Birth IV

Kwame didn't want to believe what he's seeing at the moment. He thought perhaps he's dreaming so he had to hear it from the horses own mouth before he reacts and probably burst out in tears. As soon as he tried talking, the doctor made his first speech saying " we are sorry. We tried our possible best but is unfortunate she couldn't make it". Tears dropped down after saying that. His lips were shaking when he was talking. Gal felt Kwame shaking. His eyes turned red. He was numb. Kwame couldn't utter a word. He looked at Gal and signaled him with his eyes. Looked at him and turned pointing his eyes to the entrance of the emergency room. Gal understood the signal without Kwame saying anything. Kwame wanted to confirm everything the doctor said cos he didn't believe it.

Gal helped Kwame to stand on his feet and then walked him slowly to the emergency ward. He was thinking the doctor would stop them but he didn't. They were moving at a slow pace cos of the condition of Kwame. With a top speed a nurse rushed in with a scream " W'asore oo" a Ghanaian language meaning "she has woken". Kwame hearing this all of a sudden gained an inconceivable strength that even Gal felt it and as a matter of fact estranged him to the ground. Kwame quickly rushed to the wife as soon as he heard the nurse. When Kwame got there, the hopes he had after hearing the news the nurse brought dried up cos there's no way the wife can make it looking at her.

She extended her hands and opened the palm calling for Kwame to hold it. He placed his palm unto hers. She murmured " Kwame, I..I…i am getting cold. My breath is fading. Promise me this, that you'll protect our baby and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Name her Iris. Teach her my ways and make her love me. Move on with life and don't let the memories of me get you stuck in your love life". Kwame was tearing up and shaking the head as his wife was talking. She continued " move on without me. Just move on but never forget about me and the love I have for you. I love you Kwame. Till we me…… ag…". She finally gave up the ghost. She didn't finish with her statement before dying. Kwame shouted with pains " aaaaaaa!, why me God ? Why me?". Gal moved to Kwame to console him. He himself was literally crying. Infact everyone present at the scene was all sympathizing with Kwame cos it was a sad moment and it could happen to anyone. Kwame's over-emotional nature passed rapidly from one phase of feeling to another but the more melancholy moods predominated.