
A date was fixed for the funeral. Kwame couldn't still believe that his wife was actually dead. still in his room locked up. He wept all day and night. His pillows were all soaked up with tears. Kwame grew lean. He was never the same after his wife died. At first the family didn't want to worry him cos they knew

what he was going through but they got to realize that it was really getting out of hands cos he doesn't either come out for food or water. So one of Kwame's wife's brothers called Gem tried checking up on him cos he was worried. When he got there, he realized that the door to Kwame's room was opened.

Gem knocked at the door but no one responded. He knocked again and mentions Kwame's name and again he didn't respond. Gem thought Kwame wasn't in the mood so he turned his back leaving and suddenly he heard a moan coming from Kwame's room.

He knew it was Kwame who made that sound. Gem got frightened. He quickly turned back and entered the room. Gem was surprised and shocked at what he saw. He saw Kwame with a rope tied up to his neck and the other end to the ceiling fan. "Oh my God" Gem exclaimed. Gem shouted "Kwame, no you can't do this to yourself ". Gem started shouting for help till everyone in the house at that moment got there. No one dared to go close to Kwame. He threatened them that if someone comes closer, he's going to push off the table he's standing on as a support and finally ends his life. So they were all scared. Gem tried talking him through but was to no avail. From no where again was Gal his best pal. Gal came closer to Kwame even though he ordered no one to. Gal began a consolation speech.