
She was staring blankly at the door.

His cologne still wafting in the room.

She slumped on her bed, his voice still resounding in her ears.

He warned her to stay away from the royal family's business.

Was it something serious?

A lot of thoughts were running through her mind.

And before she knew it, her eyes closed, and she slept.


He ran his fingers through his hair.

He was returning to his room when he heard someone following him. His lips twitched then he stopped.

"Why trailing me?"

He asked in an authoritative tone that would get many on their knees, including the person trailing him.

"Brother, I'm hearing something"

Princess Linda said coming forward.

"Tch, How childish to be trailing me"

He deadpanned.

"At least you caught me"

She rolled her eyes.

"I just came to confirm something brother. Rumors are spreading in the castle that you're seeing Cecilia.

The village girl."

Linda said watching her tone. She knew not to mess with him.

"So what?"

He deadpanned.

He knew people had been spying on him for days, but he didn't care.

He hardly cared about anything.

"So it's true"

She said, her voice now dying down.

Even though she said it as silently as she could, he heard it.

"I do not deny any of your rumors. It's not like there's anything you can do about it"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll squash you before you even think of it. Know your limits. Linda"

He drawled then walked away.

Her face paled at his threats.

Was he seeing her?

What if he ends up marrying that filthy thing?

No, I won't bring a disgrace to this household. I'll tell this to the queen immediately.


A knock was heard on the door.

"Come in"

A woman who looked age 45 said.

Linda entered the room and bowed.

"My queen, I'm here to submit a case"

Linda said not looking at the woman in her eyeball.


The queen asked twisting the cup she held in her hand.

"Yes, my queen. It's about my brother Zach."

Linda added.

The woman's face paled hearing the name, but returned to normal, this time around with a smile on her face.

She took a sip from the juice in her hand and replied.

"What is it?"

The woman asked Linda.

"I think he's having some sort of relationship with that village girl. I mean come to think of it, when he heard a village girl would be coming to contest to be his wife, he didn't care. He allowed her to take part, and now people have spotted him going into her room, her quarters. What do you think he'll be doing there?"

She asked annoyed.

The woman twisted the cup, a smile still on her face, then gently took a sip.

"I can see you care about your brothers a lot. But Zach, that boy, he's kinda crazy. That's why he's my favorite grandson. Linda, it's his life, if he wants to even get married to her, there's nothing we can do. He's just too..."


She reserved her remaining statement.

"My queen, that girl is so mannerless, she has no culture. No good background"

Linda said pouting.


The woman creepily smiled.

"Leave Linda, thank you for informing me. I'll look into the issue"

The woman said then took a sip from her juice again.


The next morning, Cecilia was greeted by the ray of the sun.

"God, I slept for far too long"

She grinned, then getting to the bathroom, she opened the door.

She wasn't privileged to have a bathtub, just a shower.

Pulling her clothes, she tried putting on the shower but it wasn't working.

She tried, but her efforts were futile.

'What's wrong with you, damn shower?'

She grumbled.

She kept on trying but it felt like it was broken.

Angry and frustrated, she came out of the bathroom and wore her pajamas again.

She sat on her bed, her arms crossed thinking of what to do.

'Should I tell Zach?'

She asked herself.

'Nah, that's too embarrassing. And I smell bad. Maybe I should just tell Vivian'

She debated within herself.

And in minutes, Vivian brought her food.