At the Funeral(continuation)

From nowhere comes a nice looking woman who came directly to where Kwame was sitting. As soon as she got there she sat beside him and placed her hands around his neck showing a tender loving care towards him. Gal was coming to Kwame when he saw the unknown lady sitting beside him. He got back cos he saw that the unknown lady was literally doing what he was going to do. Gal felt released and happy cos he knew at that moment what Kwame needed was a consoler, a female precisely. The unknown lady sitting beside Kwame is an old family friend of his late wife and also to Kwame but not to the rest of the family. So people saw her to be a stranger. Her name is Evelyn but Kwame and his late wife usually call her Eve. Eve was able to console him. She succeeded in putting smiles on his face. Kwame really liked her company cos he felt no one knew him better than Eve. She has been a friend to them ever since Kwame and his late wife got married. So at this moment Eve thought of it to be there for Kwame as her friend is no more.

The tribute was called to be read and anyone who ought to read has read theirs. That includes the church of the late, the family and friends. Now Kwame was the only person left. He was made to read his last cos of his condition at the moment. He was called to the front to read his tribute that he wrote for his wife. Kwame stood up, walked very slowly to the front in which he was called to. Eve made an attempt to follow but she was given a sign not to. The whole grounds became quiet waiting for Kwame to start with his tribute. Kwame brought out a book which contained the tribute he wrote. He started "There are simply no words to capture what you meant to me or convey the full weight of my grief over your passing. When I met you over six years ago I knew at once, that I had struck gold and I know many men have a wonderful wife but no one has ever had a better one than I" he paused, took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped out the tears that was dropping out from his eyes. He continued " For Davida you were simply amazing – beautiful, witty, highly intelligent, quirky, stubborn and always immense fun to be with. I am grateful for every minute we had together. We shared a friend… friend… friendship…" he paused again but this time around did nothing. All of a sudden, Kwame fell to his feet going completely off.