The misplaced envelope

From Author

It's a slow-burn book, the characters are not used to anything called love yet. So as you advance, you'll feel the feelings grow.

Next, don't try to force yourself to understand some things in the book, as time goes on, you'll understand why certain things and the conversation took place and who they were talking to.

So one piece of advice for you guys, go with the flow. With that said, let's begin.


The howl of the strong wind greeted Cecelia's ears from the moment she stepped out of her shop, locking up for the day. The wind was dancing with her midnight wavy long golden brown hair, and her green gown as she turned around, ready to head back home.

Today, Work had been more hectic and she wanted nothing more than to go back home, jump on her small bed and let the welcoming sleep overtake her tired self.

She was dragging herself back home when she noticed something flying with the wind, coming towards her. She narrowed her eyes to see that it was a piece of paper, and what caught her attention about it, even more, was that it looked like an envelope.

She scrunched her brows and tried to pick it up from the wind, but it was harder than it seemed with the wind changing directions all the time.

" Won't you stop?" She murmured to herself. Almost like it was listening to her, the envelope began to lower its pace, slowly before it finally dropped to the ground

" Phew, now let's see what we've got here "

She picked up the envelope, shocked to see a Golden seal that belonged to a wealthy home. Her curiosity piqued further and she tore the envelope to see a letter. After much contemplation, she took it out and read it

' Dear princess,

You're lucky to be selected as one of the people to contest for the position of a queen. To elaborate, to win the king's heart. You have three days to prepare for we will be coming to pick you up.


From the royal household.

Behind the letter was a silver card, and she didn't hesitate to read what was scribbled on it too.

' Till we meet '

Her eyebrows furrowed, what sort of joke is this? According to what she heard, the former king and queen died about twelve years ago, and now his son, the prince ruled.

Though it's thought to only be a rumor, it was something to rely on as no one has heard anything from the royal household or the Prince, for years.

Coming back to the present, she stared at the letter again. If this turned out to be true, then she was doomed.

Contest? It was a big mistake!

She was no princess, and this was addressed to one.

The only explanation could be that the person threw it away, or misplaced it.

Gasping at the thought, she let it drop instantly.

" No, what am I thinking? I'll return this, but it takes at least three days to get to the king's castle, will I even be attended to? "

She was so deep in thought she forgot she was standing in the middle of a storm until the booming burst of thunder jolted her back to reality, and now the rain was beginning to fall in droplets.

She took two steps away from the envelope with a deep sigh.

" Why does part of me want to take this?" She asked herself audibly, biting her lips.

But, she can just leave it here in the rain now, can she? Shaking her head in disapproval, she took some steps back again from it... Then suddenly dashed forward and swiped it all up from the ground.

Then, she continued her way back home.