The Birth III

Several hours after waiting was really getting him worried. No one comes through the door or enters. The place was quiet. Kwame couldn't sit. He was moving to and fro. His shirt was soaked with sweat. He could feel the beat of his heart. He then took out his phone from his pocket, checked the time again with anxiousness, set his focus on the entrance to the emergency room and then again back to checking of the time. He didn't know what to do again. All of a sudden comes his favorite pal Gal. Kwame, with tears walked to his friend and gave him a hug. He really needed a hug at that moment.

Kwame was shocked to see his friend but it was not the right time to ask him questions. In the moment of comforting, there comes the doctor with his stethoscope around his neck. Immediately Kwame saw the doctor he went unconscious and fell to his feet. Gal then had to attend to his friend quickly cos he didn't know what his friend saw that made him fell uncontrollably. Gal realized that the doctor was still standing there doing nothing. So he raised his head to question the doctor why he wasn't doing his job as a life saver but an observer. As soon as his head went up, he shouted " Jesus ". The doctor's apparel was soaked with blood.

Gal got scared. He didn't know what to do. He was contemplating on whether to ask the doctor questions, move straight to the emergency room to find out for himself or wake his friend from his unconsciousness. He became helpless but fortunately Kwame regained consciousness. He began asking, "what happened" but when he saw the doctor again he remembered everything and broke out in tears.