

Yet no one was to ever find out about what Sandra had done because it was despicable and unworthy to be heard. At work everyone had been trying to work so hard on their biggest production so far but no one would have believed that the reason why they suddenly let Sandra take the female lead role was due to the fact that she gave her body for it.

Sandra was Kyle's lover and girlfriend but ever since Kyle joined her in the industry due to his unique physique people regarded more respect to him than they gave to her despite the fact that she had long been in this business even before Kyle and Winter but now she was gradually loosing her fame to Winter because she was loosing her beauty and youth faster than everyone had predicted while Winter was just as outstanding as an angel with sleek smooth and fair skin that fits a queen, long straight legs and excellent curves.

Everyone in the industry knew of Sandra's plastic surgery due to the accident she once had when she was kidnapped and they anticipated that she would soon retire from the industry.

But time passed by and Sandra kept going for surgeries with the claim that she was okay and nothing was wrong but sources claimed that she had over stepped her boundaries in undergoing surgeries and even went as far as bribing the doctors to keep it a secret.

When Kyle found out about this he was not happy with it at all and felt that she had taken things too far, he had earlier advised her to go for modeling instead of going on with the idea of being an actress and stressing herself more often but she had refused to listen and kept on lying to him that the rumors were false about her surgeries and he finally gave upon advising her.

During this period of him being frustrated about what Sandra had been doing was when Winter became close to him and he began to fancy her more than he did for Sandra.

Sandra noticed this and started keeping her distance because she knew what would eventually happen at the end but Kyle wasn't that interested in Winter until she did what she did it ached his heart alot and wished that he had never met her.

While he was still going through his drunken episode Winter met him to console him but she couldn't do that in the bar so she ordered a cab and brought him to his apartment.

In the course of cleaning him up, Kyle couldn't control himself so that night he slept with Winter. Though she tried her best to struggle but due to the fact that he was stronger and she was in a tight situation she couldn't help but give in.

Winter left very early in the morning because she felt embarrassed but she didn't fail to leave a note for him on the lamp desk with the drugs she had bought for him.

She went straight to work after cleaning up at her own place, she was so absentminded while walking on the road that a car almost ran her over. she felt so much shame because it was her first time ever doing such a thing.

When she arrived at her work place the first face she saw was Kyle who was walking in her direction to welcome her that morning but because she was too hateful towards herself, she ran away from him something that she had never done before and this left Kyle dumbfounded as he didn't know what had happened to her neither did he have any memory of what transpired between them.

All through the day she kept avoiding him until it was time to go home and he couldn't keep up with the silent treatment anymore he forcefully dragged her to his office and pinned her to the wall with a questioning and authoritative look in his eyes.

"Winter you've been avoiding me all day tell me what's going on" he finally asked.

Looking down she broke down in tears as she slid to the floor weeping uncontrollably. Kyle didn't know what to do so he took her in his arms and laid her head down on his shoulder while consoling her.

When she had calmed down he repeated the question to her waiting for a response but the only thing she told him was "Don't you remember anything from last night ?" as she kept wiping the tears off of her eyes.

Kyle was confused because he didn't expect that anything happened last night. All he remembered was that she brought him back home but when he continued to think about the whole situation, he only had fragments of the event that took place which was when he kissed her.

As he realized that this was what happened, he pushed her away from himself and began to curse at her "why didn't you stop me from doing it?" he shouted at her.

Winter seeing that he had remembered a fraction of the whole incident decided to stand her grounds"stop you?" she said while forming a painful laugh.

"I couldn't even release myself from your grip not even to talk about stopping you from doing whatever you wanted to, Kyle you were drunk to stupor for the love of Christ how was I suppose to stop the tantrum you were throwing?, now my virginity is lost all because I decided to help you and the worst part of everything was that I don't even have an idea of what made you drink to stupor something that you've never done before I can't believe you Kyle and now you're raising your voice at me? how pathetic of you".

After speaking she took her bag and was about leaving but Kyle held her back, drew her into his embrace and apologized to her telling her that he never meant to raise his voice at her only that he was just too angry with himself at the moment and he didn't know what to do because even as time passed he couldn't forgive himself for what he did to her.

Worst of all was that he took away her virginity which was supposed to be priceless and there was nothing they could do about it anymore. Just then an idea came to his mind " Winter how about you become my girlfriend and we call it even because that's the only idea I can think about right now?"

On hearing this Winter was dumbfounded as she realized that if she accepted this proposal, Sandra the madwoman would come after her life. "Kyle please I can't be your girl and even if I wanted to you've already got Sandra and I don't want to become a barrier between the both of you so pls just drop this Idea it's too risky".

"Even if I wanted to Kyle I just can't despite the fact that I have fallen over heels with you a long time ago it's just too risky even for my reputation. Besides you're from a better background compared to me who doesn't have any status and is just trying to make a living"

After saying this she pulled away from his embrace" I'm sorry I just can't" but what she never expected was that Kyle had also fallen deep in love with her and has been looking for the perfect time to dump that good for nothing Sandra and chase after her but it just so happens that Sandra had used her own hands to end the relationship on that same night he slept with her.

"Winter please listen to me" he said dragging her back " I and Sandra are no more that's the main reason why I drank to stupor yesterday". Winter could not believe what her ears were hearing and for the first time she felt like as if her heart was going to pop out from her chest for real.

"Wait... so do you mean to tell me that you and Sandra have called it off?" she said in a shocking yet surprised tone. " yeah for real but we haven't officially called it off yet so no one knows except you and I or any other person she wishes to tell" she was speechless for sure this time equally as she was over joyed in heart.

For some time there was an awkward silence between the both of them but Kyle had to speak first " so is that a yes/no or am I to give you sometime to think about it?" he asked teasingly this time trying his best to brighten up the mood.

Winter didn't say anything as she was probably still trying to process what had just happened within the best thirty minutes of her life.


That was Kyle trying to get her attention back to reality with a scissors and it worked quite well as she was now back to her senses."what are you thinking about?" he asked "huh?" as she turned to look at him. "I asked you a question just now so what's is gonna be ?" Kyle said while raising her head towards his face.

Winter not wanting to be seduced by him this time withdrew from his grip "oh... I will think about it and give you my answer when I'm ready" she said as she made her way to the door "wait" Kyle said as he drew closer to her and in the next split seconds, he was already kissing her Winter didn't want things to get worst, she pushed him away "Kyle get a hold of yourself" and she began walking abruptly towards the elevator " I'll give you three days, no!!! 24 hours to give me your reply" Kyle shouted back at her as the elevator doors opened "whatever" was her reply as the doors shut.

When she was gone Kyle was as happy as ever as he never dreamt that asking her out would be so soon as it was meanwhile that was the exact same reaction of Winter as she happily left the building with all smiles.