Ava Micromo

Getting back to his room, Zach went to his bed and sat down.

Opening his bed drawer, he picked up a cigarette, and with a snap of his finger, the cigarette lighted up and then he started to smoke it.

"Zach, you've been smirking since you came in"

A deep voice echoed in the room and then a shadow emerged from the walls until a man could be seen.

Zach didn't even bother to answer him. He kept on smoking.

"Zach, what the secret? The last time you gave this sort of smile was when you found your wolves. You found a new pet, something to play with, something that intrigued you. Don't tell me. Did you find something or someone amusing?"

The other guy asked.

"Silence Blaine"

Zach commanded but the Blaine guy wasn't buying it.

"Alright then, I have work to do. I'll be leaving now. Enjoy with your new-found amusement"

And on saying that, Blaine could not be seen in the room again.

Standing up, he walked out to the terrace. Due to the time of the year, the weather was always cloudy.

The cold wind blew his hair.

Remembering her pouted lips and her tantrums, he gave a light chuckle.

"So many things have amused me but I got tired of them all. Let's see for how long you can intrigue me, little bunny"


The day passed by quickly. That evening Vivian came to her room to drop off her food.

"Um, Miss, tomorrow morning, you're asked to dress seductively. I'll come to pick you up"

Vivian said to her.

"Seductively? Why?"

Cecilia asked, confused.

"I think it's related to the activities for the contestants. Am afraid, that is all I know"

Vivian spoke, her head low.


She sighed and then locked her door.

'Just what was the dumb princess thinking?'

She questioned.


The next morning, Cecilia was so frustrated after scattering her wardrobe.

Nothing seductive.


"Now I can't just show up looking weird. It's better to look good and fail the so-called competition"

She murmured in frustration.

She wished she had been told on time, she was a fashion designer she'd have created something seductive.

Sighing, she dressed up in a casual shirt and a pair of the blue jean. Wearing a pair of sneakers, she was ready.


Vivian came to pick her up, then led her to the same hall they used the first time.

Getting there, she found all the princesses dressed in fitting clothes that hugged their bodies and outlined their curves.

'And for the second time, I look odd'

She inwardly faced palmed herself.

Going to join the princesses in the queue, she heard the princess Linda speak.

"Eliminated. Cecilia is eliminated"

Cecilia's joy knew no bounds.

'So I can finally go home'

She happily thought.

"From this round, this particular contest"

Princess Linda continued.

Cecilia rolled her eyes.

Just when she had some hope.

Looking around, she found Zach sitting on a golden chair.

He stared at each one of them until his eyes settled on her.

He looked at her, from her head down to her sneakers.

"Today, each one of you would be seducing my guard. But before then, the winner of the last event, Ava Micromo, hunted down 6 animals"

And all the princesses cheered.

"So, one by one, every one of you would come to seduce him. Cecilia please leave"

Then Jacob interceded.

"Sister please, let her do it, dressing doesn't matter. She might do it well. Even better than you expected"

He said to her.

A frown etched on her face.

"Fine. You're in. Let's begin"