When Winter got home she dropped on the bed like a sack because she was tired from work .

She was also overjoyed that Kyle had asked her out and it was what she had been wishing for. However why she was still unsettled about the answer to his request was what she couldn't understand, the reason being that she was supposed to be excited about it but yet she was still unsettled.

Though her answer was "yes" but she couldn't just give the answer immediately to Kyle so as to not look cheap .

Anyways come to think of it her biggest problem in the industry was having to face Sandra that witch but she had no choice because she had to make a living and pursue her dreams.

The same obstacle that made her quiver at the office was the same obstacle that now held her from accepting Kyle's proposal or his love towards her because Sandra was unpredictable.

if she doesn't give it a try she might never know what life holds in stock for her.

Winter then decided that night before she slept that she was going to accept Kyle no matter what happens and that she would never leave his side if things come to the worst.


It was morning and another day of trouble for Kyle he was going to have to face that bitch called Sandra once more but he was determined to do so for the sake of Winter who he has so fallen for .

Kyle picked up the phone with a sleepy voice "hello" he said to the person at the other side of the phone "hey sleepyhead aren't you gonna be late for work, your office is already calling me to ask of you or have you forgotten that today is the finale of the present movie you have been featured in?" Kyle tried recalling the voice he heard and it was his sister's Violet.

Violet is Kyle's younger sister and his favourite, she's the last child of Mr and Mrs Smith the owners and founders of the Smithereens company which Kyle is to take over .

Among all his siblings he loves Violet best because they had been close since childhood and had done many nasty things together.

One could even say that they were the perfect duo when it comes to scheming and doing nasty pranks. There was this one time that they smashed blue berries and added it to Linda's toothpaste (Linda is their eldest sister who doesn't like anything fun but she ever so serious with her life).

Knowing fully well that she's allergic to blue berries and once she has contact with it she was sure to have rashes on her skin for the next few days and it was awful.

To Kyle and Violet it was quite funny because Linda couldn't control herself from itching her so called perfect skin.

Afterwards it became worse and she had to be admitted to the hospital for three days.

When Mr Smith heard this he was furious at the childish behavior that Kyle had portrayed as the eldest son of the family so he grounded both Kyle and Violet for three weeks because Linda was admitted for three days.

Being grounded was never a condition to stop this duo from causing havoc in the Smiths mansion, but what they never expected their father to do was to separate the both of them after sending Kyle to business school for four years while Violet stayed back to finish college but later went to the states to further her education in law.

But unfortunately Kyle returned before Violet could even finish her studies and that was why he joined the filming industry. This was just one of his passions after he left business school.

For Violet to have actually called him this morning it was a very big surprise to him which means she had been around for a while and he knew nothing about it as she had refused to tell him.

Actually she had wanted to give him a surprise but it was not so necessary once she found out that he was busy so she decided to give him a call this morning.

"Hey Vi how've you been doing?" Kyle asked happily " I never expected that my baby would be back and she wouldn't give me a call that's bad of you, you know right?".

"yeah yeah I know, actually I was planning on giving you a surprise but I figured out that you were too busy to have Surprise parties so I dropped the idea" she replied with all smiles.

"Better still you would have done so, you know I love surprises" Kyle said getting up from bed and heading to the bathroom. He put the phone on loudspeaker as he filled the tub with water ready to take his bath.

He talked with Violet for a long time and when the call finally ended, he was already set for work. As he headed downstairs his butler was already at the door waiting for his arrival so he just took his bags and dropped them at the trunk of the car, shut the door and bade him goodbye.


When Kyle alighted from the vehicle all eyes were on him as he was the god of the filming industry and the man of every girls dream in Aurra.

Kyle was happy when he spotted Winter waving at him but his mood changed the instant he spotted Sandra running towards him. "Hey Kylie, I've missed you these past few days I was away " she said while hugging him.

He was disgusted by the fake attitude that Sandra always portrayed in public as a very good and loving person meanwhile she was a wolf in sheep clothing.

Kyle gently pushed her away from himself having noticed that everyone was now talking about how lucky he was to have Sandra as his girl. The one thing that no one knew was how deadly Sandra's bite was.

"Yeah I know that and I've also missed you too" Kyle said while forcing a smile so as to not draw more attention than he was already doing right now .

He was of course irritated but didn't let it show so as to not draw suspicion because he doesn't like his life to be filled with too many drama and unexciting things.